Here's the 10-day forecast for where Grif, Tusk, Shatakai, and myself are. Spoiler'd cause its long Spoiler Today: High: 108 (42 C) Low: 81 (27 C) Saturday: High: 107 (42 C) Low: 81 (27 C) Sunday: High: 107 (42 C) Low: 82 (28 C) Monday: High: 107 (42 C) Low: 81 (27 C) Tuesday: High: 108 (42 C) Low: 81 (27 C) Wednesday: High: 107 (42 C) Low: 81 (27 C) Thursday: High: 104 (40 C) Low: 81 (27 C) Friday: High: 104 (40 C) Low: 80 (27 C) Saturday: High: 102 (39 C) Low: 79 (26 C) 30% chance of rain (hasn't rained since May with the expection of useless sprinkles in early July) Sunday: High: 105 (41 C) Low: 80 (27 C) It only dips below 80 for like two hours in the next ten days... Heres today's hourly forecast of Heat Indeces to give you a hint of the hell. Spoiler 6 PM: 108 7 PM: 105 8 PM: 103 9 PM: 98 10 PM: 96 11 PM: 93 12 AM: 93 1 AM: 92 2 AM: 91 3 AM: 90 4 AM: 88 5 AM: 87 6 AM: 85 7 AM: 85 8 AM: 87 9 AM: 90 10 AM: 95 11 AM: 99 12 PM: 102 1 PM: 104 2 PM: 106 3 PM: 106 4 PM: 107 5 PM: 106 My car said 123 the other day.