First "good" rollercoaster. I havnt seen any good ones, Im a mapmaker on halotracks so you can expect good quality. YouTube - Halo Reach Rollercoaster: Jelly
what he is tryin to say is that you need to have at least one picture included in your post. or a video of your map. its the rules here.
It looks like a very solid racetrack. You definitely put a lot of time into it, and it payed off. But perhaps adding some visual flair and fixing the turns (review your video and see where you almost fell off, those are spots that you should fix) and you've got an incredible roller-coaster!
Wow! This map looks REALLY GOOD! The turns, and track is very very smooth. Also that big ramp looks like its one object. You defintly got my DL.
Only problem is It's to narrow at some points. Easily fixable though. Other than that sloid map. 4 stars
oh wow you caught a lot of air off of the big jump! I really like the rocky tunnel at the very end, it's a neat touch on your map.
Holy ****,If you didn't watch Achievement Horse,They used this map.But,They said its from Edo Sins.So you stole it,I don't remember or they lied.
interesting, the track looks really smooth the jumps look great and it is not a small map but, there is one down point, it's sad to see that the track is really small, if you're tracks aren't wide enough and you have multiple people racing on it behind each other, it's just hoping that the one in the front will fall of the track so you can gain on him. you should watch those things, but everything else looks great
Epic fail of a post. Achievement HORSE never started until December 2010. This track was made four days after Reach was released. You might want to redo your research. You can even check the file of this map. It was started AND finished by Cant Stop Donut and was never used in any of the Achievement HORSE episodes.
I really like this coaster but I think the bank turn that you go down and hit the shield door is quite anoiying, and very scary. I dont know if its intended to freak people out but it to me it takes away from the competitive feel because somtimes its unpredictable while racing others close to you.