Remake Blood Gulch

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by EpicChief117, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Changes: - Some rocks have been moved to increase accuracy.
    - The water in the cave has been covered up with flat rocks.
    - The Red base has been rotated 30 degrees to the right.

    New Custom Gametype(s):- CE Slayer provides classic slayer without assassinations and with shield recharge times as close to CE as possible.

    All CE gametypes required for a closer CE experience:

    Versions of CE slayer have been made with all compatible gametypes including zero bloom version of classic slayer.

    Hemmhorage. Bungie's remake of Blood Gulch. It is a well known map in matchmaking but lets be honest, it isn't accurate at all. So i decided to make a version of Blood Gulch dedicated to accuracy. My target is 100% accuracy. I think that my version is about 90%. Maybe 95%.


    This is an overview of the entire map.


    When i played this for the first time, it was Classic CTF. From that game, i discovered exactly why Blood Gulch is so famous. It was 30 seconds left. I had the enemy flag. There was a tank on my tail. As i got close to my base, i felt my heart pounding. I experienced the adrenaline rush that made Halo a legend. This made me even more confident in remaking this infamous map. I hope that you enjoy it as much as i did.

    If there is anything that you think i should add to be more accurate, then feel free to say.

    Please enjoy this remake. I will be releasing more remakes in the future.
    #1 EpicChief117, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2011
  2. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    An excellent remake, true to the original. While most of the map is pre-made, I think you did an excellent job of capturing the true Halo feel of Blood Gulch. Whenever I play capture the flag on Hemorrhage, I wish it was Blood Gulch. The warthog sprees, the roar of the scorpion, and who can forget the epic flag runs. As a die hard CE fan, you, sir, have made my day.
  3. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    I have never played Halo CE multiplayer in my entire life (except from going into Blood Gulch to remake it of course) but i knew that someone needed to give a dedicated remake without changing any of the feel. I hope that many people enjoy it.
  4. torched frog

    torched frog Ancient
    Senior Member

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    can you jump on the pillers around the base?
  5. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    can you please specify? i have no idea what these "pillars" are. Are they the rocks or are they the struts?
  6. torched frog

    torched frog Ancient
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  7. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    i will try it out and see. after that, i will go on CE and check if i can do the same in that. If the results are different, then i will make changes.

    Edited by merge:

    Nope. In neither game is it possible to jump up there. I even tried a combo of rocket launcher jump and oversheilds in both games and it didn't work.
    #7 EpicChief117, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011
  8. Exile

    Exile Forerunner

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    So what actually changed from the Bungie version except less rocks on the map?
    Cuz less rocks on the map only make it worse since there is no cover.
  9. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    The bungie version has these things different:
    It felt like a whole different map
    The cave was significantly darker and was missing a wall section
    There are no powerups
    The weapons are completely different
    The vehicles are different
    The bases have different cover types
    Every rock is different from Blood Gulch

    Bungie quote:" Hemmhorage is a mixture of Blood Gulch and Coagulation."

    This remake is solely focused on a pixel-perfect remake and not a pathetic, Bungie style reimagining like Hemhorrage.
  10. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Turn each base 45 degrees to the right (so they're parallel from above) and it should be good
  11. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    The bases are fine. I can't get the angle of the screenshot the exact same as the Blood Gulch picture. In the comparison picture, the bases are in exactly the same place in each but the camera angle is different so it looks wrong.
  12. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I applaud your dedication to accuracy, and this does look good. But I feel compelled to comment on a couple of things about the thread (and not really about your map per se - more so about every other part of the conversation here).

    First of all, the sales pitch I find a little puzzling. The heart pounding awesomeness of Blood Gulch (sometimes - though often not, and I would know having played it week in and week out for years!) is not really in dispute. But I don't see how your map offers this somehow while Hemmorhage does not. There's not anything particularly special about the Blood Gulch weapon/vehicle/rock layout that magically creates great games, and there's nothing about Hemmorhage that magically prevents them. I've played some great games on both, and plenty of duds on both as well. For instance I played lots of horrible spawn-rape games on Blood Gulch, which had arguably the worst spawn problems of any official Bungie map in any Halo game - especially when the scorpion was involved. I also played plenty of boring CTF games where one team held the middle and just forced the other team to scratch and claw their way out of their own base for many minutes at a time. Conversely, I've played some great games on Hemorrhage - last minute flag or bomb runs, epic back-and-forths in team slayer, and so on. Put plainly, I don't believe the Gulch is quite as awesome as its reputation suggests, or that Hemmorhage is somehow a huge failure just because it's tweaked and changed a little bit.

    Which brings me to my second point. I've never understood the depths of outrage at Bungie's "pathetic" reimaginings. Maybe I'm just not a purist or a competitive MLG type player enough to understand, but most of their remade maps have been fine with me. They play very similarly. The differences are not enormous enough to ruin the basic gameplay. Sure, you can argue about missing jumps and closed windows on Blackout and I can kind of appreciate that logic, but this is a sprawling map of great size where the fundamental gameplay comes from just a few elements: the shape of the canyon, the middle hill, the design and location of the bases, the caves and ledges that overlook both bases, and the weapon and vehicle set. The majority of that was preserved here - the changes are minute compared to the similarities. Personally I like that it's not exactly the same. I like learning the quirks of a map that is at least a little new. I like that they fixed (or halfway, sort of fixed) the spawn problems, and preserved the extra cover from Coagulation, which was frustratingly hard to come by in the Gulch. And I think where Hemorrhage fails is largely in areas that Blood Gulch also failed in - mostly in being a big, flat, vacant piece of real estate that was too hard on infantry and too forgiving for vehicles. To my mind, Valhalla was the best possible "reimagination" of the Gulch, and I wish like hell they had remade it for Reach instead. Ah, to dream.

    Anyway, not trying to rain on your parade or anything - just hoping to bring a more moderated perspective to the discussion. Carry on!
    #12 Nutduster, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011
  13. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    what good is a remake if it isn't remade? The Bungie reimaginings might have been ok, but not at all like the original map. Even an added wall can create an environment that is the same to the map you want to remake. It might be hard to kill in Blood Gulch so slayer isn't it's best ally but it really does provide a thouroughly enjoyable CTF experience. The phrase i used isn't a lame sales pitch. It is an honest emotion that i felt while playing my remake. Despite the fact that the blue flag return wasn't there due to a rare lack of memory to set the label. If Blood Gulch wasn't the best Halo map for you then that is your opinion. I won't try to change it. I will just try to help you see what i enjoy about it.
  14. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Because it offers the opportunity to fix issues and to try a slightly different spin on a well-liked core design. Sometimes they have succeeded and sometimes they've failed, but few (if any) Halo maps are so awesome and perfect that they should never be messed with, at least in my opinion. I never liked Coagulation as much as Blood Gulch, for reasons that are hard to pinpoint, but I think as a re-imagination of the same basic concept, Valhalla was vastly superior to both. I also thought Avalanche was a far better and more fun map to play on than Sidewinder, although it's so very different that it's barely a remake at all. Blackout wasn't as good as Lockout but it played very similarly. The remake of Derelict (whose name I forget) was a superior map in one key aspect, providing another couple of ways up to the top level; that's a perfect example of a map that needed some tweaking. On the other hand, the remake of Hang 'em High messed with a good thing and didn't really succeed in its revisions, at least as far as I'm concerned.

    The other reason to re-imagine (or just slightly alter) is that each of these games plays differently. Reach is a far cry from Halo: CE. Even a pixel-perfect remake of Blood Gulch won't play like it because too many other things are different - the vehicle speeds and physics, player speed, armor abilities, the weapon set... even a very fundamental thing like the camera view from the player's perspective affects how the map feels to you as you walk through it.

    So for those reasons, I welcome remakes that aren't simply perfect re-creations with better graphics. I get a certain nostalgia from walking around on somebody's perfect forge remake of an old map, but truthfully, they rarely play better or are more fun than Bungie's takes. And like I said above, I think a few of those re-imaginations outdo the originals in most respects. Valhalla and Avalanche are much better big team maps to me than Blood Gulch and Sidewinder, and both of them would have been far more appropriate to Reach than Hemorrhage is. Opportunity lost there.
    #14 Nutduster, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011
  15. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    Actually, i started from scratch. The map you have decided to slander took days of going back and forth between games to get it up to a high standard of accuracy. I'm going to say that you have taken one look at the top picture and decided that that is all i have done. It may have taken less time than usual since the ground is already there but please download it before judging it.

    Edited by merge:

    As i said before, i won't try to change your opinion. Even though i disagree, you have the right to give your own, unique opinion and i respect you for doing so. I just don't see any reason to be criticising it because it doesn't have anything different from Blood Gulch. There are three things that i look for (or at least try to hit) in a remake; Looks, Feeling, Gameplay. If one of those things doesn't match then i will go back and fix it. This remake (in my opinion) looks like it, feels like it and since it is about 90% accurate, plays like it.

    And besides, i need to use different textures since Bungie like grass now :(

    I unfortunately can't see it from your perspective since the first Halo game i got was Halo 3. I did eventually get all 6 games, but i have never played multiplayer matches on CE nor 2. In my mind, maps should be left alone. If they were successful before, then they don't need tinkered with to be successful now. These reimaginings might capture the fundamentals of its former self but it won't ever be the same.

    Edited by merge:

    Please note that if you plan on playing games on this map, you must use the classic game variants and NOT the ordinary Reach gametypes.

    Carry on...
    #15 EpicChief117, Jul 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011

    SPL4TTERMAN Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    What made Hemmorage not as good was several things. 1, Blood Gulch was much smaller, and this gave infantry a little more CQB, which leads my to my next point 2, the DMR. Introduced in Reach, this weapon is able to pick off anybody trying to make their way on foot throught the map, which again, wouldn't be so bad if the bases weren't so far apart. This doesn't help with Hemmorage's lack of cover. Hemmorage is not a bad map, but it's changes from it's older models do not mix with Reach's gameplay as well, and does not live up to the family name. Anyways, I will be sure to download this map and see how it compares to the CE Classic.
  17. EpicChief117

    EpicChief117 Forerunner

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    I totally agree. Bungie didn't put much thought into how the community has changed over the last 10 years. btw dont use my classic gametype since 343 have made anniversary slayer. use that instead.

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