Thanks guys, it's just great that the concepts are being accepted so well. Broc, the K was capital because I'm struggling to decide whether to name it ArK, or Ark. ArK feels more futuristic, and the story going with the map takes place in the future. Career, the coloring is there so that everyone has a fair and equal shot at seeing each other. I AM however, pondering the idea of making them all black, rather than white. I admit that white can get a bit tricky to spot at times. I'll make sure to, Pyro. :] And thanks. Changes made in ß20: Spawning has been completely reworked. Rock callout shifted left to increase in-game noticeability. Jump pad changed to a no-fail Grav Lift. A small amount of testing remains neccessary. I truly feel this version could potentially be the final posted copy, but I need to test it a bunch to be sure. I've tired too many people out with it's constant testing, sooooo... Any new volunteers?
THANK GOD, finally you realized the error of your ways, Im definitely interested in testing this again with the new improvements , hit me up when we are both on
You still havent hit me up for any testing! Message me nexttime you see me online! Just not today, I cant today, but tomorrow. and any other day. But if I dont join that means Im busy. Also I would like your opinion and views on a map pack I am working on presently, all are 2v2 maps, one looks like it might be able to get up to 6 and one looks like it might be able to have just 1v1s also.
The improvements have made this map much better. The lift now functions properly and I'm glad you figured out that it was the health pack that was making the lift hallway so campable. I hadn't even noticed the pack before, but I'm sure I used it. The call-outs are made easy with the obvious indications on the walls and good teamwork/communication is required to secure a victory. I especially enjoyed the second gametype where we could move normally because it really put you on your toes (and we won that game). Aside from one terrible spawn, everything went pretty smoothly. Good jerb man, this one is ready for a release.
Very nice gameplay. I would certainly say it is plain, but I like the look and feel of it, along with the 2v2 aspect. Love 2v2. Post the map.
How many times has this map been updated? All the time I always hear that you've upadted it. I played on this quite awhile ago, so I'm eager to see if you made any changes. Send me and invite so we can play this again sometime.
I'm with that guy. I can't remember the last time I played on this, but I keep seeing this pop up with updates. I would not mind getting a game on this to see how it has changed. Also, are you going to release this map this century or next?
Invite me next time you're playing. This map looked sexy (your pictures won't load), and since you've updated it like a hundred times, it should look even sexier. Oh yeah, and hopefully the gameplay is solid, too.
I have a habit of testing things, as may of been noticed, and I've tested this map in all senses (including prototypes, "what if" varients, and games for fun) upwards of ninety times. I'd hope that the gameplay is solid by now. I'd LOVE to put that in the video, but that version is just so old and outdated... I'll find a way to make it work.
Simply a beautiful map. Grass on the wall is EPIC! Can't wait for the final to be posted of this map.