Secound Forge World Ideas

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by blacksoul341, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    All I want is my forklift...
  2. broccollipie

    broccollipie Forerunner

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    The truck, too. Some modded map where you could drive it in Halo 3 was badass.
  3. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    My question is, why did it take until you to notice that?
  4. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    Whether it's a new Forgeworld for Reach, or Forge 3.0 in Halo 4, these are the main things I would want, in order of importance:


    1)Fix the rotation bugs.
    There is absolutely no reason why shifting something 90 in the pitch should cause the yaw and roll to fall apart (for some reason, the game pretty much confuses the other two whenever x is at 90, at least for some objects). Also, the game should be able to make up it's mind in certain cases, and not try to shift back and forth between two equivalent, but not quite identical values. For example, there is no reason why Forge should have a hard time deciding between 90, 135, 135 and 90, -45, -45 every time the object is manipulated, or every time the map is saved/loaded. Those two may be mathematically equivalent, but they cause subtle shifts in the rotation, the affect of which worsens the larger the object (coliseum walls are horrendous for this).

    Possibly related to this last one, but rotation snaps should not affect an object that has already been snapped to that value (I've noticed this a lot with 90 degree snaps). Basically, you should be able to easily, intuitively, and reliably rotate an object (without needing to calculate some odd combination of values will get you where you want), and it should be stable once there.

    It's been said, but it's important, and hardly anything difficult to implement. As far as I know, all Forge does is save object position & rotation values to an edit sheet (which is why the maps we make are 88-120 kb rather than hundreds of mbs), so that kind of information wouldn't be hard to manage in an undo system.


    1)More precise nudging, in both position and rotation.
    Using exact coordinate nudging should be able to yield more precise results. Perhaps a "precision snap" could be used similar to the rotation snaps, where you get to choose how precise you want your coordinate nudging to be (for example, choosing whether you want one or two decimal points of accuracy). Also, freehand nudging is still a little crude, even with the ability to click the left stick to for extra precision. One big way to improve that would be to make precision free-hand nudging a toggle, rather than making you hold it down. It would also be nice if there was a way to temporarily use one of the analog sticks for height nudging (a toggle of some kind, maybe), because using the bumpers just doesn't cut it, even with the left stick clicked in; the lack of pressure sensitivity on the bumpers decreases their accuracy for nudging dramatically.

    There should also be no loss of information simply because you grab an object. An object that has been carefully placed through free-hand nudging should not snap to a new position and/or rotation just because it's been grabbed; it that is going to happen, if should at the very least wait until an actual change has been made. For that matter, having rotation snaps should not cause an object to re-align just because it's been grabbed; the snapping should only once when an actual change is made.

    2)Object and/or value locking.
    Once you've got an object placed exactly where you want it, you should be able to lock/unlock it from editing. That way, you can forge around it without worrying about grabbing/deleting the wrong thing. You should still be able to enter the coordinate nudging for that object, but only be able to view the values. That way, you could easily check the position or rotation values of that object (so that you could duplicate and/or mirror it), without worrying about accidentally shifting it out of place. Also, it would make it a lot faster to move small objects around on top of larger objects, without needing to be uber-careful about which item you are actually selecting (I HATE it when I delete a large structural item rather than the weapon I thought I was selecting).

    If you had the further ability to lock down specific values apart from the rest (like say, lock down the height, or the yaw), then you can do even more. For instance, if you know you an object is placed perfectly for width & length, but you want to change the height alone, you could lock the other two, and adjust the height. This would mainly be useful during free hand-nudging, so that you could adjust only certain values without worrying about introducing errors into one or more of the other values. It would also have a lot of use in conjunction with rotation snaps, so that you could snap one of the rotation values, while leaving the rest as they are (for instance, being able to rotate the yaw 90 degrees and not worry that your -27 & 132 values for the other two will be destroyed).

    3)Reduce the amount of space the monitor needs during object manipulation.

    Forging in close quarters can be obnoxious, and sometimes nearly impossible. Ever had that obnoxious screen vibration because the monitor had no room to move & kept bumping into everything around it while manipulating something? It's also annoying when you want to rotate an object, and the instant you start rotating it, it forces you into a new perspective, viewing the object as a whole from a distance. This new perspective is just fine (if not extremely helpful) most if the time, except for when you want to closely watch what one of the edges is doing while rotating (like trying to rotate it so that one of the egdes matches up with the edge of another object). In those cases, the new perspective means you have to constantly stop, fly in and check, and keep doing this until it looks right, when it would be nicer if you could just focus on that one area during rotation. This would be something else that would be helpful as a toggle, since there are enough uses for the default global perspective that simply removing it for the sake of such situations would do more harm than good.

    4) Object finding.

    It would be nice if you could do a "find and highlight all of these" or something similar to that. Sometimes it's like looking for a needle in a haystack to find smaller objects you've placed, or perhaps trying to find something that is mostly hidden from view (like an object that is mostly obscured by being phased into another object). For some items, this would be a lifesaver. Kill zones, I've noticed, are horrible for this; you have to be right on top of them for them to appear.

    5)Object grouping.
    It would be nice to do a multiple selection, and move the whole thing together in one group. Sometimes you simply have to move an entire section of map, and it's a pain in the butt to have to have to re-create that entire section just to move it. This would just be a temporary selection, though, like doing a ctrl-click. Maybe you click something in while grabbing.

    6)Copy and paste.
    Sometimes you want to bring something in from another file. Say for instance you are working on version 3 of a map, and you realize there is one aspect of version 1 or 2 you like better. Rather than trying to re-build whatever it is in the new map, or going back to the older version to re-build the changes you made in the newer version, you could simply copy and paste. This would only really work if you have the group selection tool as well, though. To prevent people from abusing copy and paste to steal other people's maps, simply make it so that copy and paste only works when the source & destination maps were both created by the player.
    #24 Starship Forge, Jul 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2011
  5. blacksoul341

    blacksoul341 Forerunner

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    Hypothetical talk
  6. Naughty Badger

    Naughty Badger Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I was led to believe that there would never be a second forge world
    and that this was a one time thing.
  7. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    There shouldn't be another Forge World, in any Halo. It caused too many frame-rate problems, much worse than Sandbox could ever hope to do. I'd rather have a mostly blank forge-only map the size of Foundry, but with the diversity in pieces (a little bit more, actually) that Forge World offered. In my opinion, that would be much better.
  8. blacksoul341

    blacksoul341 Forerunner

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    *cough* Coliseum area *cough*
  9. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    *Cough* Doesn't fix the problem *Cough*
  10. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    DE-Spawn timers
  11. armyofone98GTC

    armyofone98GTC Forerunner

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    God I hope so...
  12. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    Personally, I doubt there will be a second Forge World. However, with Halo 4 coming out, I think they ought to add a few things to it (at the very least, they need to fix some of the annoying glitches, like the rotation bugs).

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