I hate griefers. I go into multi-team to play a few games of causal fun, and run into people like this. What the hell? Why do people do this? Anyone ever run into people like this/do this themselves (I'll eat your face)? What do you do?
Yeah i run into people like this alot. What i do is go up a shoot them. Chances are they will betray you and then you boot them. Problem solved
Ive run into some annoying people in matchmaking but that is one of the worst cases I have ever seen! The sad part is there is not much we can do, there really are no fixes to get rid of them. You can try reporting them to Microsoft via xbox, but I dont think that would do much.
Ya thats really stupid. I've run into that a few times myself (like a million) Nice score by the way...
HAHAHAHA! I love griefers! they always make me take a step back and realize that I'm taking a game too seriously.
Honestly I would like to know the reason for griefing? Why do you do it? Sometimes I would do something stupid on purpose because it's funny which would only take a few seconds to do. But spending the hole game killing someone on your team while they kill you or suicide heaps, I don't get how that is fun for you? To laugh at people raging?, Has been done when no one had mics.(and you cant know there raging without mics or messages) I'm not raging I just honestly want to know why do you do it, *Turn on xbox,Put Reach in,Start matchmaking play normally for 2hrs*=fun. *Turn on xbox,Put Reach in,Start matchmaking repeatedly suicide for 2hrs*=fun???
He probably does it because he can't get any kills himself. Not trolling. The guy literally lacks thumbs. OT: Griefers are one of the many reasons I hardly play matchmaking anymore. They ruin not only a match, but the game as a whole. Some of them find it fun for various reasons. Some people have been griefed themselves and have had enough, and decided to grief themselves. It's a disease in gaming, especially in games with a childish community such as Halo and CoD.
I was on a 1-bar connection and still had to go easy on you. Pretty sure I won that match. Give me the post-game stats if you want to prove otherwise. Anyways, we're getting off-topic. Take any further discussion related to how horrible you are at this game in PM.
Greifers piss me off, but it doesn't bother me too much unless they're ruining the game for everyone. Fortunately, you dont get too many people like that in the gametypes I play. One of my friends does it when he's playing on my profile, and when I tell him to stop it he acts like its nothing big, but if you piss someone off enough it does hurt your matchmaking chances if someone gives your profile a bad review. He laughs, and I try my hardest to refrain from kicking his face off.
Scorch, you're picture is totally wrong. The orange guys should be pointing the gun at themselves. And, oddly enough, I haven't encountered this. Though I figure the reason people do it is because they don't take the game as seriously as you. Sometimes I just kill my little dude because I like the ragdoll effect of him crumpling against the ground or a mountain wall.
I rarely run into this, actually. Playing with friends obviously helps (I don't think that I ever play alone), but I also have my preferences set to 'Team Player'. I'm honestly not sure whether or not that helps, but I'd rather not take the chance of finding out by removing that search specification. As to why people do it, my guess is that they're already terrible at the game. If they actually play seriously, they'll get destroyed. At least that way they can tell themselves that they did that bad because they wanted to. Of course, there's extra incentive for those who get kicks from ruining someone else's time.
Bungie.net : Reach : Game Details Wait... does that say I won? How strange. OT: More people should be like this on occasion. Take a step back and realize it's only a game, and if somebody has more fun killing themselves and their teammates than killing you, that's not your problem.
Sorry, but I absolutely hate this attitude. "It's just a game" is a very good reason for why people should avoid getting too stressed when they lose or things don't go their way, and particularly why people should avoid laying in to others for stuff that is far from their fault. It is not a valid reason to be a specific ass and think you're justified in doing so. Wanting to enjoy a game is perfectly reasonable, and when someone goes out of their way to deliberately do something which clearly diminishes the enjoyment of others in their game, they're being a ****, there are no two ways about it. If you were playing a game in real life, football or something, and one player was running around and grabbing the ball just to chuck it over fences, under cars, or just straight up tackling people for no reason, would you say that's OK because "it's just a game?" No, that person is being a ****, and everyone else in the game would tell them where they could go. The same applies here. Get some perspective and stop acting like a spoiled little child on the internet because you think "it's just a game" is some magical get out clause for being the ass that you clearly are.
^ Gotta agree. You know I love ya, broccolli, but when 99% of people are trying to play a game according to an understood set of rules and then the 1% that are griefers start betraying, killing themselves, blowing up vehicles, etc., it ruins the fun for everybody except that 1%. Simple utilitarianism tells me that the 1% are being dicks, whether it's "just a game" or not. If you want to do this kind of stuff, it's better to do it in a custom game with friends who will understand and tolerate (and maybe join in) the shenanigans. Doing it in matchmaking is obnoxious. That's exactly why Bungie has betrayal booting and complaint filing in place. Pegasi's analogy is perfect too. Try getting into a pickup game of basketball some time and punt the basketball into the next county as soon as they pass it to you. I'm pretty sure the reactions of the other people in that game won't be "ha ha, that was cute and funny." They were having fun as a group and you would have ruined it just so YOU could have fun. Not cool.
The worst part is, the game before this one I had the same problem, only it was the enemy team. That made it a little bit better, but it was boring as hell to try and find them before they killed themselves, and I don't see how jumping to your death about 40 times is any more entertaining. I was surprised to see griefers back to back, that's why I changed playlists from SS to MT. I play Matchmaking so I can get a decent game (and wreak scrubs, which are 90% of the online population unfortunately). If I wanted to goof off like this I'd be in a custom game with like-minded people. Guess what? That wasn't a custom game. I really like Pegasi's analogy for this, and agree completely with his post. I would totally give him a cookie if I had one. As for the "take a step back" approach, I don't mind the concept, but do that in another way. For example, my team once got a Revanant stuck in the Geometry in a BTB game and most of our team spent a minute or two figuring out how to get it out and how it ended up there. That was funny, and didn't intentionally hurt out team. I guess you could say the players on our team who didn't stop were outnumbered, which is true, but at least I wasn't intentionally screwing our team over. In my eyes, that's tolerable as long as you remember you are still in a game and come back to the fight soon enough, but suicide/betrayal...I don't even see how it's fun for the griefers.
I actually get the betrayal thing, but just committing suicide over and over? That's bizarre to me. I'd rather go AFK, hide, or quit out of the game. I have no idea what people get out of leaping to their deaths over and over.