Now you're just spamming. On topic, the strangest thing that's happened to me has to be impact-kills from grenades. Funny stuff there.
i stuck myself threw grenade, got propelled out of explosion and hit me square in the face... and i got a triple betrayal ;D
Invasion, Spire. EMP'd a falcon off the top of the spire. Crashed into enemy warthog. Killtrocity. Extermination. Pure ****ing win.
That sounds awesome. Please tell me you clipped it. Slightly off topic, but I've actually started using the GL instead of Rockets when sitting in the side seat during Rocket Hog Race. EMP'ing opponents is easier than hitting them with Rockets imo, and a lot more fun, plus I got an epic triple kill on one team with a perfectly placed grenade the other day.
Funny story about that. I clipped two submissions on Spire that I had planned to send in to Fails of the Week. I named them both the same thing -- FOW_Submission_Spire. One was the outstanding extermination, while the other was me EMPing a banshee, then jumping and EMPing it again as it fell. I decided I didn't care about the latter, and never wanted to get them mixed up. So I deleted it... I deleted the wrong one. :'[
I'm sure this has already been mentioned, but the other day someone was hiding behind yellow lift when I went up. All of a sudden i notice someone on my radar behind me, and know I am about to be assassinated, so I toss a kick grenade at the wall right before the assassination animation begins. The grenade goes off killing my opponent and giving me a showstopper medal lol.
Sweet, never seen that happen before. Though, as I mentioned in this thread earlier, I got a Showstopper on myself, likely because of lag. Was playing Elite Slayer (I think) and I possibly managed to kill a dude, but it didn't register because of lag, then he managed to get behind me and start assassinating me. Then died. Then I got a medal and was confused.
How much you wanna bet that was a man sounding like a woman. The weirdest thing for me was when I killed 2 Guys with one sniper round. I know thats may sound a all the time thing but this is the weird part about that. The Sniper Round wasn't even close to the bullet. The bullet deflected off the 1st guy and hit 3 rocks before coming to a complete stop. But the 2nd guy got killed? Earthquake? Heartattack? WTF Killed Him? Im still confused.
I highly doubt it was a Bungie employee, the Bungie nameplate was literally given out to everyone. OT: I was in the middle of assassinating someone, but they quit and I was assassinating nothing, lol.
I was driving a Wraith that was about to explode, and then a Revenant came and shot the gun of the Wraith, and i was driving a Wraith with out a gun, so all i can do was just drive around.
Something weird happened to me the other day while playing SWAT. It was most likely due to lag (as most of my problems originate from that ), but I was having a shoot out, and wasn't connecting because the guy I was shooting at was jumping from spot to spot (because of the lag), but then he managed to get a headshot on me, but I respawned instantly. I have a video of it on my Xbox, but I haven't uploaded it yet. When my internet starts working properly, Im going to render in and post it, because its pretty strange.
(This happens quite often, but it's still incredibly weird) I got into a freshly spawned Wraith on Invasion Breakpoint and the second that it lands the jump from the small, elevated piece of land that it spawns on, it got thrown into the air at an INCREDIBLY fast speed as if an invisible slingshot was hidden. It blew up and killed me.
Three Things 1. playing Grifball, the bomb exploded, and no-one died. Then, everyone exploded and kept on spawning and dying. What wade it weirder was the fact that we were all orange, so apparently the game thought we were all bomb-carriers. 2. On Firefight, a drop pod landed on the very edge of the rockethog I was in with a friend and sent it under the map briefly, then shot back up, out of control, tumbling out of the map. 3. Just messing around on forge, some guy quit, and my friend(not the one who quit) just randomly died and went flying across forge world, out of the map, and onto the apparently solid water.
driving along with a revenant on "the package" and suddenly being thrown 400 feet across the map off the edge of a cliff, mind that is not an exaggeration. we happened to be attempting a LASO mission at the time...
T'was the beginning of a normal match on Hemmorrhage and one of my team mates were driving a ghost in a normal fashion while he went Uber speed crashing into a friendly Warthog, and then went uber speed again backwards and went WAY outside of the map AND THEN came all of the way back and crashed with a mid-air U-turn (and died) into an enemy Wraith while each vehicle was doing some sort of derpy looking "lag dance".
I was playing with that physical exploit of using teleporters to launch, and I managed to have a record time of survival before dying without actually launching out from between. So I was being thrown between the two nodes for about two and a half minutes in. After minute-1 the shield was going down and so was the health, gradually. I crossed my fingers up until the screen turned completely black- then a BLINDING WHITE WHICH COULD'V BURNED MY SCREEN, BRIGHT. After all that eye rape the announcer declared it a suicide. Am I supposed to be humiliated by this?
Was playing a custom with damage taken/damage done WAY down so vehicles would last way longer, and this warthog was so ****ed up that the gun was gone. And i don't mean from a party leader change... the gun was just so ****ed up and damaged it didn't work.
A Jewish Spartan came up to me and said: Merry Christmas... Then he shot my balls and said: Happy New Year... Then I fell over in pain and died... This now explains my Signature...