I haven't read the other posts so I'm probably just repeating perope here but I think I see what's wrong. The other guys were on the spawn, I know you fall down from the spawn but the other guys got killed just before you, so in that moment you were supposed to spawn I think they were on the point so it forced you out. Maybe they hit the jetpack right after they spawned so they were there longer, but that's the best I can think of. PS. I did read and you were very rude to the people who tried to help you, so I'm just trying to explain how they could be right. Honestly right now I'm kinda hoping you'll just comment without reading this so I can point it out and be an asshole.
Hilarious comment from bungie.net thread: "i also posted something like this on forgehub but everyone just shot me down.... like they always do" People tried to provide an explanation based on your YouTube vid (which we can't download or analyze, mind you) and you spazzed out and insulted the people offering help. But yeah, we totally "shot you down." Anyway, I download the vid from the Bungie thread and took a look at it, and also looked at the map itself in forge. It's hard to say exactly what happened. The map has four team-specific spawn points and a hard respawn zone for each team, with all four points falling inside the zone. In this guy's video, as in yours, several people died simultaneously. Two of his teammates spawned inside the map on the two left-most spawn points at the same instant that he spawned outside the map - this looks basically the same as what happened to you. The two right-most spawn points for his team were unoccupied and he should've been able to spawn there, but didn't. I did notice that a blue player was somewhat near those spawn points and facing them with a sword - that could indicate a line-of-sight problem overruled those as safe places to spawn, but I wouldn't think that would move a player from an actual respawn point to one of Forge World's invisible ones. Maybe it does though. Some experimentation may be needed. My guess is that just doubling the number of spawn points for each team would help with this, but it's hard to say for sure just yet. EDIT - Well this mystery turned out to be a pretty easy one after all. I assumed you had spawned on one of Forge World's many invisible respawn points, which exist in case there are no available respawn points to spawn on. In fact, the maker of this map left a small quantity of neutral respawn points and one neutral initial spawn sitting on the place you spawned in this video. Load it up in Forge and have a look - there's a little cluster of them in that location. They are outside the hard respawn zones for both teams so 99% of the time they won't be used, but in all probability the same thing happened to you that I think happened to the guy in that bungie.net thread: several members of your team died and then respawned simultaneously, leaving just one or two free respawn points for you to possibly appear on. A blue player was likely near those points and looking at them, which the game sees as a serious negative spawn influencer due to line of sight. Therefore it treated the neutral spawn point as preferential to the free one inside your team's respawn zone, and you ended up outside the map. This glitch (if it can even really be called that) is documented here, and there's a thread about it (and other spawn issues) here. This particular map could be fixed by deleting the neutral respawn points and/or adding more team-specific spawn points. I know it's standard for Grifball maps to have just four per side, but due to the possibility of someone physically occupying them I'd prefer to see more like six or eight per side. However, it's the neutral spawn points that really caused the problem, and those need to go. That said, most players in most games won't see this issue because it requires a unique and rare set of circumstances to occur. (In both videos of this I've seen now, at least three players on one team died and spawned simultaneously - that alone is a rare occurrence, even in Grifball.) I actually played my first game on this map yesterday and never ran into this issue.
Hahah yea that's what we are here at forgehub, a bunch of assholes. Also, a bunch of assholes that know what we are talking about when it comes to these kind of things and were just about right all along
So in the end, it was as simple as this: if your team hadn't sucked so hard at grifball, it wouldn't have happened. Moral of the story is: Spread out in grifball. everyone pick a zone.
Let me get this straight. You were bothered so much by this that you put a thread here about it and searched for a thread on Bungie to post in as well. You got mad when people didn't help you (even though we were trying to). And then after I downloaded a video of it as well as the map, and gave you what I think is a definitive explanation of the problem, you just shrug and say "I don't care"? Glad I put in the effort.
I've never seen this before. But here's an idea, Bungie could put more than 4 spawn points so this will never happen again!
Im not a mod, so I cant lock it. The thread has outlived its purpose/been answered, however, so if a mod reads it, it will likely get locked. Not saying this just to goad or troll, merely stating fact. It keeps getting bumped, which is probably why someone hasn't closed it yet. Should probably stop bumping it...