I took the survey and invited a bunch of friends. Hope this works out, I really want to know what you end up with.
I found out that I deal nearly twice the carnage that I take in! Awesome! The weapon that I score most kills with is the DMR, and my FISTS!
You mean, how can we do science with Reach? The idea here is to understand how much of a difference playing with regular teammates makes on your overall performance. There's a lot of conventional wisdom about this (answer: it helps), but very little unambiguous quantitative information. In what contexts does it help? How *much* does it help? Etc. The great thing about Reach is that Bungie has made a lot of the game data available through bungie.net, so we can look at what you tell us in the web survey and then look at what you did in the game to try to build mathematical models about how the two relate. One of the critical pieces of doing this well is to help us understand who your regular teammates are -- that information is not available from Bungie, so we need you to tell us directly so we know how to interpret your game history data correctly. (We can also use this data to ask other interesting questions, for instance, do men and women play Reach differently? Do old and young players play differently? Etc.)
Haloscientist, I signed up for and partook of this survey, but when I tried to sign back in the site wouldn't accept my password, and when I tried to send a recovery password to my email address, it wouldn't work (blank email). Is there any way to fix this? I'd like to still have access to the account I created to find out the eventual details of the survey.
Ah ha. Thanks. I'll have my web dev look into it. (It may be a few days, though, as my web dev is on vacation this week.) As far as I can tell, the rest of the site is working properly. Ah ha. Thanks. I'll have my web dev look into it. (It may be a few days, though, as my web dev is on vacation this week.) As far as I can tell, the rest of the site is working properly. ----- For new readers, in case you missed the first post in this thread, the discussion is about the bona fide scientific study I'm running using Halo: Reach. https://www.cs.colorado.edu/haloreach/ The goal is to understand and measure the effects of team dynamics in Reach, and we need your help to do it.
I'm unable to complete the friends survey. I've done the demographics and team dynamics sections and they're showing up fine, but the friends section just doesn't load when I click "resume survey", I get a timeout error. I tried refreshing my game data to see if it helped, but it didn't. My commendation progress isn't showing up either, not sure if that's related. My gamertag is iGotUrPegasi if you want to look at my account specifically.
This sounds more like a psychological experiment of how people function in conjunction with others to preform a common task. I'm glad you're shooting for a large sample size because for this kind of experiment to yield any significant results you need to overcome a lot of extraneous variables. Preferential styles of players, how serious the player takes the game. The majority of Reach players play for themselves with only loose connection of teamwork as it fits in the framework of the game. MLG players, or players who really only play with a close nit group of friends to maximize their chance of winning are few and far between. Though that sort of information is all data which aids in such studies. Basically, I wish to luck and I hope this study nets purposeful data as I love reading these kind of game related research studies.
Okay, thanks for the heads up. It does take a while for the backend to download your entire game history. With 4000 games, if there's no one else ahead of you in the queue, it would take 15-20 minutes. So, if you wait an hour or so and it's still giving you the timeout error, it's something else. Regardless, I'll have my web dev look into it (when he's back from vacation, this weekend). [br][/br]Edited by merge: In testing, the load time for your version of that page (which lists about 7000 people you've ever played competitive games with) is about 30 seconds, so that could be triggering a timeout if your browser is set a certain way. If you can force it to wait longer, it should load / render just fine. (We tested it on Safari, Chrome and Firefox.)