Imperial Star Destroyer Avenger 2.0

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Starship Forge, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    Imperial Star Destroyer Avenger 2.1

    Update 11/16/11: Uploaded version 2.1, which improves navigation in one particular spot (I added some long railing "stairs" to a spot that required jumping previously). All pics below are of version 2.0, but the differences are not enough to warrant taking new pics. Version 2.0 can still be downloaded from my fileshare.

    I decided to revisit the Star Destroyer I made a while back. I tore the whole thing apart, and re-built it from scratch. This new version has much better proportions, more detail, and a vastly improved interior (the interior of the old one just plain sucked). It's taken me roughly a week and a half, and now I am ready to present the Imperial Star Destroyer Avenger 2.0 (technically, it's version 3.0, but I thought version 2.0 had such terrible proportions it wasn't worth sharing).















    To create this, I used blueprints of the Star Destroyer, as well as reference photos of the actual filming models (the blueprints got a few details wrong). I also made heavy use of grids to help get the proportions as close as possible. I actually used the same blueprints for my first attempt, but that time I pretty much eyeballed it instead of using the grids (which is why the older version is so much more chunky in comparison).

    As with the last one, this is mostly aesthetic. I did try to make it at least casually playable, though. There are spawn points & weapons set out, and I've set it up for people to be able to play team King of the Hill (basically, Rebels trying to take over the bridge, though I couldn't figure out how to make the red team the attackers instead of defenders, since red is more appropriate for rebels then Imperials). Works with Slayer as well.

    This map features a launch bay with twin Banshees (Banshees are docked at an angle, so all it takes a slight forward dive during takeoff to clear the bay). There is also a smaller secondary bay, but that's for aesthetics, and the fact that it allowed me to save a couple of blocks by leaving it open (not to mention it's probably too small to easily fly into or out of). There is also a cargo area, a middle floor with easy access to both the bridge & the exterior "turbolasers" (almost purely for aesthetics; doubt they're much use in an actual game), and of course the command bridge (one notable improvement over my previous ISD is the fact that the floor of the bridge is smooth; no more jumping around to move inside it). There are also a couple of bunker boxes inside the ship towards the tip, just to break up the lines of sight (if you go to the tip, the long lines of sight looking towards the back cause lag without them).

    Quick note: If you want to view this in Forge (rather than play a custom game), I recommend that you delete all of the spawn points as soon as you load it up. This will prevent any discoing problems that may occur when viewing from a distance (it only does it in Forge when it has to render all of the spawn points; no problem in custom games).

    Also, credit to DIEabolical D for the design of the twin shield domes (I based mine heavily off of his).

    For comparison, here is my original version.
    #1 Starship Forge, Jul 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2012
    Abe Skywalker likes this.
  2. GruntHunter

    GruntHunter Ancient
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    Looks amazing, but honastly I think it would of been better star wars battlefront 2 style, I always did like their ships better than the normal ones.

    HEROEZ BLADE117 Forerunner

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    I am a big fan of star wars so to me this looks quite amazing. The interior is cool especially with the banshees docked there. The outside is kind boring though. You could have added a little more detail so it wasn't so flat and boring. The forging is amazing. You are good at making aesthetic maps. I can't wait to see your next map.
  4. Dean PHD

    Dean PHD Forerunner

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    Someone had created an Imperial Star destroyer in Halo 3 in Sandbox. It was an objective type map with banshees also but had other things inside as well. I never had the game variant but we used to have a lot of fun playing slayer on it. I thought maybe you were the creator of that map also when I first saw this post op up.
    Im glad this map can be played with standard game variants so I don't have to remember which map goes with which variant.
  5. DIEabolical

    DIEabolical Forerunner
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    Very nice work here , looking from the side and rear are my favorite angles of the SD.
    I found that the building piece pyramid was perfect for the top structure , almost as if thats what it was made for. Man these things are not easy to make with all the crazy angles and stuff , so much respect to you for a successfull model of the SD.
  6. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    Thanks for the comments.

    Republic Star Destroyers are cool, but I'm partial to the classic design myself. Maybe it's just because of how incredibly detailed and cool looking the 8 foot filming model for Empire Strikes Back is.

    It would be nice to add more details (like surface panels, or a bunch of random objects in the trench area), but unfortunately, this map is pushing the limits of object density as it is (nevermind the fact that there's 0 budget left). Any more than this, and I'm afraid the discoing would become unbearable, regardless of the mode. Right now, discoing only happens in Forge mode when all of the spawn points need to be rendered, and it's easy to delete them if your only intent is to look around in Forge; you don't have that option if it's the map pieces themselves that are causing the problem.

    You wouldn't happen to have a download link for that, would you? I'd like to see it.

    These crazy angles are exactly what ate up so many blocks. For instance, for the main wedge shape, I had to basically create a straight row of blocks down the center for getting the nice, sharp center edge, and another row angled outwards for the wedge shape, and merge them together. If you only go for the wedge-angled blocks, you either end up with ugly intersections when they meet, or weird-shaped gaps if you have them only just touching (I'm sure you've noticed that).

    This was one instance where Forge's weird rotation system (where stuff rotates all skewed when you change more than one value) actually helped, because I was able to use the same basic angles, and then change only the pitch, and the blocks still merged together perfectly (the angles for the straight-egded row were 91, 3, 11, and the wedge-angled blocks were 73, 3, 11).
    #6 Starship Forge, Jul 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2011
  7. LH Shadows 052

    LH Shadows 052 Forerunner

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    finally a star destroyer with a good interior, i've seen some good ones but this was really nice good work and nice idea to use real movie film reels and more.
  8. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    Has anyone who's played this had any problems with bumps in the flooring (from uneven floor pieces)? I know there are a few bumps in some areas (a few in the mid-section, between the hangar bay/cargo area & the bridge, and some on the exterior surface), and there is a ledge in the hangar bay that you have to jump to get up to cargo area. It's probably nothing major, I'm just curious if it would cause any problems in an actual game (I'm mostly worried about that ledge in the hangar bay).
    #8 Starship Forge, Jul 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2011
  9. a0puncfan

    a0puncfan Forerunner

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    Yes i am going to review this map to one up Rhub, would you mind getting a review from the Anti-Rhub?
  10. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    I'd welcome a review from anyone, so go ahead.

    Edited by merge:

    I've uploaded a slightly modified version of the Star Destroyer (version 2.1) here (it's such a slight change that I figured there was no need for creating a new thread).

    In this version, I changed a few things around to improve navigation in one particular spot. The ledge where the the launch bay meets the cargo area (caused by the difference in thickness between the coliseum walls and the 5x5 flats) has been fixed with some long railing "stairs" so that players don't have to jump the ledge to get up to the cargo bay (a tiny bit bumpy, but much better than forcing a jump).

    Version 2.0 is still available on my fileshare.
    #10 Starship Forge, Nov 16, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2011
  11. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    Sorry it's taken me forever to reply, but great job. The interior has defiantly had a vast difference. I had to better place some spawns so I could play team swat with my friends on this, but then again the map wasn't built for true game play. So other than a small portion that shouldn't affect it's true play, I'd say great job. A terrific design to such a complicated structure, quite more than I could do!
  12. Zatherla

    Zatherla Sweet Lemonade
    Senior Member

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    I LOVE the thrusters, they look as if that's what's actually making the ship stay mid-air. also with the fact that you can go inside the ship itself, and it looking nice inside aswell! Great job! +1 Download.
  13. Abe Skywalker

    Abe Skywalker Legendary

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    Ausome wonderful map

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