About to watch the "Thor" movie, anybody wanna help me out before I waste time watching it? PPC Enjoyment scale [] Yeh [] Eh [] Meh [] Neh [] Bleh
Thor. If you are a fan of history, sociology, or anything like that, it blows. Especially the sociology and anachronisms of it. If you like nordic lore, its ok. If you are in it to see a mix of Boromir (Lord of the Rings) and Clay Matthews (Green Bay Packers) kick CGI ass with a hammer and stuff, its meh. If you like complex plots, sorry. Spoiler Good guy is oblivious and scolded for it, leaves, betrayal happens, good guy becomes smarter, saves the day. Only true badass in the movie is a mediocre role.
That movie was void of anything thought provoking. I only saw fat depressing parents taking their fat depressing offspring to a shitty movie.
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