Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Psychoduck, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    What happened to the other map you had with a warthog emphasis? Frankly, I prefer the more open approach of that one to the rail-style of this one. The difficulty of steering on natural ground can make the driver more important, too.
  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I laughed my ass off at that. That was awesome.

    Grenade launchers are going to be nerfed a bit. I think flag worked far better with 14 people, but I'll likely be making some changes to it. When used properly, warthogs/mongeese can be very useful in flag as well.

    Which one? Rollcage? It sucked. It also takes far more skill to navigate the relatively tight corridors on here then it is to navigate most natural terrain.

    I've updated the OP with a weapon list.
    #22 Psychoduck, Jul 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2011
  3. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    If you like the name than keep it. I'm just saying I think just straight up 'S' is a bit lame. As for the map, good work. I like it, but it right now it seems a tad dull. Possibly brighten it up with some more colorful pieces?
  4. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
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    I got to play this last night with you, an enjoyed the game quiet a bit. It had a nice infantry/vechile balance, I felt this was partially because of the grenade launcher on the map. Its been awhile since I saw the spartan laser work properly on a map, but it most certainly does on here. The only negative I noticed last night was at times it seemed like there was very minor lag in the tunnels. Also it seemed that the tunnels had a small corner that could be hidden in, maybe I just didn't see the guy, but I think he was wrapped just around said corner
  5. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    So i noticed that i haven't commented on this yet...
    I haven't played it yet. I just went on a forge fly through, and its looking good. I wasn't a complete fan of the water on the wall curves...but other than that, it seems interesting. I'll get a game on it someday.
  6. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    I just noticed that no matter how you look at this map, it will always be in the shape of a backwards S. So you should call it 2 instead, lol.

    But seriously, when will this be more than a preview?
  7. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    S, for Sexy. I love the concept, really. It's very creative and looks like it could provide some great gameplay. I will be on tonight for sure, so I'd like to see it, even if it's in forge.
  8. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I actually didn't realize the S was backwards while I was building it, not sure how. Testing has been going well. So far Slayer, Multi Flag, and 3-Plots have been tested. I plan to test neutral assault in the near future. The killzones have been changed, but I need more feedback on them to know if they're good at this point. Other than that, only minor changes are being made and the map will hopefully be out by the end the month (I know I'll regret saying that).

    Action shots have been posted in the OP, if anyone wants to see shots of some specific aspect of the map, feel free to make requests.
  9. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    Would love to get some more games on this if you are still testing. I enjoyed the couple of games I played, but would not mind getting some more. Anyways, you can throw me an invite/add me on XBL if you like.
  10. X RS Sniper X

    X RS Sniper X Forerunner

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    i just noticed that the S is backwards by looking from the Island Point of View anywho hope you released it soon Good luck.
  11. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I will be doing quite a bit more testing on here, and you're always welcome to join. I dont have any room on my friends list though. I've now set the map up for Team Slayer, Multi-Flag, Assault (either neutral or regular), 3-Plots, Stockpile and Race. Flag and Slayer are going great. territories is ok, and the rest have yet to be tested except for Race which is pretty fun.
  12. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Make a name that has to do something with a dream. The reason I say this is because in your dream everything is upside-down and backwards, I think. Lol. Just like your s. :)
  13. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    I know the map is still being tested quite a bit, but unfortunately my first time playing wasn't very enjoyable, partly due to the 100 kills to win scoring. In my opinion, 75 kills is optimal on this map. My other issues, in no particular order, were thus:

    Dual Warthogs got old fast, and a large majority of the battles gravitated toward the middle, with small skirmishes occasionally happening on either side of the map (typically when one team wanted to steal/sabotage the other's Warthogs). While the humans had places they were safe from the Warthogs, the centralizing nature of the game-play had players out in the open quite often, leading to easy splatters and kills as the Hog barreled through.

    Going along with the overpowering dual hogs, I was wondering- how long is the nade launcher respawn time? It it was always gone before I could get there, or its spawn timer could be a little shorter.

    Next, the columns you used to block vehicles from getting into the footpaths often got in my way and quickly became an annoyance as the match progressed. Would it be possible to obtain the same effect using upside-down satellite smalls? If there is any way to increase the amount of room in these areas while still blocking out vehicles, please do it.

    Dual snipers might be worth trying out if you're decided on keeping 2 Warthogs. It would decrease vehicle dominance and the lines of sight would make for some interesting sniper battles. Just something to think about.

    That's all I've got for now.
  14. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lynx, the game you participated in had by far the most vehicle kills I've seen on the map. Warthogs have never been overpowered here. Even in the right hands, warthogs rarely even last long enough to get a spree. Of course, if a team is full of people who are very skilled with warthogs (which I consider to be similar to skill weapons, and not outright power weapons), they will do quite well. The grenade launchers are still being tweaked as they used to be far too powerful. i think I've got them at least close to how I want them, but time will tell. If you didn't enjoy how most of the action took place in the center, you might enjoy flag more, as it moves most of the action to the bases and the outer paths (which still see a good deal of action in slayer). Other than that, it sounds like most of your qualms are more from personal preference than actual issues with the map as most people have said the 'hogs are underpowered and whatnot. Play some more games on here and I think you'll get a better feel for the map, but if you just don't like it in the first place, that's fine too.
  15. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I got to play 2/3 of a game on this last night. Unfortunately my power went out before the game ended, so I didn't get to fully enjoy the other team blanking us on neutral bomb (I assume that's what went down, anyway). I like this though, the gameplay is really interesting and unconventional. Two thoughts on improvements (?):

    - I found myself wishing that the corridors of the S (the hog trails, I like to think of them) were about two units wider. Driving through them was almost too finicky, and even as infantry I wouldn't have minded more room to maneuver. However, I understand your budget and object considerations might prevent this, not to mention the fact that I doubt you'd want to rebuild most of the map. Just food for thought.

    - Orientation was occasionally difficult for me, at least in my first game. Is there any way you could open up one side of it with windows facing out on to Forgeworld, or some other aesthetic feature that doesn't change the map's symmetry but lets you know instantly which way you're facing?

    Oh, and:

    - Spawning was fully dynamic, which it shouldn't be for objective games. I spawned in the enemy base while they were running the bomb into ours.

    Apart from those minor things, I was having fun on this, even though we were getting stomped. Strange design, good realization.
  16. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yes, we did poop on you guys in bomb.

    As far as having a wider path, I can understand where you're coming from. However, there are issues with making that change beyond just budget and time. Right now, the vehicles and infantry sit in a very delicate balance. Hogs don't have a lot of room to maneuver, which encourages skilled driving. if the paths were opened up, warthogs would suddenly become a lot more powerful, and infantry would not stand a chance on the paths. On top of this, i doubt I have enough budget to fix the issue, as it would require about 16 brace larges. I appreciate the thought though.

    now that the killzones have been fixed, it seems the main issue people are having is orientation. I do like your idea, but I think that may cause lag. however, I should be able to make something like an overhanging structure on one side of the map and possibly add a bit more cover.

    Lastly, spawning is not dynamic in objective. if you spawned on the other side of the map, and you were on red team, it means you s[awned outside of a red weak or strong zone, and inside a red anti zone. If two many people on the enemy team occupy your side of the map, they can neutralize your spawn zone and cause yoyu to spawn on the other side. However, this rarely happens anymore. of course stockpile spawns didn't work due to the stockpile glitch.

    Thanks for playing and leaving feedback.
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    That's the non-nice way to put it, yes. :D

    Very curious to see what changes you make.

    Hmm. If you and I end up online at the same time, I'd be interested to review the video of that game. I may also call up my temp file of the map and poke around your spawn system. I know that at one point as you guys were running the bomb on us, I spawned looking at the other team's plant point - I was so confused by this that I stood there for a few seconds thinking I was in the middle and the bomb was about to appear there, until you scored and I realized what was really happening. And then one of my teammates spawned and said the same thing had happened to him. The system may not be intentionally dynamic but that's definitely not a minor issue - really it shouldn't ever happen in assault or CTF (just IMO, of course). It may be an issue with your strong zones and how they are tagged. Ordinarily it takes great power to overcome the strong respawn zones - like spawn points have to be blocked, enemies have to be slaughtering your teammates ten feet from the spawn points that are open, etc.

    I wonder, do you maybe have an assault respawn zone (AS_RES_ZONE) but not a bomb away zone (AS_RES_ZONE_AWAY)? If so, I think it's possible that you basically have a strong zone active when the bomb isn't being planted, but no zone at all during the brief window that it IS being planted. If you intend for the respawn zones to be the same whether the bomb is being planted or not, you might need to label it simply as ASSAULT rather than AS_RES_ZONE. (I think that's how that works, anyway, and I'm pretty sure my one bad spawn happened as you guys were arming.)

    edit - And if I'm correct about that, you should make sure your CTF zones don't have the same issue (a CTF_RES_ZONE but no away zone). Assuming it works how I think it does, it would be a bigger problem in CTF than assault, because it takes longer to run a flag than to arm and blow up a bomb.
    #37 Nutduster, Aug 8, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2011
  18. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    This map makes me wish my friend list wasn't suffering from old-age-itis. "Wow I think there'll be three of us this weekend!!!" If I can get a crew together, I really hope to have a proper game on this. From the photo's and history it looks like there's alot of fun to be had here.
  19. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
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    i would love to do some testing on this map some more and i got my mic. so whenever you are online invite me.
  20. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Since Psycoduck isn't online right now I'll just let you know he has big changes planned for this. It'll still have the same awesomeness but with some more awesome added in. Trust me, I've seen some sketchup designs. :squirrel_evil:

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