Refined- Another word for aesthetics ____________________________________ Red Base Spawn: Blue Team Spawn: Etc. Some nice aesthetics I added to the map: While experimenting with the slanted walls and 3x3 shorts block, I came up with this building design accidentaly. The map itself is about the same size as PowerHouse, suitable only to Team Slayer, as I had too much trouble making it for any other gametypes. Competitive: Refined - YouTube Thanks again to the one and only, pinohkio! Weapons List: Grenade Launcher 1x DMR 6x 1 magazine Magnum 2x 5 magazines Plasma Rifle 2x Needler Rifle 2x 2 magazines As you can see, I have no flavor for power weapons, and I tried to make this map as balanced as I possibly could while making it an enjoyable map to play on. I was also in a hurry to post this map, anyways, thanks to GruntHunter and the Berb 9 for giving me feedback and for testing. Also thanks to Papamidnight13 T0MisHIGH Soul Slasher X Cosim0 864 superMCSWEET Incase you missed the link uptop, click underneath: : Halo Reach : File Details *REMEMBER, THIS MAP IS ONLY TO BE PLAYED ON TEAM SLAYER!*Ive recently noticed a huge bug on my map, time to kill it. Instead of falling to your death, theres a ten second timer to get back to the battlefield. Ill fix this as soon as possible!*
You finally finished it? Eh? Took a while of the preview stage and now its completed. This could be a great nominee for the FHF thingamahdohicky. BTW FIRST!!!1! Dling as soon as my xbox is back near me and just for the record it looks amazing loving the curvature of the ceiling, quite rare in Reach with the limited amount of circular items.
The map looks great and the design is interesting. I do however think you should set it up with some objective games.
This map is pretty fun. Though all 3 times I played it, my teams lost COUGH*SUPERMCSWEET*COUGH. I enjoyed it even when I was losing. The weapon layout fits the map perfect, teams are balanced,and looks good. I wish that we tried FFA, I love free for all and it looked like a good map for it.
I really like the look of the structures. Can you go inside the large building? If not, I will be sad.
Sadly, do to the amount of budget I had to use, (For the 5000$ budget contest) I wasnt able to add further detail. But it was defianatly something I wanted.
yyou should put a sniper on top of the bridge (limited ammo) so hes not in to control [br][/br]Edited by merge: im a fan of snipers
Snipers most likely will not make a presentation on this map. The only power weapon this map is the Grenade Launcher,simple equation: {skill > power weapons}
The gameplay on this map is fast-paced and balanced, the only problem with the map was that it was a bit cramped for 7v7 team slayer, which could probably be fixed by making the main building smaller.
You finally got this posted eh? Well this was really fun to test out and the gametypes were great! CTF went really fast BTW hehe. I would say "You got my DL" but you already have it!
This was a pretty sweet map! Great job OlympusPrime! i really enjoyed playing this map and it looks real tasty ;D the one thing i would do different is that it very difficult for the red team (me atleast) to get up on top of the structure from the red base im not sure if this is on purpose, but i was sadface when i couldnt get up... Otherwise, it was amazinG!
*Ive recently noticed a huge bug on my map, time to kill it. Instead of falling to your death, theres a ten second timer to get back to the battlefield. Ill fix this as soon as possible!*
I really enjoy the look this map has but i think you released it too early. It could have done with several more tests because then the feedback would be purest. I would reckon the map suits a 2v2 game or a 6 player FFA
I was in a rush to get it posted because I thought the 5000$ dollar budget was ending soon, but then I rellized it was next month. But I'll do more tests on it and hopefully I could get it suitable for more gametypes.
I walked around on this map for a few minutes and remembered that I always wanted to built a map in this spot of forgeworld but I gave up on it because everything I tried to make up there pretty much sucked... BUT you pulled it off absolutely phenomenal! The detail that this map has got is fantastic and even better you only used 5000 dollars! I still haven't found out how you did it but this is one of my favourite maps in my collection right now and I don't think it will ever leave my harddrive.