Grab some popcorn and switch it to HD =D Shopping Spree Official Trailer - HD‏ - YouTube In fileshares soon
I don't think those quotes are from reliable sources... It looks awsome untill you look up and realise there's no cieling and the lights are floating... Also LOLed at the "in fileshares soon".
Naw naw naw, I went to the movies to see this but the guy in front of me had such a big ego sticking out the back of his head that all I could see were some random quotes he got from his friends. Moved to Reach Forge Discussion. Map Preview prefix added.
The people who gave those quotes might want to give this site a visit, might find some interesting maps that can "soar above the excellency of legendary amazing best forged maps" ^^ that quote was in the vid right have to admit that was awesome. Why have I not seen any other forgers release a preview like this. Granted, the quotes were a little over top, but I'm sure that was what he was going for. Overall, look map looks interesting, but could be cleaned up a lot. Starting with getting rid of all those pre-fab buildings!
This reminds me of Spiderman 3, cool trailer but nothing to actually top it with early critics ranting on a over rated film. Believe me, it takes a lot of experience to truly bring out a amazing map.
Nice gimmick. But as for the map, meh. Lots of prefab buildings, several campable. Lots of twisting confusing walkways that don't support fighting. Lotsa grenade spam from the looks of things. Welcome to forge hub. Where the big boys (trolls) play
That looks nothing like a mall, nor does the design itself leave me in awe. This looks worthy for matchmaking.
Lol... I don't think boasting and nicely edited video should be any factor in a boards review. Stick to what matters. You could make a box and host a match on it to record video, add some quotes and have the same product as this... <3
Welcome to forgehub, I'm sorry about people being douchebags in this thread - 90% of the forum is now composed of them because everyone thinks there better then everyone else. However, for your map - the video the camera work is actually really nice. But for the building part you might want to change some stuff up but I really liked the video!
i enjoyed the video as well, however i highly doubt that a civilization as advanced as the forerunners would have had shopping malls
It seems like a good aesthetics map, but I highly doubt it would make a good slayer map from the video
Thanks for welcoming me guys. I have been a member of forgehub since the Halo 3 days (I entered the wild west gunfight in the historical map competition a few years ago) but my account won't login. I tried resetting the password but it still won't log in for some reason so I made this new account. As for the responses to this video let me share some insight into why I made this. Firstly, the map doesn't really play that well, I'm not really into forging good playable maps. I know a lot of people rushed to flame me because how dare I say my map is awesome when yours are clearly all better. So you can take a chill cause I'm not, with any seriousness, trying to say this map is anything great. I made this map cause I'm a creative person. I like forging creative and fun spaces to be in. I wondered what a forgeworld shopping center would look like. Currently there's only some weapons and respawn points in the map and not much else. Also, a lot of people keep saying that maps in forgeworld cannot be aesthetically appealing and I wanted the challenge of making something that looked different. I made the trailer as a bit of a joke (and yes I was aware that the internet doesn't have a sense of humour before I did it). The tag lines are face-palmingly cheesy and the quotes are from bnet users that hadn't seen the map when they said those things. The exception is Illegal Antics who's one of my friends who sad no such thing and he had a good laugh when he watched the trailer and saw his 'quote'. If anyone thought I was remotely serious then ... I don't know what to say, maybe get your funny bone checked cause it might not be working. Also, I hope it inspires some people to make trailers for their map that are interesting and exciting, like the ones Bungie/343 make for their map packs. There's noting more uninteresting when someone makes a video about a map they made and it's a dull 6 minute fly-through. Anyway, that is all. Sorry to anyone who actually thought that the map would really be in fileshare soon, or out this summer. If you really want I'll give you a copy. Also, here's another asthetic map with no real function I made. It's a replica of Helm's Deep from Lord of the Rings: : Halo Reach : File Details