So yes, as the title says, there is a new game coming to XBLA, PSN, and PC. This game is in a style similar to Quake and Unreal Tournament, and it was released as a mod back in 2001. It uses the Cryengine 3 this time, making it the second game after Crysis 2 to use it. Now, I don't see this game selling very well due both to the fact that it was a free game in its previous version, and that most players think of CoD when the word FPS is used. That's why I wanted to show this beauty to the ForgeHub community. I've seen a handful of Quake-style maps coming out lately, so I'd assume that at least a few of you could appreciate this classic style of FPS. Here's a gameplay trailer. If you're not interested, leave a post here saying why. I'd like to know what the Halo community thinks of this game. Nexuiz: Gameplay Trailer‏ - YouTube Now, this game has only recently been announced, but it should come out nearing the end of Summer 2011. That's what the current announcements say. Prices have not been announced, but I'm expecting it to be anywhere between 800 and 1200 Microsoft Points. Considering it used to be a free game, expect prices to be somewhat low despite the powerful graphics engine it uses. Post your thoughts on this game here.
I've played Unreal Tournament 3 and Unreal Tournament: The Liandri Conflict. I also got the demo for Quake XBLA. I absolufuckinglutely hate the aesthetic and the controls for Unreal 3. It's choppy, unresponsive, and it's very difficult to platform. A lot of the weapons in Unreal 3 don't feel right. Basically the game really isn't fun. The maps aren't intuitive, etc. I liked quake for XBLA for a couple reasons. The weapons feel powerful. It's more of a one v one type game, so the maps are smaller and combat focused. Even though the aesthetic is more drab than Unreal 3, it isn't disjointed. Everything matches, goes together, and has a universal appeal. Unreal 3's is more distracting, has a bad choice in color palette (mostly due to saturation). I played the Liandri Conflict years ago on the original xbox as a kid, but I was a kid, so I can't rightly give a just opinion. I do remember playing the campaign a lot though and it did have clunky controls and pretty terrible AI. As for the vid, eh idk. I'm not sure that a quake styled game would be appropriate for the xbox. The controller just isn't a competitive enough device to be highly effective. Also, the HUD is somewhat intrusive. It should be toned down to it's most essential parts. Now compare what's in that vid to this one. Quake 3 Arena - Fatal1ty Vs Aim‏ - YouTube
The controller works very well for Quake-style games. Most players are just so used to relying on aim assist that they don't know what to do when a game takes that away. Contrary to popular belief, games without aim assist work just as well on the consoles as they do on the PC. I mostly see where you're coming from with the HUD thing, but it's not all that terrible to me. This is early gameplay footage, so it may or may not be changed for the final product.
The visuals look nice, but personal the gameplay look pretty boring. (no offense to any fans) Its like spraying and praying there, Saw a **** load of explosion for impacts but looks like it take forever for some1 to die
These guys weren't very good at the game. There is no aim assist, but you can see that it only takes a few shots to kill someone. It definitely has a Quake style to it, so you can bet that it's fast paced. I'm sure it will have at least above average gameplay, great if they decided not to change anything from the free version. Unless you're absolutely horrible at the game, you'll kill enemies fairly quickly. Faster than Halo, for sure. If you're complaining about this "spraying and praying" and "shitload of explosions", then you most likely don't understand Quake style games. Those explosions don't do a lot of damage unless they directly hit an enemy, which thanks to the lack of aim assist, makes the otherwise overpowered weapons a bit ineffective unless in the hands of a truly skilled player. Quake-style games are extremely balanced and reward the more skilled, smart, and if you're playing team-based games, team-oriented player. Think of it as being better than Unreal Tournament 3, not worse than Quake Arena Arcade.
I've never played Quake, but UT3 was super fun. I wouldn't have time to play this if I got it, but it certainly looks cool. Old school-style FPSs with modern graphics are usually pretty cool.
Never played quake or anything like it... My question is: Why the hell do they move so damn fast? Either the maps are really tiny or these guys are running at like 70mph.
This game hasn't only been announced recently. I heard about it months ago on MLG, have been eagerly anticipating ever since. Sure it could suck, but it also looks like something worth trying, like Blacklight etc. Check out the thread on MLG to see more detail on it, plus an oldish video from the Amazyn guys, when them and KC from MLG went down to the dev offices to test and give feedback on the current build at that time. Changes your perspective on it, trust me. That said, we were promised news about a beta from Illfonic in March, then it was put off more and more and we still have nothing. I don't see a summer release happening, it's gonna be pushed back for sure. EDIT: might as well leave this here: AmazYn Game Testing Nexuiz‏ - YouTube
That's a Quake-style game for you. The speed increases the skill gap, because you have to think and react much quicker than in your typical FPS. Most of these games lack aim assist, further increasing the skill gap. And yes, most maps are fairly small. I consider months ago to be recent. That's just me. Glad to see someone who already knows about this game, though. Sure, I'll check out those videos. EDIT: Alright, it didn't change my perspective on the game, but it did get me marginally more hyped than I was before. Either way, I'm almost definitely going to buy this game.
Well it was announced over a year ago, for an XBLA title that's hardly recent. Yeah, fair enough. Tbh I was talking more to those who seem to have the 'cheap knockoff' attitude which would indicate bad execution, I actually have a lot of hope for this game, which you seem to as well. Let me know if you hear any more specific details on release/beta etc. I watch the facebook pages and they said 'info soon' again recently, but that never happened the last few times so I have no idea how long we're gonna be waiting.
You can get the original version using the Quake engine for free, if you're tired of waiting. It'll at least give you a general idea of how the game plays, assuming that you have not already played the original version. It can run on 95% of all computers, so you should be able to run it lag-free even if you consider your specs to be horrible. I actually haven't heard of the XBLA release until recently. Too busy playing the original version to look for a remake.
Yeah, I tried the original. This version looks to play slightly differently, but still the same solid concept. Dunno if you're aware or not, but this is actually a different team from the community devs who made the original. Illfonic basically bought the rights to make a game under the Nexuiz name, and so whilst they're staying very true to their inspiration, the engine change and different development attitudes mean I wouldn't quite describe this as a remake, though I definitely see where you're coming from in expecting stuff based on the (fun) original.
I played these types of games extensively with a friend of mine back in the day, though it was always on a console like Dreamcast. He still has a greater hunger for this type of game than I do, but I could definitely see this being a nice cheap way to get our fix if there is a lull in game releases.
BUUUUUUMMP. So who's got this? I'm loving it so far, Shotty feels good once you get used to it (though either I suck with the secondary fire or it's way too weak), the Nex is frickin' awesome (basically the sniper) as well as the Clan Cutter and the Mortar. Still getting the feel of the other weapons. Maps are great fun. I love Overlook, Crash, Station and one other CTF map which I forget the name of. Still don't fully understand how dynamic mutators work, ie. how the three you get to choose from are selected, what pips and tiers mean etc. Quite a few things still confuse the hell out of me, but overall I'm loving the game.
I actually discounted this game when I first heard of it. Don't know why, probably just saw the name and thought it was stupid, so I forgot about it. Now everyone is raging about it, so I might go download the demo and have a look-see. Had a look at a few vids and it seems pretty hectic. If it's anything like Quake I'll probably end up buying it. Oh, the long hours I spent pouring my life into Quake. Also, if there's a railgun-esque weapon, I'm sold.
It's very Quake-esque, and tbh I prefer it to QAA so far. The Nex is very Railgun esque, high powered single shot with a low repeat and a scope. I'm disappointed because it lacks a Lightning Gun equivalent, the closest thing is the Clan Cutter in high powered mode (only accessible via a mutator, but still hella fun). Because of the aim assist it is, like all other guns, kinda easier to use, but that's more to do with twitch shooting on console rather than the specific gun. You can turn aim assist off, and Illfonic have said that they plan on bringing out a hardcore playlist which has mutators and aim assist turned off. Can't wait for that, but even with the aim assist turned on it's still very fun, just not making the most of its competitive potential.
I loved this on PC, but I did get a little lag from it on there, so hopefully this will be a much better experience. Imma grab it now.