The biggest d-bags on Reach matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Gazzaverage, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    People who kill you and just because they have killed you twice in a row or because they out DMRed you, tea bag the snot out of you. I hate those people. I don't mind tea bagging if I know it's meant as a joke or a mindless taunt, but t-bagging to intentionally rub something in? Ugh!
    #221 Zow Jr, May 22, 2011
    Last edited: May 22, 2011
  2. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Who is this guy? A link to his profile? I've never heard of him but you guys are agreeing about this so he must be bad.
  3. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    He is not on FH. He was banned i believe.
  4. Feral Wolf

    Feral Wolf Forerunner

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    I do not tea bag but i do think if you can throw someone game off by doing so then why not. i mean you are here to win. plus there are some down falls to the person bagging. they do not take the opportunity to push up/back down to there team making it very easy to call them out or kill them off your spawn
  5. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I think I may have done this to you last TGIF. Win!
  6. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Now that I think of it I think I remember a guy by that name, around when I first came on the forums.

    But I meant a account so I can see what you guys are talking about in his stats if it's apparent there.
  7. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh halo, the game with body language. Tea-bagging doesn't affect you in any way, so I see no reason to get mad at it.
  8. Feral Wolf

    Feral Wolf Forerunner

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    Well if there getting mad then it has to be affecting them in some small way. I dont know how. but it does. I also dont think that the people doing it should stop. lol i kinda find it funny that some game company's have gone out of their way to make sure you cant make other player feel bad about their performance after the game. Like Street Fighter 4 and then even more in Supper Street Fighter 4. one day we will have a game where there is no bagging cuz it makes people mad. SO BAG IT UP NOW EVERYONE!!!!!
  9. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, I got a 29 killstreak with the Banshee on Utopie. They were not amused.
  10. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    To answer both of your questions (who is GodlyPerfection, and where's his account):

    GodlyPerfection is the creator of a number of notable maps, including Affinity. (Yes, the Matchmaking one). At some point in the past, there was some sort of major conflict between him and ForgeHub staff, which eventually escalated and led to his permanent ban. He has since created his own Forging community.

    And the links you requested: Reach Service Record | Bungie Profile
  11. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    This thread was not created to flame individual people in the halo community. Any more talk about AZN or anyone else for that matter will automatically receive an infraction. Lets keep it civil in here.
  12. FuN Fortress

    FuN Fortress Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Your grammar is off. That sentence (which for one, I disagree with) should read, "Godly Perfection, aka Azn_FTW, is the definition of an online douche bag. :p".

    Again, maybe you should calm down and not take the internet so seriously.

    EDIT: I'm going to go a little bigger than Matchmaking and say that people who take the internet in general too seriously need to first lighten up, and then go outside. People who play the "I'm right", "he said she said" game all day need to get a grip and ask themselves, does anything happening here really matter in the long run? Save yourselves the trouble, get off of your ego trips, take a deep breath, and just turn the computer off.
    #232 FuN Fortress, May 28, 2011
    Last edited: May 29, 2011
  13. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm gonna have to agree with Fun Fortress and say kids who take the internet too seriously are douches. Especially when it comes to religiously supporting their fellow douches. Additionally, play list try-hards are also douches as they take the game too seriously. Same with credit boosters and "de-rankers".

    So to quote the fellow above me, kids really should "take a deep breath, and just turn the computer off." There's a whole world out there to enjoy ya know. ;)
  14. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A clan I played against a little while ago was pretty douchy. I don't like playig with clans and this is a perfect example why. A guy on my friends list had set up a clan battle with these guys, and not enough people from his clan had shown up, so he invited me. And even though it was just for fun the guys on the other side demanded that we all match our emblems or else it wouldn't be a real clan battle and not worth their time. After 10 minutes trying to get a guy without a mike to hear us we got to play.

    (Game stats here: : Reach : Game Details Richard P26)

    We played on their special map called "Inception" and their special gametype called TBI style (or TGI, it was whatever their clan was.) Well the gametype had a class with 4 stickies a drop sheild, and an assault rifle and pistol, so I took that class. One of our guys immediately lagged out and the other guys refused to let us restart so he could join. So at this point it's me (At a captain rank, with the highest on ours being Jammer as a Lt. Colonel, all their levels are the same now as they were then)
    Well at this point it's me and 2 other guys against 4 guys who had great team work and coordination and thousands of games more experience. I held even with them until we were at 20 or so. Then they started to cheat.

    The map has two bases with weapons in them. Both had most power weapons, but theirs had some we didn't (and 2 of them, so whoever made the map must have meant to move them over but forgot), however theirs also had armor abilities and grenades. So they could build a perfect class with whatever weapons and grenades they wanted. The spawn times on their weapons was also 1 while ours was set at 2, so if a weapon had to spawn, it would spawn at theirs. Even then they had guys running into ours and stealing our weapons and bringing them back to their buddies, who were hiding on a bridge by their base, because they weren't spawning fast enough. They had those 2 hold back with rockets and a sniper and hit us from a distance, while their buddies kept us from being able to spawn in our base, so we spawned in the only other area availible to us which was a place off in a corner which didn't have any obvious cover (I say obvious because when I went back through in forge I found a grav lift to a sniper nest, but we weren't going to find it on our first playthrough while under fire.)

    As it was I got 33 points while the highest of theirs got 31. You don't give me that many stickies and not expect trouble.

    TL:DR They had the weapon spawns rigged and forced us to spawn in an open area next to our base where they could bomb us from theirs with unlimited rockets. Our base was set up so there was no where for us to get any elevation with cover, and if there was we couldn't find it through the smoke. If I ever play a clan again I'm going to demand to do it on a map I know, or demand they take whatever team they want us to be.
    #234 R Richard P26, May 29, 2011
    Last edited: May 29, 2011
  15. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can't believe you even endulged them by playing. I'd have quit faster than the head of the IMF who'd just raped a hotel maid.
  16. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yah sorry about the new wall I put up in this place, it's kind of awkwardly placed and I can't even get a picture to hang on it.

    I would have quit, and the guys I was with wanted to quit, but with so many grenades I actually kind of had fun. I told the kid I played with how it was set up so I think he clan is going to call them out on it, but I don't know enough about clans to know if that'd do any good.
  17. RoadkillA337K

    RoadkillA337K Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I hate yoikers with a passion...
  18. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You can assassinate people without the animation you know.
  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Considering that (by my estimations) >90% of the Reach population either don't know this, or are physically incapable of simply tapping a button instead of mashing it like an enraged ape, I wouldn't be surprised. I get that people like the animations etc., not personally a fan but fair enough. However, when someone is no shields and has 2 other players shooting at them, what possesses people to try the assassination? There is absolutely, positively no way in hell that you're gonna get the kill, or tbh even get more than half way through the animation, so why do people do it?

    I don't even know why it annoys me so much, not just when it's a bad decision by a team mate but even when someone does it to me and inevitably gets yoinked. It makes absolutely no practical difference to me, but it still irks me something rotten, the sheer brute force of absent-mindedness behind it seems to be such a presence within the majority of the Reach community.


    Oh, and hearing Jeff say 'Yoink' makes me happy in my pants.
    #239 Pegasi, Aug 5, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2011
  20. broccollipie

    broccollipie Forerunner

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    Assholes who yoink your beastly ninjas. And it's hard to just beat down sometimes, as the button doesn't require being held down for very long before it assassinates instead.

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