Don't Fall

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Poolio, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
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    Welcome to DON'T FALL! ​

    Don't Fall is a mini game that involves going through a jumping obstacle course. There is one zombie that is spawned at the ground. The zombie cannot jump, but moves very fast. The point of Don't Fall is for the Humans to make it all the way through the obstacle course, WITHOUT FALLING. If the Humans fall, they are able to be killed by the zombie. When a human makes it all the way through the obstacle course, they get the reward of killing all of the zombies. Hope all of you Enjoy!

    This is the Zombie Spawn

    This is the Human Spawn

    This is the Course:


    To make sure Humans don't camp at the start of the map, Kill Balls spawn after 30 seconds.

  2. joelrjohnson

    joelrjohnson American Forgers

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    Is this even possible to beat?
  3. Dratical

    Dratical Forerunner

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    Exactly what I was thinking. I wouldn't play this just because my lobby would get frustrated and eventually quit. JS.
  4. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
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    Many maps like this have been forged. You should make your map more aesthetically pleasing than the rest so it stands out. Right now your map is just a ton of thrown around pieces. Make something cool to look at in the background. Look at a map called Spine of the xBEASTx made by DIEabolical maybe it can give you a few ideas.
  5. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    this looks like it might be fun, although A), at the beggining it looks WAY too easy, abd B), this has been made before. its called lava monster. one of the most popular maps ever. lol it was up there with duck hunt, so call it what it is. still, looks challenging. also, just a few ideas: you could add a way for the humans to get back up (though it would be extremely hard), by making 1 or 2 vehicles in the corners. next, make a ramp up to the human spawn. make a teleporter that makes it so onlythe vehicle you made can go through, no people. and then make zombies unable to drive in the options. also, make a different ramp up (or make 1 and dont do the tele one), but make it spawn late into the game. that way, the zombies can kill the humans that r camping at the spawn. that used 2 b a big problem in halo 3. lastly, put aesthetics into the map, spice it up, like knight of 0rder said. well, thats all. it looks challenging, and it could be fun, but it still needs tweaking and testing. so far i would give it a 6 or 7 out of 10, if you made the changes i would give it a 9 or 10. ;) good job.
  6. a7x

    a7x Forerunner

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    This is ironic. I played this last night in a party of 11 .
  7. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    Sorry. But this map looks to long, to hard and not aesthetically pleasing enough. If I put this map in a custom rotation, I'd be ending the game within 2 minutes rapidly putting on the best game type I have praying that by the time I start half my party won't have rage quitted from frustration. Needs work my friend.
  8. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
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    This map is possible to complete. The tricky jumps are the cones at the end of the course. But this is possible. Ill make a video, but I'm not rendering it, saving render minutes for a large project that's currently in the testers guild stage. But thanks for the feedback. I'll try to make my future maps more aesthetic.
  9. petetheduck

    petetheduck Cartographer Emeritus
    Forge Critic

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    I generally dislike straight-up jump maps..adding the zombie at the bottom doesn't change anything for me because it's no different than having a killzone down there (except you have a zombie that has to sit and wait around for someone to die). Plus, couldn't the humans just get past the first few jumps and then stand there forever? (you mention the starting platform has a killball spawn on it, but that's just the starting platform, not the little blocks and junk).

    Here's my recommendation:
    Make the jumps easier. Give the zombie unlimited jetpack and like 90% movement speed (so he's just a tiny bit slower than the humans). Then, the humans have to get past all the jumps, but the zombie can chase them without having to jump at all. I think that might be a more engaging execution of your concept..
  10. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    I strongly advise you take his advice, nobody wants to be the zombie waiting around. And also spend a lot more time creating and testing the map, this looks like it was thrown together in 2 hours max. Spend some time on it and put in the effort.
  11. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
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    Exactly Correct. This map was put together quite quickly. I was bored one day and decided to make a map that reminded me of Halo 3. The only thing i could think of at the moment was Don't Fall from Sandbox. Thanks for the advice, but I will leave your suggestions for other members maybe creating a map from your concepts.
  12. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Apologies for taking so long to post feedback on this, I've had the map in my browser for weeks, I just never got around to playing it.

    And as a quick repsonse to the comment above, it's a mini game map, Aesthetics don't matter. You don't rate mini game maps based purely on aesthetics, especially one where extra aesthetics could affect gameplay.

    Back on topic, it's a fun map. Maybe it's because I do trick jumping and what not in Reach all the time, but the map wasn't too hard or too easy, except the first part, which equals about 40% of the map, was decently easy.

    The rest of the course was good, the last couple of jumps and the cone jumps were pretty damn hard, but they were do able, and it added some sense of replayability to the map, because we ended up having competitions on who could finish the map fastest.

    It really goes to show that you can't judge a map based on pictures, especially a mini game one, like so many people in this thread have.
  13. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
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    Well I'm glad somebody enjoys this map. The only problem is trying to fix the camping. I usually only play this map with a lot of players. So if somebody camps, we warn them, and if they continue, we boot em.
  14. deathstar542

    deathstar542 Forerunner
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    This was one of my favorites back in Halo 3! I must say though, I thought it was gonna be harder. Good job overall but add SOME scenery!
  15. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
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    I would, but this takes place throughout the coliseum, so I rewally can't add aesthetics to the map without messing it up.
  16. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    While aesthetics are not essential to this kind of mini-game it is some of the other gameplay features that break it as a fun game to play for large groups. Zombies just sitting around waiting is a game breaker for whoever ends up being the zombie and would most likely result in the zombie quitting a lot.

    While a "you camp and we boot you" rule could certainly be employed, mini-games shouldn't have to rely on that kind rule. The gameplay and map mechanics should dictate the rules of the game. Something you might consider for future iterations or similar concepts is splitting the map into zones. Spawn a teleporter with a wide field of influence to teleport players back to the start where they all get killed by a killball unless they keep moving.

    Basically as a jump challenge obstacle course it looks fun, as an infection based mini-game not so much.
  17. Unisaur 64

    Unisaur 64 Forerunner

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    I played this map and thought it was good, I didn't mind the lack of aesthetic.
    I thought it was unfair on the zombies to have to wait, so I tried my hand at converting the map to be KOTH-friendly by putting a static hill at the end, this gets rid of the need for zombies and I put a killzone at the bottom to replace their role.

    Pacmonster's idea seems better though, putting a giant teleporter at the bottom so if you fall you're back to the start, as long as you get rid of the killballs.

    P.S. I'm a forge newb, so I'm still trying to make it KOTH-friendly XD
  18. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    That wasn't the idea but it doesn't matter. Point was zombie waiting around is bad and players feeling no rush to complete the game is bad.
  19. Poolio

    Poolio Forerunner
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    Yah, I know, I just tried to recreate a game from Halo 3 into Halo Reach. It is fun when people play right. I won't be editing my version because I simply do not have time, nor patience to go back and add more to what is already an alright map. If you seek to fix it, go ahead, but for this map, I will not. Thank you for your suggestions though. :)

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