People of Forge hub, I am here to Discuss if i should add in DLC of my Map pack to tell how the people got there just so i can work on the Second Map pack of it and keep the people anticipated for the Second Map pack and stuff but if you guys don't think so then i don't mind but Post your Comments and what not so Post !
Slow down there buddy. That's a lot to take in all in one sentence. I would explain this a little better.
Ok see you know L4D right anyways they have DLC showing how they got to this area right so the Second Map pack will be like L4D 2 (this is using Bloo Jays post in lolbox) and well if i have DLC then i could work on the other "Game" enuff sense now ?
Oh, I get it. Guys, OP's asking if they should make a secondary map pack to bundle with their first map pack. Where the first map pack is the "map pack", and the second map pack is the "DLC" that "tell how the people got there". Either way, they're making another map pack after the current one... But they want to know if they should make it a prequel to the current one. I presume they're making an Invasion or Infection multi-map campaign; probably the latter, given the L4D references.
Maps don't have stories, what you talkin' 'bout?! But seriously, quality>>>>>>>>>>>quantity. Put more effort, get more rewards.
Troll-de-lol? Bro, theres a really nifty invention called grammar. I have no idea what ur talking about.
So far, I released all of my Maps as DLC, but I think I'll start to save them on memory units and ship them to people who want to play my maps.
No one gives a flying **** about your map pack in general. Also, map packs ARE DLC, so it would not make sense to add DLC to DLC.
You guys are idiots anyways Read David's post then read my Post ok the Map pack are technically a Game and the Second Map pack is the Sequel of the First one so then the DLC for the first one show how the Survivors got to a location make sense if not your stupid .-.
I like how you call us stupid, but you do not use one piece of good grammar in your post. Go back to 3rd grade and relearn grammar, cause you don't have any of it.
You guys are giving him too much credit. I'm almost positive you learn how to use periods in the SECOND grade, not third. Also, the whole idea behind this thread just seems like a bunch of egotistical garbage. Mainly because you think EVERYONE knows about your maps and that we would be justified in giving you an opinion on further expanding the story behind them. This is just retarded (like your grammar, or lack thereof), make a decision like this on your own.
Which grade is being nice and respectful towards others taught in? Really, no one is being very nice in this thread. There's no need to be so degrading. Yes, the OP didn't communicate his idea very clearly, but that doesn't rationalize verbally beating him down. Likewise, OP, calling people idiots isn't going to get your idea across any better. This goes especially to the moderators and higher-ranked members. You guys should be setting the example of well-behaved, welcoming conduct on the forums. This doesn't mean you have to agree with everything you read. Just express yourselves more thoughtfully. OP, if you want to make prequel maps to your original maps, no one's stopping you. Just go ahead and make them. People who are interested will enjoy them, and it won't hurt anyone who isn't interested.