Remake Sandtrap (Halo 3)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by k4i2Squirrel, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. k4i2Squirrel

    k4i2Squirrel Forerunner

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    Hello this is a remake of sandtrap from halo 3. I did as best as I could and i think it turned out pretty good, you can download it and check it out for yourself. Anywase to start off the choppers are replaced with revenents. The elephants are replaced with scorpians. In the red base theres this one tunnel that I couldnt put in because I didnt have enough money. I didn't make this map for anything but slayer so yeah. I had a little help from my friend ZacT0N. He is also a pretty good forger and helped me out with the weapons and grenades and some structure advice. And here are some pics enjoy![​IMG] Here is a veiw of the middle with the red and blue base [​IMG] Here is a main view of the red base with other parts of the map in the background [​IMG] Here is another main view of the red base
  2. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    HELL YAH!!!
    lol but really, on to the map. the structures look good, but i dont really like the sand areas. i would suggest that you spice it up with some other objects (if possible). also, the sand areas look way too big. see if you could shrink it down a bit. thats all good job. ;) 7/10. also, we really should make that grunthunter. if you do it, INVITE MEH.

    HEROEZ BLADE117 Forerunner

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    It looks like a pretty accurate remake from what i can remember. You do need to add alot more cover especially on the outside rim. Its great for a vehicle battle but not for on foot.
  4. k4i2Squirrel

    k4i2Squirrel Forerunner

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    Thanks and I had no money left but if i did i would add more ground cover
  5. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    You could've used the geometry of the map to use as the sand hill.
    To me the hill is one of the most important areas of to re-create Sandtrap.
    It looks scaled'ish so good memory :)
    The section below where the sand hill is suppose to be looks alittle off, the ramp looks way too steep.
  6. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    The structures are good, but the scaling is bad. I would go for a v2 that a near perfect scale. I'm talking time all the distances in H3 and implement them into your design. If you want a good remake then this shouldn't be too much work. People like MickRaider and I do this for our remakes and look how they turned out..

    Also guys, don't rate a map without downloading it. I think it's pretty obvious that most of the people above me gave a rating based off of the pictures.
  7. kingofaces

    kingofaces Forerunner

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    a few things .1 this remake looks fantastic it reminds of when
    i use to fly around the map in the elephant while trying to take down banshees and keeping the elephant in the air at the same time lol good times. but i think this would have came out better if u wouldve fittted in to the blood gulch area of forgeworld but i guess using walls as floors is a bit mor accurate then just using the grass. witch brings up a something else, did you use a modded map for this? like one that gives you almost over a thousand walll pieces becouse thats alot of walls o-o i have a map that has something like that
  8. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    It was a good attempt but, to be honest, it looks like it but it doesn't feel like it. Nor does it look well made at all. You may have hit most of it spot on but the pyramids look dreadful, the barriers are ugly and nothing like Sandtrap and why did you replace the elephant with the tank!?! You should've just left it alone or at least just built a structure resembling the elephant with MMG's around it and a mongoose in it. I do know that you ran out of Budget but i'm not impressed.
  9. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    Sigh....Very nice remake...But the sad truth is it's impossible to remake it perfectly...Since the map terrain is too complicated and we have no sand...And no elephent AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH.

    One thing I remember about sandtrap was the huge sand dune which you could use as a stunt ramp at the edge of the map...I don't think thats possible to remake...

    Maybe remake 2 elephents if you have enough budget...Then I can sit in it and pretend its drivable *sob* *sob*
  10. Exile

    Exile Forerunner

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    Really? No sand? You're going to add that to your criteria of this map?
    Ofcourse there is no sand, no where in any map that has the capacity to remake sandtrap is there any sand, so why would you even expect sand?!


    If i may make a suggestion, remove the rocks you used to block of the map edges and replace them with cheaper and wider things (if available) and use the left over budget and rocks to create some more cover
  11. k4i2Squirrel

    k4i2Squirrel Forerunner

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    No i didnt use a modded map i dont know how to if i did i woulda remade this like 100% accurate as you can see in the map i did miss a few things and if i had a modded map i woulda had those missing things or made them better
  12. Landderp

    Landderp Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    1. Liked the look from the pics.
    2. Was a bit disapointed in the scale.
    3. Needs a bit more time put into it in my opinion.

    EDIT: I did download btw im not just saying it from a picture standpoint.
  13. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    Definately one of the most difficult maps to remake in any part of forge, Seems you did put alot of effort into the map itself and trying to replicate the sand dunes and structures around the main building. I'd say simply replace the elephant with a structure that has 2 machine guns and a mongoose on the bottom deck, similiar to a little outpost something to be fought over for obvious reasons. Perhaps for your version 2 you could attempt to remake the map in the canyon? With some effort you can use the natural terrain, plus rocks to rebuild some of the sand dunes more closely to the actual H3 map, would also give you more budget to work with in making the structures closer to the actual. I enjoy attempts like this as I do with any attempt at remaking a older map in a completely different location good job on bringing back alot of the map :).
  14. GruntHunter

    GruntHunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To tell you the truth, you should rename the map MetalTrap (A H3 SandTrap remake)

    Makes more people look into it because its makes sence.
  15. k4i2Squirrel

    k4i2Squirrel Forerunner

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    Sadly i have no money left and i think the canyon is too small but there is one area that maybe could be used as sandtrap the area above the big cave near the canyon

    And yes metaltrap does make more sense that sandtrap if your remaking it in halo reach
  16. MyWhiteFlag

    MyWhiteFlag Forerunner

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    Actually, there's a sandtrap remake called Deathtrap that is based outside the cave/ tunnel leading to the gulch. All the flooring there is sand.

    I would advise you move the map there. It will help a lot on the budget and feel of the map. If your not bothered with that, then Exiles suggestion of re-bordering would be a big improvement.
  17. Braven10

    Braven10 Forerunner

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    It looks like a very good remake considering what can be done from scratch in the Reach forge. However, and this is nothing on u its more on the forge, u could never get the awesomeness of Sandtrap today on Reach
  18. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    I like this remake. Like remakes of High grounds and isolation, the use of walls instead of finding a spot on forgeworld that has intricate tunnel systems works surprisingly well. The small bunkers throughout the outsides of the map are a little unproportional, too tall. And I think were Halo 3 rocket spawn is, under that bridge, the incline should be more like a 15 degree or 25. Other than that I think this is one of the best remakes on Sandtrap.
  19. k4i2Squirrel

    k4i2Squirrel Forerunner

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    Thanks and im not sure what you mean by the rocket spawn the rockets spawned on the bridge and im not sure which incline and yeah i think making a map out of scratch is better than finding a place on forgeworld well it depends what kind of map but yeah i think making a map out of scratch is better

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