Ideas for Halo 4

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by M0aHerder, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    And why is that? It's not much different than Halo Wars. Companies are spanning Halo into different genres. There's nothing wrong with that. Halo Wars turned out to be a pretty good game, and if you're complaining about Halo going into different genres now, you should have left in 2008.

    Plus, Halo started as an RTS and then became a third-person shooter. Only after Microsoft bought the company did it become the game you know it as today. You obviously haven't been a Halo fan for too long. I'd only stop being a Halo fan if 343 tried to make it into a Racing game. That would be pretty dumb. They'll only lose fans if they convert it into a third-person shooter and never develop another FPS. 343 isn't that stupid. I bet they'll just make one game in a genre to expand their fan-base and see what genres work best in a Halo game. There's no loss to be had there.

    Lastly, read my above post. It's just a photoshop. It was proven wrong about a month after it was posted. It's an old image. While it would be interesting to see 343 make a third-person shooter set in the Halo universe, it's not happening yet.
    #61 4shot, Jun 17, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2011
  2. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I should've expanded my point out a bit more; If Halo 4 is a third person game, they'll lost a lot of fans. It's a sequel to the main trilogy of Halo, so this next trilogy will still be the basic 'Core' of halo, and it should stick to what works best. I don't mind it when halo spreads out to other genres, and I trust 343 to do a good job, but the core of halo should remain as is, at least for the time being. And you are correct, I've only been a halo fan since CE.

    Also, I knew the picture was photoshopped, I saw it a while ago, I was just making a statement regarding another post in this thread. Someone commented on how it would be great if halo became a Third-person, I disagreed, though rather abruptly and bluntly.
  3. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Oh, I see. You were speaking of Halo 4 being a third-person shooter. I didn't think I'd have to use this statement again, but I doubt 343 is that stupid. And you're right, they would lose a lot of fans by making a main trilogy game a different genre than everyone is used to. It's fine to do that with a spin-off, but it's just not right to do it with a game in the main series.

    As this is their first Halo game, they shouldn't try to add too many new things. I know I suggested otherwise previously in the thread, but I may have just been a little too hyped up at that time. They need to bring back a nice classic feel with gameplay that is purely skill. There shouldn't be things that add luck into the mix like spread and bloom. If I didn't have to deal with the stupidity of bad connection and those random factors in combat, I would easily be one of the top Halo players, as was in Halo 2. Pure skill games last a long time and keep most of their fanbase, more often than not. It's too bad this wasn't the case in Halo 2.

    I've been following the game since before CE released, so I would know these kind of things such as genre changes and what was different between one version of the game and another. Plus, there's always great sites like Wikipedia that can help refresh my memory. I couldn't imagine an internet without such sites.
  4. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    By classic feel, do you mean that Halo 4 would be a better game or a big draw card if it went back to its roots and played a lot more like CE? I know Im paraphrasing, but that just seemed to be the jist of what you were saying. It would be a safe bet to bring back the Halo "purists", but may end up alienating those who have come to appreciate or prefer the evolving style of the Halo games.

    Also, not trying to nitpick, but bloom=/=spread. ;)
    #64 Xun, Jun 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2011
  5. Hobbes

    Hobbes Forerunner

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    I just want a portable trip mine, new weapons, very customizable weapons and armors, and a better forge (with better gametypes).
  6. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Hmmmmm are you sure?


    Aaaaanywho. I am hoping that Halo 4 will play a bit more like Halo 2-Halo 3. I feel like Reach has killed the competitive side of Halo to me. I feel that all of the games nowadays are beginning to degrade in quality because of the amount of intricacy put into them to make players feel like badasses is becoming too much (and it starts to simply add a ton of bullshit to the game). The one thing that scared me was the Halo 4 trailer and the sight of MC putting an attachment on a pistol; I really hope that this doesn't become a pre-set loadout kind of game like CoD.
    #66 Loscocco, Jun 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2011
  7. Bio Cobalt

    Bio Cobalt Forerunner

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    Actually, i disagree. I feel like the earlier Halos were fun, party games to play. I never tried in them, i always fooled around. However, in Reach i actually care about K/D and try to be competitive. The updated graphics and armor customizations make me try to compete with others. I understand that like for simplicity and core-gameplay, but gamers these days aren't satisfied with just gameplay. Most want customization, ground-breaking stuff; and atleast Reach delivers with the former. Idk, i just feel like all the additions add to the competitive environment.
  8. FFM

    FFM Forerunner

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    I think two campaigns would be great, in Halo 2 and 3, the main focus was the Covenant and Elites, i think that there should be a campaign mode that focuses on how the Elites came to rebel and join forces with the UNSC.
  9. silent ninja054

    silent ninja054 Forerunner

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    i joined this just to say this.... bigger forge map they exagerated the size of forge world have a unsc ship vs a covenant hit drop pods hit a huge map below with everything imaginable have banshees hornets spirits vulchers hell even a scarab but they wouldnt do that they could ship a completly diffrent halo game with maps customly made for it my idea would be a basically new forge world thats bigger with weapons and vehicles from old halo games play as any species *start game as marine level up your a odst now with more health and respect then your a spartan for the covenant start as a grunt then jackal then elite then hunter or somthing like that and AI in forge so you dont need 5 people to test a map you dont want anyone to see but ive always wanted to see pelicans in forge.... pelicans scarab droppods the starwars psp game had space and ground battles WHY CANT A XBOX? if you dunno what i mean look at it hit up on dpad on ship ejects you to ground when near a drop pod you can gun a huge laser *mac cannon*
  10. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I actually think Halo 4 would be a pretty big success if they had:
    -Customs matchmaking
    -Innovative forging/gaming techniques

    The great thing about Halo 3 was its creativity factor. No, not like Reach where you pick from a list and label yourself, "creative", but hidden things that take time and experimentation to unravel and use in some new and fun form of a game. A couple examples from H3 include: floating objects, interlocking, geo-merging, switches, and the list could go on. What I'm saying is that H4 would need to come up with more fun and addicting ways of keeping people forging and playing. Sure, forging by its core intention is fun, but it gets pretty old by itself, at least it did for me.

    But I'll get H4 for sure, just to see what happens in the campaign and to play matchmaking. Forging/customs isn't everything the game has to offer.
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Honestly, this is the single biggest problem with the Halo forge community. People treat forging more like a mini game than the map creation tool it's supposed to be. If the very fact of being able to realise a design in a map creation tool is secondary to the tricks and glitches of the process, do people not question why they loaded up the map maker in the first place?

    What you're talking about is the opposite of creativity. Creativity in map making is design, and obstacles in the process of realising that design inhibit that creativity, they don't enhance it. Now yes, certain mechanics can add to creativity in the sense of interesting gametypes/switches and physics/mini games etc. But these are also enhanced with a more developed forge. If Bungie had given us more moveable objects in Reach then we wouldn't have lost anything in this respect, but would have gained a lot in all the other senses.

    I know people are fully justified in drawing whatever enjoyment they can from something like forge, appreciating in their own way. It just seems odd that so many people seem more drawn to forge as a sort of game in itself, rather than a tool to enhance the wider game of Halo. There are so many fully fledged sandbox games out there already, which are designed for exactly the kind of enjoyment and purpose people are talking about in this respect, so why do people focus so much on bending forge to this, at the cost of its potential for enhancing the wider Halo game.

    tl;dr: In terms of future Halo games, forging should be getting easier and more productive, not harder and more focused on glitches than actual map production.
    #71 Pegasi, Jul 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2011
  12. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Fair point, but the way I see it, people are different and there's no use in making forging more one-sided while others (like myself) turn to apathy. Blame my personality or my preferences but I think this system of group networking would be far more developmental than removing these "glitches", as we'll call it, altogether.

    Whether it's "easier" or "harder", well me thinks that's different for everyone. For myself, I'm pretty bad at making large scale maps, but I find it fun using and experimenting with glitches, which are useful for mini-games and more casual gaming. While I think others would find it difficult to experiment with these "glitches'' and would rather work on developing more serious maps that may or may not contribute more to the overall Halo experience.
    #72 Monolith, Jul 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2011
  13. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this thread has grown since I last checked it. Anyways, I'll be posting in the official feedback thread soon, so keep the ideas and suggestions coming! Here's an idea that I had that seems to be pretty popular with the Waypoint community:

    Terreforming has always been a dream of aalmost every forger, but, most ways suggested so far are less likely o be added due to the fact tat Microsoft won't be able to sell DLC. What I came up with will be hard enough to use that Microsoft will consider it, but still easy enough to use that everyone can use it.

    We will start with an entire new section of Forge objects labelled Terrain. We could choose something from here such as a hill or a ditch and edit it's size and height using the shape feature. The objects could be anything from hills and ditches to mountains and rivers. Blocks would also be able to be edited this way.
  14. Lostspartan327

    Lostspartan327 Promethean

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    I just think the pelican and phantom should be added to the vehicles in forge world along with bots to test the map if u can't get ppl to join ur game and actually pay attention

    Edited by merge:

    There should also be a larger budget and covenant and unsc frigates with drop pods and a core in the ship to blow up and destroy the ship for machinimas. Dead bodies and blood would be good and ai bots should be marines grunts brutes ODSTs Spartans Jackals elites etc. They should also put elephant scarab also some trees that u can make jungles with. U should be able to create destroyed versions of the vehicles for machinimas as well. And forge should be on a separate disk. There should also be flood eggs like in halo 3 and flood creatures to kill
    #74 Lostspartan327, May 15, 2012
    Last edited: May 15, 2012

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