Because people like to rant

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by prong23, Jul 31, 2011.

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  1. prong23

    prong23 Ancient
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    So, Black Theorem decided to close my last thread about how I saw a massive increase in the lack of feedback being left on new member's map posts and wanted to bring it to attention because it was "leaving a platform for people to rant about their own maps getting no attention." THIS WAS NOT THE POINT OF THE THREAD. My point was to suggest that Forgehub encourage people to leave feedback/criticism instead of "spam" even though, as read in my closed thread, "I believe that comments like "I like this" or "This is fantastic" give more incentive to continue forging" (closed thread). I even gave suggestions as to what could help.

    I gave Forgehub some feedback, or constructive criticism if you will. I'M NOT RANTING. If you can't take it, don't ask for people to do it.

    You need a "like" button, though I would prefer the "I'd kill my friends on this map" button. Try listening to your members, it might help.
  2. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    When you post a comment, you get closer to leveling up. Isn't that encouragement? Not that most people care about their forgehub rank but what else can they do?

    PS: Yay I'm closer to leveling up for posting this! LOLJK
  3. prong23

    prong23 Ancient
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    I feel that Forgehub's rankings are far enough apart that the only people who will actually "level up" will be the people who post viable feedback, unless you literally have no life what-so-ever and post in as many threads as possible every measly second you breathe... not I, I refuse. :D

    I'm one post closer to whatever rank is next!!!
  4. james 24993

    james 24993 Forerunner

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    They could make it so you level up faster if you write more, so if somebody writes a paragraph of feedback they'll level up more than the guy who just says "LOL your map blows!" but then that'd mean people would start using bigger words just level up faster, or just use double spacing. Maybe there's no solution :(

    I always post a comment on a map, unless I REALLY can't think of anythink to say, and I haven't been a member long. Maybe when your a member for a long time you just don't care enough to post anymore :(

    Anyways, the testers guild is always there for feedback I guess...

    EDIT: Yay I just posted more feedback on somebodies map. I'm now cooler...
    #4 james 24993, Jul 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  5. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    So you're suggesting that we somehow force ForgeHub's 54617 current members to take posting in the map section more seriously, specifically maps by new members with low self esteem. ... Welcome to the internet, while there are a bunch of great guys on this website that are capable of leaving well thought out, structured, constructive criticism, there is also the other members that (aside from outweighing the aforementioned side drastically) apparently lack a temporal lobe--the kind that generally leave one line comments about how gret ur aestics lok. You are practically suggesting us to add a check box upon registry asking for members to be mature on our forums. >.>

    Welcome to the world, people that are well known reap more benefits than those who don't. How can YOU fix that? Become an active member of our community.

    Also, why did you repost this? Everything that needs to be said was already said in the other thread. I wish I could lock threads.
    #5 Noxiw, Jul 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  6. prong23

    prong23 Ancient
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    Yes the tester's guild is there for feedback, but they're "trained" to give you feedback. I'd love to get advice from the newbees because usually they have the best ideas to work off of. The tester's guild gives precise criticism. I like huge, inspirational concepts to work with. Maybe if the tester's guild maybe worked with you while you make the map after the test it, so that they can go into very detailed descriptions of what "should" be done, then they would be more useful. I'm saying they aren't useful at all, they are, I just don't think they are enough.
  7. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Trained? What?

    The sheer fact you reposted this now rates it as a nuisance instead of feedback. You've said what you have to say, it's that simple.

    You comment about "Forgehub". There is no Forgehub, just the community. Everyone has a different agenda, and trying to force them all to post more often in a specific section is ludicrous.

  8. prong23

    prong23 Ancient
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    I'm not saying that at all... please read carefully before posting... I'm saying that Forgehub should encourage newer members, as well as senior members. The idea of this website is to reach out to other with YOUR creation. You know, that map you spent 2135607.82 hours making so that someone MIGHT like it. There are no specifics in my argument, other than my suggested "button" idea.

    I am trying to be an active member of the community by posting this. Just because I have controversial topics doesn't mean I'm against the community. Do you think that because you've posted 1,236 posts in less time it took me to write 73 makes you more of an active member in this community?

    I reposted because the person/moderator/****-head who cut me off didn't understand. I feel like I'm being completely clear in my thoughts, I'm not sure what's so hard to understand. Also, on a plus side for me, I couldn't give two ****s if I get "banned."
  9. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Then why not do the logical thing and message a moderator if you feel they did not understand? You've bumped another probably more worthwhile topic off the front page while doing so.

    This topic is going to end up like the last, it's pointless. If you don't care about being banned, you shouldn't post here at all, simple as.
  10. prong23

    prong23 Ancient
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    Again, my point is to suggest. To tell the creators that they could do a better job at encouraging. You people read TOO much into this. It's an opinion thread that looks for other opinions. If your opinion is "who gives a ****, your opinion is dumb, shut the hell up, go away" it doesn't help.

    I think I have an idea that could make the experience at Forgehub more pleasant and enjoyable. Why try to **** with that?

    BTW, I didn't know you could message a moderator before and now that I know that, I still won't do it because I'm kind of having fun with this. :)
  11. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    So, you're having fun with clogging up the forums with duplicate threads, and wasting space where people who actually give a **** could be discussing the game?

    And you do this while attempting to suggest how the site could be improved?

    That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. And now I'm going to stop arguing with you, because this is not the place for it. I'm just bumping a thread and wasting more space.
  12. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    And I'm saying that there are two vague categories of members on this forum: Those who contribute positively, and those who contribute negatively. Unfortunately for all of us, those who contribute negatively outweigh the others drastically. The only way to change the way they contribute is for mods to infract, hoping that they'll take their membership here seriously from then on out and start being a valued member of our community. If they don't, they'll continue to be infracted until they're banned, just to be replaced by a new member with the same forum etiquette. Not to mention the ratio of spammy spam troll members to staff.

    The whole point of that paragraph being that "encouraging" members does not work; not all of the thousands of members read everything the staff puts in the rules or announcements, unfortunately.

    Which is exactly what the map subforums are for. Posting a map and getting feedback are not necessarily a package deal. New/unheard of members may have a bit more difficult of a time getting the replies they want just because they are new or unheard of. Again, I go back to the single fact that this is the way that every forum works, the way that every profession works, and the way the world works. You need to be revolutionary in whatever category you happen to be working in to become noticed. Utilize things like the Testers Guild, TGIF nights and the shoutbox to get some games in. Test maps extensively. It's not difficult to get games in with well known members of this site. The more people you expose your map to before posting it increases the likelihood that they'll check out the thread or comment on it.

    Maybe it's just me, but 73 posts in two years is not being active. Maybe my memory fails me, but I do not recall saying that you are 'against the community'? And yes, that's exactly what I think.

    If threads were recreated every time they were locked we would have a serious problem here. It would have been much more practical to contact BT via PM or VM rather than to create another thread with, what appears to be, mirrored discussion. Also, as a side note, this would have been better placed in the Customer Service forum.
    #12 Noxiw, Jul 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  13. Rsvi Etzudee

    Rsvi Etzudee Forerunner
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    I think it's best to combine the 2. Say what's good and what can be better.
  14. prong23

    prong23 Ancient
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    I'm not sure if memory fails me either but I don't recall asking for more rules or any announcements. I stand by my suggestions. Read more carefully.

    Neoshadow, If you don't want to read, skip this thread. Stop being a baby. If it leads nowhere then so be it. I still got people to notice. I got people to pay attention. 6-7 people may not be a lot, but it's better than keeping it to myself. I'm not afraid of being banned because it really doesn't affects my immediate life.


    Rsvi Etzudee, thank you.
  15. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think you misunderstood what I was saying in your earlier thread.

    What you were discussing would attract members who want attention to their map threads to post links to their aforementioned maps. That's the only reason I locked it; it's bait for advertisements (perfect example: you posted 3 maps you felt needed attention in the OP). I didnt say you specifically were ranting, and I'm not trying to stifle your opinions towards the staff, the community, or the posts in the maps section. It's just that your post was toxic.

    Now, as for the actual discussion at hand.

    1. We already have an incentive system so that quality posts get pushed to the forefront of map threads: moderators and the infraction system.

    2. You simply cannot make statements without having factual evidence. "I believe that comments like "I like this" or "This is fantastic" give more incentive to continue forging"? Seriously? Maybe for you personally, but that's not enough for the staff to make a decision to allow these kinds of posts, especially when they do nothing to further the feedback discussion a map thread is conducting.

    Everything else I planned to post was already stated by Neoshadow, so I've got nothing else to say until you respond.
  16. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Remember back in 2007 when people made maps to have fun instead of getting famous? Yeah, I miss it too.
  17. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Remember when people didn't complain about things that cannot and will not change? I don't.

    They could always change the forum to order by thread start date or something but that has numerous problems.
  18. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Silly guy. Whatever you're complaining about isn't going to happen. Just..Just give up.
  19. prong23

    prong23 Ancient
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    Ok, granted, I misunderstood. Now I understand. Thank you for clearing that up. "It's just that your post was toxic," good analogy.

    Now it still is you who misunderstands.

    "perfect example: you posted 3 maps you felt needed attention in the OP" these maps I displayed were mere examples of maps that didn't have any posts on them. Nothing is ever needed.

    Your incentive system pushes "unpopular" maps off the charts. Your "latest community maps" list, which holds ONLY ten posts, is the only list that is fair to everyone. It's a not a popularity contest. I feel that should get its own listing, like the competitive maps and aesthetic maps listing do. Again, only a suggestion.

    Factual evidence... now, are you serious? A child does something well, the parent says "good job," thus, incentive to do more things well. Enough factual evidence for you? If you start something new, like a website, you need to assume everyone, absolutely everyone, is a child, so you need to explain everything in intricate detail and reward for doing well. It's not a personal thing because I guarantee, when you were a kid, you got rewarded for doing something well. I'm not saying that you MUST reward them, again, nothing is ever needed. Rewards encourage. So, since the people who created Forgehub nor the people who help manage Forgehub would ever reward every single person for posting a good map, let your members do it for you, hence the "button." If you give the viewers a way to appreciate a posting AND a way to show it quickly, then they'll do it. It's simple. You would wonder why the "like" button on facebook is so popular... The comments like "I like this" and "This is fantastic" could be condensed into that "button." I would never condone of spamming. That would be nonsensical.

    These have always ONLY been suggestions.

    Edited by merge:

    Giving up is useless, silly guy.

    Edited by merge:

    Then fix the problems. There isn't anything that can't be fixed. Cancer is irrelevant.
    #19 prong23, Jul 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  20. Reign

    Reign Forerunner

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    Saying "I like this map", both helps and doesn't help. Saying that you like the map and then giving criticism helps, as it would tell the map creator to keep forging and improve on a few things to make their maps better.
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