Exactly. First I run into the enemy team jumping to their deaths over and over, probably because the score was something like 60-20 because two of their team quit. So I went into Multi-Team solo, I know, bad idea, but the odds of two in a row? My two teammates spent the game either jumping to their deaths or running at enemies without firing. How is that fun for you? It sure as hell isn't fun for me, or anyone else in the lobby. I guess they just wanted hate messages, which I did not send. That would only really encourage them and I don't stoop that low anyway.
FOR THE LULZ!!!! seriously, how did no one not beat me for that, i'm on page 3! in all seriousness, those kinda people are anoying as ****, but i could understand they're logic, they get spawnkilled to crap in btb, load up a game of team slayer or infection, and let loose. but when that happens, i just assasinate my second controller or whoop some ass in firefight and then i'm fine. you could do it whenever someone greifs you like that. helps a lot!
lol. Every time someone says, "people grief/play casually because they suck" don't even need to be asked, "UMAD?" People grief because they are bored of playing the game the way it is and get their fun through ****ing with the social aspect of the game. It is a **** move, but theres nothing stopping them. It's just the beauty of randoms.
I didn't read any of the post and I don't plan on. I grief/troll all the time in matchmaking. Why? Because it's very very very fun! I get more enjoyment out of humiliating my own team rather than completely destroying another team.
I believe its because, red team ****ed **** up with their team and their ranks. LOL But it's always worse when you get griefers in BTB or Team Slayer.
I would disagree with BTB because it seems like the smaller the team size is, the more significant one turd in the punch-bowl can be. Ex: In Team Doubles, 1 player griefing = 1/2 the team is bad; in BTB, 1 player griefing = 1/8 the team is bad. The only reason I could possibly accept BTB grief as something as crippling as grief in something like Doubles is because of the fact that they can distract multiple people and get more teammates to screw around/get booted, but that still requires half a team of people that either have a small temper or are easy to screw with.
In this case I think it's fine because they're on their own team. But if it was actually screwing up someone else's game I wouldn't do it. EDIT: Ah, I didn't realize they were screwing up Scorch's game. I thought they were on a team by themselves and not really affecting anybody else.
Well there is one other possibility. BTB games frequently turn on power weapons and vehicles - both teams are usually supplied with several of each. But griefers can destroy vehicles or drive them to the other team and abandon them; they can steal and waste power weapons, or betray the person that has them, or in the case of a sniper, just ping him with DMR fire to constantly make him lose his scope zoom; etc. Griefers can really cripple a big team much more readily than you would think, especially on certain maps where controlling particular weapons and vehicles is key. Think the sniper, wraith and revenant on Hemorrhage; the banshee, tank and sniper on Paradiso; etc.
"Fun" is subjective. The two people you got teamed up with may have been having a great time by doing that. My advice would be ignore them and enjoy yourself and don't take it too seriously. An example I can think of off the top of my head would have to be yesterday when I was in BTB and there was a betrayal war on my team where everyone participated and we all went like -20 and nobody booted anyone. It was one of the most the fun things I've ever done in Halo. So I don't mind griefers, I respond by either ignoring them or counter-griefing (Fight fire with fire) until they betray me and I can boot them.
I screw around in matchmaking all the time. Sometimes I even get some of the other team to come and chill with me. I usually do this because I'm either too competitive about a game or I don't care much at all. Im not very good at finding a happy medium between those two, and some days i don't feel like trying, so I'll just mess around and do what I want (which isn't ever jumping off cliffs on purpose though, that's just weird)
Scorch, There's a reason bungie doesn't ban you the first time you quit out of a game. 4shot, You really know how to start an argument. It's not funny anymore.
But I guarantee you that 90% of people who might get teamed up with them would not enjoy playing with them. On that level, fun isn't very subjective at all. Just look at the responses to this thread - most people here are not exactly in favor of griefing, and there's a reason Bungie has a betrayal boot system.
No. Getting griefers in The Arena and MLG is far worse than getting them in Social. It's extremely rare especially in MLG, but when you do get them, you're guaranteed the loss. @broccollipie It's completely normal to lose by a few points in Octagon. Happens all the time. That game, I was messing around trying different sensitivities, so you got plenty of free kills on me while I was changing those settings. Sure, I lost one game against you. I won't deny that. @pyro6666 I'm not sure what you're talking about. What argument did I start? The Octagon thing was more of a question than an argument. I wanted to know what game he was bragging about winning, and he showed me. Not sure where I argued there. As for the rest of this thread, it's nothing more than a debate.
If we can keep this civil I will continue to compose responses. But if you start flaming me, I'm gone. Anyways, on topic. What you said about "90% of people" is slightly irrelevant. Whatever amount of people consider "X" (In this case griefing) fun or not, it's still subjective. Just because the community here does not advocate for it does not mean it's not subjective. For instance, as I mentioned before, most of the community here would probably frown upon the fact that I participated in a "betrayal war" with a team I was paired up with in BTB . All but one person took part, everyone who partook went -15+ with betrayals, and I had a great time. That could totally be considered "griefing", as the person who was actually trying to play probably wasn't enjoying essentially not having a team, and the score being negative fifty.
Aw **** i just saw that too, i thought he was just using it as an example. That's the reason i don't play Arena, alot of the time, there's kids coming in to the games that don't take it even remotely seriously and ruin the experience for the rest of us. Right?
Huh..? Have I said anything remotely uncivil in here? In fact I think in my entire history at Forge Hub, I've never "flamed" anybody. Seriously, I'm a little puzzled at that comment. I'm just discussing the topic here, I haven't said anything personal about anybody, except a nudge at broccollipie - and he's a friend of mine. It's subjective to an extent, yes - in that not literally everybody agrees that griefing is bad. Obviously. On the other hand, this is a social activity that we engage in for all of our mutual benefit and enjoyment, at least theoretically. Therefore it is generally understood to follow social rules, which are roughly the same as utilitarianism - the greatest good for the greatest number. We decide as a group to obey certain rules so that the vast majority of us will have happier, safer lives (in society), or better games of Halo in this case. That's the whole idea of a social contract - and your XBox Live membership and participation in Bungie online gaming is in essence a miniature social contract between you and the rest of the community (as well as Bungie and Microsoft). To make a somewhat overblown analogy: a certain percentage of citizens may find it fun to murder and steal. Most people don't, and find that their lives are made unpleasant (or non-existent) by this. So as a society, we forbid it and outlaw it. Whether it's immoral is kind of beside the point - it's illegal, because it harms our community well-being. By the same token, griefing harms the Live community's well-being, because most people want to play these games seriously. So Bungie has anti-betrayal and anti-griefing "laws": you can get booted from games, banned from Halo, etc. In a case where everybody or nearly everybody agrees, it's much less of a problem in my eyes. That's why I advocate custom games for doing this kind of stuff, where (at least presumably) you can get some friends who don't mind badly losing games just "for the lulz."
We do it for the lulz. I love griefing when I get bored, my teammates suck, or I'm playing with try-hards like 4shot. Nothing quite as satisfying as hearing your whole team rage at you over a video game that doesn't even have a real ranking system anyways. I might be ruining some of your fun, but you've gotta try and see it from the griefer's perspective. Haven't you seen HLG videos? Sure it sucks that you can't find those assholes wherever they're hiding, but they're sure as hell having fun doing it.
So you're asking me to have sympathy for those who derive fun specifically from ruining the game for other people? Yeah...I'm alright thanks...
Most of the time, I could care less about griefing in matchmaking, but when someone comes into a round of me forging and deletes everything, that's when I go full-on rage mode.