Hello, and welcome to the hiring thread for my new Machinima in the works, Defiance. I will need at least 20 actors. If you are interested, friend me at mackjr1234. We will film whenever I am ready to, which is probably gonna be every other day from 1:00 PM EST to 1:00 AM EST. That is when I am available. If you want to know when you need to be online, give me your email or your phone number so I can email/call you. REQUIREMENTS: Must be at least 14 years old Must have some experience in Halo Reach, so you can change costume without problems. Must be able to film at least 3 days out of the week. Must provide hours you are able to be online Must be committed to this project: If you are in, you are in. If you are interested, apply here. If I accept you, you will be emailed, PMed, and XBLed the armor you will need to wear, and the paths you have to be running. I MAY ALSO NEED PEOPLE TO HELP ME FORGE THE SETS. IF YOU WANT TO APPLY FOR THAT, SPECIFICALLY STATE IT IN YOUR POST. EDIT: I AM NOW HIRING VOICE ACTORS. YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 15 YEARS OF AGE TO DO VOICING. AUDACITY ONLY. Orbital Drop Productions
It sounds kind of fun but what exactly is it about. I dont want to join something thats going to be retarded. 1 more thing.... Shouldnt you already have the set built if your trying to hire people?
I already have most of the set built, but I am waiting to see what actors we will get, so I can make changes easily if necessary. I already have the Voice Script written, I just need to get into the details of what the body actors need to do and where they need to go.
ok hey man email me footballfan8397@yahoo.com or talk to me via xbox live i can probably doit and it sounds like fun
if you give me the basic plot and story i'll help out possibly. i need to know a little more about the story first though. i dont wanna do anything retarded either.
Email: docman300@yahoo.com XBL GT: ShadowXepher300 And I'm on pretty much all day so if you want me to join you I'll be happy to
hey is it too late to sign up for this? my GT is gamingprodigy95 and my email is firefist95@aol.com, please contact me if your still doing this, i would like to be a body actor