One Spartan. One Warthog. One chance to prove your worth. Are you the best warthog driver? Now is you chance in the ultimate Warthog arena! Test your skills in Bumper Hogs! *Temp Banner* Yea that's right, it's Bumper Hogs, the ultimate warthog driving challenge! Take your warthog, dive into the arena, and take down all who stand in the way! A pretty basic arena. Cool see-through grid floor as well! Every player starts in their own Warthog Station with their own starting Hog. If you don't have one, just step through the teleporter and you will be transported to another station where another Hog will be waiting for you. Be sure to get a running start before you jump onto the arena, then duke it out against your opponents but... Be sure not to be at the receiving end and you'll see yourself like this poor sap and on your way to destruction. ... Now you might be thinking to yourself... "There's absolutely no effort done here. All he did was put a grid down. Sure the idea is cool buuut... where's the work?" Weeeeeeeellll.... I'll admit it. As far as "spectacular" forging, it's a bit lackluster... at first. As the match progresses... Magic happens! As you saw before, the arena starts off as a basic grid. However, after 30 seconds... Gravity lifts spawn in, giving you one more chance to lead your opponents to a certain demise. And these aren't just normal gravity lifts. Find yourself driving over one of these cannons, and... A quick death is your only reward. The grav lifts launch you into a kill zone where nothing but instant death awaits you. So if you're smart, you'll avoid at all costs. After 60 seconds... The arena expands, adding an outer ring for a bigger arena. The extra area will give players more room for maneuverability, increasing speed and letting players have a little bit more freedom, especially when the stage is filled with hogs. At 90 seconds... Four Mancannons spawn in each corner of the map, making those corners just a little bit more dangerous for those keeping on the outer ring. Four more zones open up on the outside of the ring. These new zones add some "explosive" gameplay.. and the bad pun? Weeellll.... Totally acceptable in this case. Now these zones you'd think would take away from the gameplay by preventing people from dying when they would normally fall off the cliff, but the explosions that occur can be enough to take out anyone who is close, who normally would be completely safe had it just been a standard cliff. At 120 seconds... Just a cosmetic change. C'mon. You know that 2nd grid looks sick. Admit it. At 150 seconds... A pyramid bunker appears in the center of the map, reducing mobility in that area, as well as adding some sick jumps for those stunt junkies. Just be careful because flipping out of your Warthog can lead to a ton of trouble. And finally, and 180 seconds... The arena is now complete, with a kill ball being added right on top of the pyramid. The corner man cannons lethality instantly rises 90% with a high probability to be launched directly into the Sun... Kill ball... whatever... lol. Mind you, the mancannons aren't instant death as there is a slight possibility of surviving, but I wouldn't exactly chance your luck by diving right in, lol. So there's the arena. Now gameplay as you haven't been able to determine is pretty basic. Jump into your Hog and try and ram your opponents off the edge, being the last one standing. Each game lasts 20 minutes by default. Be sure to get a running start at the initial spawn so you don't fall off before the outer ring spawns in. Winning is pretty simple. Don't die. Scoring is actually tracked in reverse. You don't win by getting the most kills, rather you win by getting the least deaths. Each time that you die you lose a point, rather than each time you get a kill you gain a point. Because of this, games will typically end with every player in the negative... BUT it's a custom game so it's all good lol. The only way to earn a point is... To earn a splatter kill. Now, if you're like that poor fool above, you'll not only lose a point, but the one who earned the splatter will gain a point. Well now that you've got it, try it out, and let me know what you think! Recommended number of players is 4 at least, but it can be played with less. It just won't be nearly as chaotic, lol. Map - SKYLINE ARENA Gametype - BUMPER HOGS I do have multiple Bumper Hogs arenas in the works as well, so stay tuned for those if you enjoy this one! And also, look for a gameplay trailer that'll be coming in the next couple weeks! ... Once I get my capture device in the mail that is lol. I'll link to it when I get it up. ^_^ Also, any ideas on how to improve the gametype are always welcome This Halo Reach Mini-Game map has been brought to you by the one, the only The_Omnigamer
Not exactly, there's a trick to use more than 8, you can find it here. Good luck! (Source:
A great gametype . Fun for 1v1 but more fun with 4+ people. 4.5 out 5 we made a changes, such as: added a teleporter on one side of the pyramid for those who get stuck on the map when their hog is damaged or without one. Also turned the teleporters looking at the front of the hogs and added a hard kill boundary under the first grid so if you get pushed under the grid you die. In the game-type we turned damage modifier to 0% and infinite ammo disabled because you can destroy vehicle or run around shooting people from the grid/where the hogs spawn. It is still fun , and with these changes we feel it plays a bit more balanced.
This map would be so much better with more aesthetics and challenges to go through in the Warthogs, like trip mines or killballs rolling around. I think that it would be more fun that way, and plus, the whole map's just a grid, some Hogs, landing pads, and vehicle mancannons. That's not enough to make a truly fun map. Expand it a little, and it'll be MUCH better.
I've played a couple of these types of games before. The only problem I have with this one is that it seems kind of easy to not die. You'd need quite a few people to actually start chaos unless people are purposefully doing so. I don't mean to be a party-killer but I like to win, and if winning means sitting around cuz I know no-ones gonna knock me off, I'm gonna do that. Admittedly, take my opinion with a grain of salt, I haven't played THIS game, just in general that's been my experience, and this map looks even worse than the other maps I've played in this regard. HOWEVER, I do think aesthetically and for breakability, this map far surpasses the others I've played like it.