A near perfect remake The landing from the lift Able to jump snipe across level, in other remakes this isnt possible because its too high.
Okay... WAY too many guardian remakes. I feel that I see one every day now. It seems the center is too... squared. In Guardian in Halo 3, the center was more of a circular shape. Also, the aesthetics aren't as pleasing as they were on the original Guardian. Of course, we don't get all the fancy tools Bungie had, but we can make the best of what we have and get that map to look almost exactly to what it was with always something to improve on. It isn't the worst remake I've seen, but not quite the best, either.
agreeing with the guy above seems like lockout and guardian remakes are spammed. Also if your going to make a remake make it at least 95% accurate. Armour abilities aren't on the actual map, the center is circular, etc. For a first time map tho this isnt bad.
The fact that Guardian remakes are spammed is irrelevant to this thread, this thread is about assasanatorjr's remake. In terms of your accuracy, there are a couple of things that could be fixed. Ramps that need rotating, adjustment of heights and depths, and some minor aesthetics. However, given that a very accurate remake of Guardian is near impossible due to the original map having a completely different environment, I'd say your layout is fairly accurate. Weapons appear to be in the correct places too. Continue to work on this remake and be sure to continually do a side by side comparison to get as close as you can to the original, to the best of your ability. Your getting there, keep up the good work. SSRC
lol no. This remake is ok, but it def. needs some work. Everything is too square and not rounded enough. Where there should be a wall, there is nothing. I could go on, but I won't.
Nice remake, but you might wanna add teleporter receivers around the circle(central field) to give a better feel of Guardian. Also, remove the active camo, cause if you want a good remake, you want people to feel like it's exactly like the previous map from halo 3.
i disagree. remakes dont have to be exactly the same. i think the way you design this map makes it look clean. it looks alot more smoother than other remakes iive seeen which commonly has a problem of frame issues.
Yeah. I'd keep off of guardian if I were you. Try to remake something that's unique. Maybe maps from other types of games for a change? It looks ok but many things are off on this. The center, the color effects, try to keep it default or something. Plus this has to be one of the easiest remakes out there and I'm a little tired of seeing this. Good luck on future projects though
I understand what you're saying when you say this doesn't have to be an exact remake. You can give it your own feel to the map. Hell, you can make it a human-based map if you had the tools, just as long as it has the same gameplay as the older version. Look what Bungie did with Ivory Tower! They turned it into a very aesthetic map from truthfully a somewhat-boring map, but that's beside my point. My point is that I feel it doesn't feel like the original guardian. It doesn't have to look like it unless you want an exact remake, but it should feel like it.
I agree, it needs to feel like guardian ... and I'm afraid this map doesn't have the feel of a Guardian remake. The centre looks too squared, and other details aren't true to the original. Good luck with your remake though ...
Your last shot where someone is sniping while jumping has an odd ramp up. The area where sniper rests, and leading out of that area, the ramp up should be about one or two notches higher. The way you have it the ramp up is steep, and it makes it an awkward transition.
Its true. There are too many guardian remakes and I'm sorry but none of them are up to scratch. Remakes will always be compared to the original and will never live up to it. Especially Guardian. If you put all this effort into something original and within the capabilities of forge, you could end up with something great! Good try, but people need to stop this now.
A solid map to remake, I did start a remake ages ago but gave in as there were so many good remakes of guardian made. The ways around look simmilar , but some of the areas shape and size look wrong. It is a good idea to remake using pieces correctly and not having to force shapes. It is difficult as if you remade more accurate wither round parts you would probably have framerate issues, which this map doesn't have at moment. I still feel there is still a lot of room for improvement I feel but a good
The map is forged really well and don't get me wrong I love the map guardian but there has been to many remakes in the past week or two. I also agree with trivial prodogy, it does need to be rounded more. The layout is good and it is definantly a good map for close quarters.