Click This Link To DOWNLOADownload Now Description Templum is a small symmetrical map designed primarily for Team Slayer but supports most game-types. Based in the Colosseum, Templum takes inspiration from maps such as The Pit and Citadel. As the name surgests, Templum is designed to look like a forerunner Temple, its main feature being a central plinth toward the back of the map. This houses the Energy sword. The Red and Blue bases are opposite each other on either side of the central aisle. They are connected to each other by a bridge upon which is the Rocket Launcher. Finally at both the top and bottom of the map are elevated walkways connecting both sides. the top one holds a focus rifle whilst the bottom one hold a shotgun. The location of the power weapons mean that there is great confrontation on the map making it exciting and fun to play. Weapon ListDMR x6 Needler Rifle x3 Assault Rifle x2 Plasma Repeater x2 Needler x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Magnum x2 Energy Sword x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Focus Rifle x1 Shotgun x1 Frag Grenades x4 Plasma Grenades x6 Pictures Special Thanks to Benforden Lethal Genius SmokeyVictor(3master) The Triffids v JaFa CaKe v tehblackmage pwn4cookiplxbai v COOKIE MONSTAv xPooLiFiiiedx CombativeStelth OceanicOctopus saintsfan2000 BGC JSXxXChewie WeddingGinger Drag0n Klng PilotNoob pwner MrGreenWithAGun nopuntintended and any one else I may have forgotten
This map is a great competitive map! I'm Definetly downloading the fixed map, the first was still great, but the revised Just makes it even better! Great job!
I just forged through your map and saw some immediate problems with the spawning. First, if I recall, over the blue base you had a weak red zone. in contrast, you had an anti blue zone over the red base. But put that aside. Your map is advertised for team objectives, such as bomb and flag. Yet, you allow a team to spawn at their enemy's base. I recommend you eliminate all weak and anti zones and have only two Respawn Zones (strong zones), one for red and one for blue, and divide the map in half with those two. Don't use weak or anti, as they modify the spawning engine's algorithms too much. If you do this, then even stock pile will work really well.
Thank you for the feedback Mr Green. This problem has now been solved. The Weak red Zone over the blue base was meant to be an Anti Red Zone. As for the spawning system Itself I went by The 'Stevo Spawning Meathod' So although I will not be redoing the spawn system on Templum I will keep your method in mind whilst creating any future maps. Thanks again for pointing out this fault.
Try killing three players evenly spaced out along the red half of the map within a few seconds of each other and you should see the problem I describe. Given some deaths at key spots, you might even get a player to spawn at the enemy base per se, but the map size might not produce this affect. But I also want to say that I forged this map because it has a wonderful forerunner style architecture. If it had not caught my eye, I would not have downloaded it. So kudos to Lemon for the design.
Now I'm starting to see the problem. Nice catch. I would definitely recommend this map for people to download. I had such a great time testing this map! Nice job Lemon!
Totally taking credit for the grass. It's an awesome map, but I've missed a lot of it due to holidays, care to fill me in on whats been added over the past few weeks since I last saw it?
Ha ha I have to give you that the grass was your idea and that's why your in the special thanks Last Time you saw it lethal was after I put in the original power weapons spawn, these were the main alteration of the map. Sword has moved to the old Needler Rifle Spawn Needler Rifle has moved to the old Shotgun Spawn Shotgun has moved to the old Focus Rifle Spawn Focus Rifle has moved to the old Sword Spawn There were ramps added down to the Old Shotgun spawn from both sides And a final bit of tinkering and that was it.
Overall I love the design of your map. There was one thing I noticed while running through it the two corners of the bases on the energy sword side, if you pan left/right or up/down quickly while facing the interior of the map (for me its just a regular spin on sensitivity 5), you get quite a bit of lag and you see a lot of the pieces flashing white. Those are the only two places that I found where it happens, so maybe there is just a little too much geometry in those corners. Other then that though, it looks like a lot of fun and I can't wait to test it with some friends.
Where exactly do you mean I've looked around with the selectivity on 5 as you suggested but I can't find the effect you describe.
Here is the general location (it also happens on the landing right above): I didn't have room in my file share for the video, but I recorded it and put them unlisted on youtube...I did save the video though in case I get room later...However, I did note that when I tried to replicate it, it wouldn't happen unless I had roamed around ur map first. If I went straight to the corner it didn't happen, but if I walked around for a while then it would. When it first happened, I had been roaming around ur map for a couple of minutes. The first vid is of the flashing objects. The second is me first discovering the lag and the flashing. Spoiler Templum lag/flash‏ - YouTube Lag/Flash on Templum Discovery‏ - YouTube
Wow that is really strange I also tried to repeat what i saw on that video and could make it happen. I tried for an hour without but no change ... this is extremely puzzling
I'll keep trying to see if I can figure out exactly how to get it to lag, but I'm guessing it's a memory problem from too much geometry in that corner...I'll see if I can figure out a way to fix it without ruining the basic layout/geometry of those areas...I'll let you know if I come up with anything...