D-Day Storm the Beach Normandy

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by msewald, Jul 17, 2011.

  1. msewald

    msewald Ancient
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    Halo Reach D-Day
    This is a remake of a map that I made on Halo 3. Every one who played it in Halo 3 loved it and they believed there should be a playlist for the game in matchmaking. I wanted to remake the map in Reach to see if it would get the same reaction.


    D-Day is a flag game where the attackers bring the flag to the front of the defending teams base. The map has 2 sides: The attackers and Defenders. The defenders have a large base with multiple bunkers to shoot from. The attackers spawn in 1 of 3 boats in the water on forgeworld. The attackers are given less cover but still enough to move the flag up to the base. The Defenders cannot get out of their base and the attackers cannot get in. This prevents any spawn killing that might occur.


    The gametype is called Private Ryan and I made the gametype a little more realistic to war. Your health does not regenerate and you can kill people a lot faster. The flag has no reset time and the defense cannot return it. (not that they would be able to anyway) Also because the people spawn in the boats I put a 3 second invulnerability on so they cannot get spawn killed.


    These are the boats that the attacking team comes through. This is also where the flag spawns.


    This is the defensive base. There are a total of 9 bunkers the defense can hold out in. The attackers must bring the flag to the front of this base.


    This is the defending teams initial spawn. After they die they will spawn near a random bunker. As you can tell there are 3 teleporters that lead them to other bunkers and there is a ramp right behind them that leads to a side bunker.


    This is where the teleporter on the very left will take the defensive players. This is 1 bunker.


    This is a close up of the bunker shown above.


    The middle teleporter will take the defensive players here. There are a total of 6 bunkers you can get to from here. The grassy area leads to a rock bunker that will be shown later. The grav lifts leads to 2 bunkers, and there is a turret bunker in between those rooms.


    This is inside the rock bunker mentioned above.


    The last teleporter will bring the defensive players here. This is the highest point on the map which makes it great for sniping.


    This is the sniper bunker in action.


    A sniper rifle spawns behind this bunker but with only 4 shots. You must move up the map to get more ammo.


    This is the sniper getting taken out by rockets.


    Thank You for viewing my map. Please download the map and gametype and comment on it. I would love to know how to make the map better so when I make another one it will be better than this. We can make D-Day the next great thing on Halo Reach. If you just play it one time you will be hooked.​

    D-Day: Tuesday, 6 June 1944. Remember those who gave their lives for your country.
    #1 msewald, Jul 17, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2011
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Moved to Casual.

    SAMULICIOUS Forerunner

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    This map looks really cool and fun, I really like the idea and look of WW2. you did a good job on that. I'm sure it'll give me a WW2 feel if i do play. It looks like you really perfected the game type as well. Downloaded for sure. =)
  4. msewald

    msewald Ancient
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    Thank you. Please post another comment after you play and tell me what you think
  5. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    My first thought was that I've seen far too many of these, but then it occurred to me that this is the first I've seen in Halo Reach (though I'm sure there have been others). Perhaps a bit more cover on the beach for the attacking team would be helpful. Overall, it looks great.

  6. msewald

    msewald Ancient
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    This is the only d-day map that I know of where the defensive team cannot get out of their base. Also there is not a lot of cover because there is no health regeneration, therefore if you get out of the boat and just get 1 shot off on one guy then he only needs 3 more shots to die and his health will never regen. It would be unfair for the defenders if the attackers had more cover. Also if you have actually played the game you would know that it is not immpossible to capture the flag.

    SAMULICIOUS Forerunner

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    I have just finished playing your map with 6 players. Overall, it was really fun and intense; I think my lobby enjoyed it as well. There is only two things, in my opinion, that should be changed:

    1) The initial spawn for the attackers. I understand that you need a delay to let the defenders get ready, but at first everyone in my lobby was confused on what to do. I suggest make the attackers initial spawn looking out a window looking at sky writing saying something like WAIT then after your desired time, spawn a teleporter sending everyone out to the boats. (you can change the radius of the teleporters to as big or as small as you like.)

    2) The defender's sniper: In my opinion, it spawns WAAAY to quickly, either reduce the amount of ammo in it, or increase the respawn time. BUT also keep in mind that I only played with 6 people. Which means the sniper only had 3 targets to shoot at. I presume that it must not be much of a problem with a 16 player lobby.

    Oh, and one last thing: I suggest giving at least one health station for the attackers. Maybe at the half way mark where the rocket launcher spawns.
    You don't have to do any of my suggestions, its your map.

    Overall 8.5/10 :D
    #7 SAMULICIOUS, Jul 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2011
  8. msewald

    msewald Ancient
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    Hahahahaha. I love the idea of the sign that says wait. I am going to work on that now And yes the sniper is a bit of a problem. I did fix that but I have not uploaded that version to my file share yet. 3v3 is not really the best, but it does work. Try it with at least a 4v4 and you will see you do not need a health pack, but I will actually still do that just to see how it works. Thank you so much for your input on the map and I am glad you played it and liked it.

    SAMULICIOUS Forerunner

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    alright, let me know when you've uploaded it to your file share, i'll surely download it
  10. msewald

    msewald Ancient
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    I just uploaded the new map. The sniper spawns are longer and there is a "WAIT" sign for the attackers. The health pack was unfair when I tested it because the flag carrier was low health then picked up the health then scored it. I felt it was better without it. Also I made 3 teleporters on the attackers side so you can choose which boat you spawn in. Thanks for the suggestions.

    Edited by merge:

    I have made a few more adjustments to the map. The power weapon spawns are fixed and I made a few changes to the offensive base. There are now 3 teleporters instead of 1
    #10 msewald, Jul 21, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2011

    SAMULICIOUS Forerunner

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    Hmm, I dunno about matchmaking, it looks a little complicated for that. Most games in Action Sack are very simple (halo ball, hockey,dinoblasters etc..) I'm not saying it can't make onto matchmaking... I really like the map and I'm always asking my friends if they wanna play... lol. keep up the good work!

    SAMULICIOUS Forerunner

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    I suppose so, we'll just have to wait and see.
  13. msewald

    msewald Ancient
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    Thank you for the compliments tylerboyce. I worked hard on the map and I am glad to hear that people are actually playing it and enjoying it. And I think you need to download the new version of the map because the sniper spawn has changed. I really do believe there could be a gametype like this in action sack. If you have played it is actually one of the most intense games you will play while still having a lot of fun. All other games in action sack are not intense at all and I think it would be good to mix it up with a new game. Thanks again
  14. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Consider this 'further notice.'
  15. msewald

    msewald Ancient
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    Yea thanks for unlocking it.

    Edited by merge:

    Any way if any one wants to check out the D-Day map I made on Halo 3 CLICK HERE

    Just if you are curious

    Edited by merge:

    A new version of the map will be posted later tonight. There will be a better teleporter system for the attackers
    #15 msewald, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2011
  16. rst n p13c3

    rst n p13c3 Forerunner

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    Yo WALMART! Great map and game type but, even though i enjoy sniping the living daylight of everyone that comes out of the lifeboats, don't you think they're a little too exposed the moment they walk out? It would be adequate to put at least one or two rocks for them to hide behind so they don't get "Sweet Cherry Pie" on the wall or person behind them. Again great map and game type! Hope you make more godly maps!
  17. msewald

    msewald Ancient
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    Hahahaha. Yea I will be working on the map tomorrow and that was one of the changes I was going to make. I am also making the sniper spawn a little bit longer. I will be updating my file share with the new map around noon tomorrow. Thanks again for the comment

    Edited by merge:

    The new map has been updated
    #17 msewald, Jul 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2011

    SAMULICIOUS Forerunner

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    I think the sniper spawn is alot better than what it used to be. IMO :D
  19. msewald

    msewald Ancient
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    Yea the new version has a lot of new updates. Thanks for posting

    CYBORG SANTA1 Forerunner

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    my reply

    having played this map with 16 people i find it extreamly well constructed and it gives a really nice World War 2 feeling to it, i say that the spawning for the defenders could have been either slightly enhanced or decreased, and having the attackers spawn alot faster...knowing that a ****-ton (pardon the language) of soldiers died on D-Day Normandy...now i have only one request...since i see soo many D-Day normandy maps (this one at the best) if you could make the Canadian ver5sion of D-Day Juno Beach....food for thought...overall i like this map and gametype

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