!/avatarthelastairbender Watch the video at the top of the wall feed. Make sure you don't splooge in your pants. We wouldn't want that, now would we?
It's called "The Last Airbender" now, probably to avoid that exact confusion. Anyway, amazing show. It's going to be at least 26 episodes, and there's going to be no filler episodes unrelated to plot, so it's going to be pretty intense. Legend of Korra Official HD Trailer - Original Speed‏ - YouTube
Never watched it, doesn't interest me. Haven't watched anime in years, but when I did, it was pretty much DBZ and not much else. One of my mates has started watching one called Guyver or something, and he says its pretty boss, but the same as basically every anime plot. Death Note is pretty good too, though I've only seen the first season of it.
I'm truly positive that Korra is Aang and Katara's child. This makes me sad because that was all too easy too figure out from the trailers. I mean, hey. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it must be a duck.
^That is sick. But anyways, that lady is not Aang and Kataras Daughters. (Spoiler) They have a son that she will meet later on in the show. I cant wait for this to come out.
^ What he said. Not their child. Xun, I strongly recommend you at least try watching Cowboy Bebop. It is the only anime I've ever found that truly transcends the genre. Sure, it looks like anime because that's the style, but the story, characters, and atmosphere are unlike anything else. I've gotten several friends who hate anime to fall in love with the series (which is only 26 episodes and a movie and not some drawn out piece of ****).
Evangelion, anyone? Not a piece of ****, but it is drawn out. A lot. I dont hate anime, Im just not a massive fan of it. Ive seen some I like, and seen some I dont. I think Ive seen one or two episodes of Bebop, cant remember. Ive seen a few Trigun episodes too, thats not too bad. Vampire Hunter D is alright, too. Ive seen a fair few others, too, just cant remember half of them. Oh, Ninja Scroll was sweet.
Evangelion had a great concept- humans piloting aliens encased in bad-ass armor that allowed them to be controlled. The design of the Angels was fantastic. However, no one wants to listen to kids ***** all day about their daddy issues and how much is sucks to be a clone or whatever. Too many animes have bitchy teenagers.