No there was this marine on Long Night of Solace that wouldn't access the pelican. One of the players pushed him off into the ventilation shaft, and the marine began to walk in really strange patterns. Eventually the marine stopped in front a white door that contained a code and the letters GRD. No one knows what's behind the door or the significance of the code and maps "Long Night of Solace" and "Countdown".
That's pretty ****ing wierd man. I'm going to have to check that out. Is there any place I can see it? Like youtube or something?
Eightball: Some user on bnet said they'd post a video of the marine sometime today. I think it's in one of the two bnet threats in the post.
The helmet is a 343i exclusice as of right now, i'd say when 343 is fully in control, they'll release it (i.e August 2nd) So, what i say to you is redownload the DLC because one of them has 200 more MB then it did before
I bet its some vidmaster/achievement type tie in with CE anniversary or halo 4, 3 or 4 difficult tasks than its unlocked. it wouldn't surprise me. maybe the switch that places those 4 banshees on the package will mean something, who knows? awfully similar to those 4 ghosts at the end of h3. Also, we don't know that the big ugly eye doesn't make use of the visor, maybe its that color cause he's wearing gold visor? look at the gungnir helmet, could be something similar to that.
Sick looking helmet! Hope there's more of them.. but i doubt. Probably gonna be 343's version of halo 3's recon helmet.
No. Bungie's favorite number is 7, if you pay attention, you'll see it's everywhere, not only in credit jackpots and challenges.
Just because its their favorite doesn't mean they weren't trying to throw a clue at you... 7 holes, 777 jackpot....
List of "seven" references in the Halo series - Halopedia, the Halo encyclopedia I'm pretty sure its just their favorite.
I dont know about you guys, but personally, Im not willing to go through a bunch of bullshit like jumping through holes in a certain combination or doing a lot of sleuthing around the internet just for a helmet. If its given to us, along with a few other armour customisations, then that would be a much better method of getting something new out there. Besides, its pretty much impossible to add anything new, in terms of armour anyway. Its been said on threads on this site before that people would have to re-download every single map, including the on-disc maps, if there was to be any kind of additions, because the armour itself is part of the map code or something. So who wants to download 4 to 5GB of data just for a few fancy pieces of armour? No one, thats who. And if theres anyone out there who's willing to rape their bandwidth for that, you deserve to be kicked in the face by a Clydesdale.
Don't know if this has been mentioned, but the lower doorway entrance near the Rocket Hog on Unearthed has a sign with small letters that say GRD.
I think the helmet is pretty cool. Ijust hope that if they add it to reach they dont make you pay a rediculous price for it.
It is an EOD helmet with a monocal. Hm. BTW: Has anyone else noticed that as you advance the Operator helmet it becomes more like the JFO, and as you advance the JFO it becomes more like the Operator?