well one day i was bored flouting around forge world ...and i noticed that , we over look allot places in forge world and we don't take the time to really admire the scenery and what bungie made for us so i decided to start making natural maps , nothing forged just walls to block off other areas in the map , the only thing on the map are the basic needs for a good map such as weapons and spawn points and objectives . this map has been tested several times ,some of my friends say its just being to lazy to make a map..some say its beautiful way to make players really admire forge world . so my friends have said there words now what do the people of FH think? WEAPONS DMR X2 NEEDLER RIFLE X2 CONCUSSION RIFLE X1 ROCKET LAUNCHER X1 PLASMA REPEATER X2 SNIPER X1 ENERGY SWORD X1 OVERSHIELD X1 PICS this map is rather small (kinda ) but if u get a whole lobby full of people ..well this map will look no where near natural once your done with it , if u get what im saying lol this is the over view of the map like i said its kinda small , well thats the map i hope you all enjoy because i know i did , theres never a dull moment in this map . the map also plays most game types . odd ball , king of hill,ctf, and head hunter
It's a nice idea...BTW if I were you I'd change the name from "natural warfare" to "natural selection"
Hey nice map and i agree about the name change, but hey are you on right now? i wana do a custom on this lol
If you really appreciate the scenery of much of Forge World then why not design your scenery for maps using only natural pieces such as the rocks. This way you can truly help create beautiful marvels!
lol! i new i heard that from somewhere xD and now i have the need to make a bioshock inspired map , or atleast play the actual game lol yup im online add me :KingofAcesX [br][/br]Edited by merge: true but even still the "natural" pieces in forge still look unnatural to me , like if i where to forge a natural piece into forge world with a bunch rocks on the map it self u could easily still see witch one is forged , but the whole point of this map is to show that u dont need to build towering bases and a bunch of other stuff just make a map look good
very true ...u know when i think about it that was really stupid of bungie to not put that into the "NATURAL" section of the forge menu as well
I think bungie overloaded forge world by putting to much stuff in it (due to its size as well as the number of objects such as background trees and waterfalls which it must render). Oh well can't blame them for trying They should really take a note of Far Cry 2s map editor. That games natural section had rocks, trees, plants, vines, roots, dirt mounds, dead trees...even animal skulls (WTF). Talking about this has suddenly got me excited for far cry 3s map editor and halo 4s forge (if it has one, which you know it will)...Yay now I have to wait a year....
problem is coliseum walls look retarded so you are basically taking all the beauty out of an area by blocking the scenery that is around the battlefield... i suggest using soft kill and kill boundaries instead to make your maps look a ton better also im not really sure people will like the idea of you just using the natural landscape and putting in spawns and whatnot. you should try to make your maps based around the natural landscape (which is much harder) so that it appears the buildings and structure were there in the first place. the one thing that i agree with in the post is that trees and plants and a more vivid 'Natural' section would have been great in forge.
the first version had soft kill boundaries but players got confused and irritated because they couldnt really understand the size of the map so the walls was the best thing to put . well tons of my friends have played and tons of my friends have loved it , ive done atleast ten full sixteen lobby games on this map with most of the game types. and like i said the "natural " pieces in the menu look unataral to me , but i get what your going at i will look into it . [br][/br]Edited by merge: also im going to doing other maps like this so instead of using the C'walls i will put more design into by adding glass to see through out side the map other stuff i guess
this seems cool, although the pics arent working for me, and i would agree, it seems like colo walls would ruin the feel. i would suggest using those pieces that have large color spots, like tower XL. or XXL. cant remember which one... lol. anyway, although it would cost more, you could adjust the colors so it would feel more connected to the map instead of ruining the feel. about the glass, you might not want to do that, because glass KILLS frame rate, and also might still ruin the feel. you can still add glass, but dont go overboard, and place it in a spot that makes it feel more connected with the map, like i said earlier. anyway, i will dl and take a look around, hopefully even get a game on it. keep it up. ps: i agree on the whole overlooking thing. there is a lot of cool sections, you just have to look. i think that i might start to forge these too, if thats ok with u. pps: if u wanna coforge one that would be fun 2. ppps: jeez. way too many ps's. lol, this is last 1 tho. if u say yes 2 1 or both of above questions, then heres another idea: we could make a series of these maps, all utilizing their own section of forgeworld. we could coforge them all, or just each call sections, build 'em and put them into a group. or map pack, series, wutever. lol, again, keep this up! edit: the pics are working for me now, the map looks great. also, whats good about that area is that the rocket is in plain sight, so its going to be a hard task to get it back up to cover. makes all the difference.