Habeas Corpus

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Der Flatulator6, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. Shurshacker

    Shurshacker Forerunner

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    Der! I didn't know you posted this here. What did you end up doing with the cool GL/RL rooms? The **** grew on me big time. Very unique and fun to use. If I remember, you removed the mancannons for a better shot with the CC. Gonna put 'em back?

    I played this during initial testing and it's a blast for neutral objective gametypes. It breaks away from the standard 3-way egress for bases, but IMO doesn't suffer a bit. The push/pull that happens in the center neutral hard point is badass.
  2. Der Flatulator6

    Der Flatulator6 Forerunner
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    All I did was move the rockets out of the air and on to a shelf (shown in the vid), and removed (duped)

    the GL and put them on the floor, because peeps were saying to move them, and it makes more sense to have 2 GLs on this map. Man cannons are still there and functioning better than ever before.
    And thanks for the complements :D
  3. Shurshacker

    Shurshacker Forerunner

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    I see. Sorry. I didn't watch the new vid. You're welcome. No RL?! I dunno, man. The locations were well balanced. Each team had a good shot at either. I'll have to roll it with the double GLs. Two pro tubes could be cool.

    Anyway, good to see it here.
  4. Der Flatulator6

    Der Flatulator6 Forerunner
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    I whipped up this image to help with determining weapon spawns and the map in general, added to OP. Don't kill me for my speed over time approach D:

    Shows the GL and RL spawns for you :)

    I might upload my 'inspiration' sketches that I drew whist in a lecture... See where the idea emerged from.
  5. Crysis Hero

    Crysis Hero Forerunner

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    Never expected to see Shakespeare pop up on ForgeHub.
  6. Der Flatulator6

    Der Flatulator6 Forerunner
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    Nor did I, but it fits! I wanted to go with the whole Capulet vs Montague idea, I think it may work if I can pull off the 14th century feel...

    Shotgun Benvolio!
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Since I know you're looking to get this into MM, I might offer some possible insight on the map and what some critical thinking people may say about it.

    Personally, when I look at this map, it looks like a better designed version of Affinity. Now while that's a compliment, it's also my main cause for concern. The layout may be too similar to Affinity's to be considered for MM. You have a + shaped map with an obstruction in the center, and side pathways connecting each end. You also have a fighting space below the + (although your fighting space down there is used much more frequently and efficiently than Affinity's).

    While your map obviously has some unique and awesome aspects to it (which I think actually solves some of the design issues I have with Affinity), it still remains too similar to Affinity. It would be quite redundant to have two maps with a similar layout scheme in MM. Unless Affinity is removed from MM in place of this, I don't see it happening... unfortunately. =(

    That being said, I'm a big fan of the map! I recommend a DL to anyone on the fence!
    #27 Draw the Line, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2011
  8. Der Flatulator6

    Der Flatulator6 Forerunner
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    I personally don't see too much of a connection between gameplay of Affinity and Habeas Corpus. When you say its a + with a center obstruction, its not really, It acts more like an =. I do see the links, but this map offers completely different gameplay, which is what they should be after. Affinity is also a larger map. Just my opinion, but I've played many games on both maps, and apart from the sandbox, they play much differently...
  9. TehxWalrii

    TehxWalrii Forerunner

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    Habeas Corpus

    Habeas Corpus caters to the much more Slayer oriented game, and plays fairly well objective. KotH played much better than expected, and Stockpile was simply O.K. The lifts added much enjoyment to the map and a bit of hilarity. The map gets slightly repetitive after several games but KotH is extremely fun, save the limited number of hills. The center needs a line of sight breakdown such as a column, as grenade spam is quite heavy. So, other than the randomized inconveniences, Habeas played quite well.

    The center was quite a heavily populated point, as there were more ways in than out, not to mention the feeling of being trapped by enemies and nowhere left to run. Weapon placement was actually not so good. DMRs were a rare sight whilst other, less wanted/used weapons were much more common.

    However the pros much outweigh the cons in enjoying the fun to be had on this map and it definitely provides another map in the arsenal of a competitive custom games host. The main weak points on the map are capitalized by the lack of correct weapons for the situation, long range fighting is almost non-existent seemingly due to the lack of weapons suited to this. Anyways, the map plays very nicely and all in all, it is very enjoyable. Providing hours of excellent gameplay on several game types, heavily favoring King of the Hill.

    Habeas, being symmetrical, has only a few balance issues, one being the massive amount of power weapons (eg: Two Grenade Launchers, two Sniper Rifles, and one Rocket Launcher), and another being the ease of getting said power weapons; eg: Adding to the ease of getting power weapons, you spawn facing a Sniper Rifle, making the first logical step in the game to race your teammates for it and from there on continue to sniping your enemy. More DMRs, for example, would help balance the insane amount of power weapons. The last issue was the spawns, spawning, for the most part, near your base was a pain, mostly in KotH. Using the lifts on KotH, gets directly from one hill to the next, therefore creating a bit of balance issues in only the aspect.

    There seemed to be too few hills on KotH, two, not three as one would expect the minimum to be, five would add to the levels of enjoyment, although it might be too crowded. Again, DMRs are still hard to find and however many are on the map, most are quite rare, putting them in the place of the Grenade Launchers would be a great help in aiding players in their endeavor at long-range firefights.

    The pros in this only just outweigh the shortcomings in this category, and the reason is again simply the availability of weapons to deal with any problems that arise. One problem that is enlarged by this is the amount of power weapons, six, on a four vs. four map, that takes up most of the weapons on the map.

    Cover was well placed and used to much effect in the game modes Habeas Corpus was made for, aiding in solving any balance issues caused by weapons, although, cover around the more valuable power weapons is never a good thing, letting people take not as much risk for a fairly high reward. This all evens out into being a well balanced map, save the many power weapons.

    Habeas Corpus, being completely enclosed, is inescapable. It is very fast paced in all game modes, especially KotH. The kill barriers were perfectly placed so that only if players attempted to camp in the conduit for the lifts would they get the ten second warning, and also, the map is not very repetitive with many tactics to use to force the enemy into submission.

    On the opposite side, spawns were awful. Players would occasionally spawn in the midst of their enemies, dying almost instantaneously. When looking through the center of the map, players would experience a small bit of framerate lag, this is easily fixed however. A simple column would suffice to cut down the amount of pieces shown at any given time.

    Aesthetics in a competitive map are essentially the “Wow” factor. The map’s dish center is a nice touch, though the rest of the map is quite plain, rather lackluster. The weapon holders for DMRs are nice, though they take you away form the battle to receive the weapon. Consider adding more pieces that catch the eye.

    Anything to add to the looks of the map would help this score exponentially, and also increase the replay value at the same time. Just adding a nice looking frame for health packs helps extraordinarily, considering how little aesthetics are actually apparent.

    Habeas’s concept has been done many times and is in no way completely new. An enclosed 4v4 slayer/objective map, possibly the most common type of map. Anything to add to the difference of this creation to others would make this stand out in the competitive scene, raising its popularity and replay value.

    On another hand, however, there are a few new things brought to the plate. The circular center is actually rarer than one might think. Also the curved walls near the bases, not to mention the DMR holders were quite nice.

    Rating Multipliers

    Enjoyment: 7 x 3.0 = 21 out of 30
    Balance: 6 x 3.0 = 18 out of 30
    Durability: 4 x 1.5 = 6 out of 15
    Aesthetic : 5 x 1.5 = 7.5 out of 15
    Originality: 3 x 1.0 = 3 out of 10

    Final Score:

    Understanding the Review Hub's Ratings
  10. Der Flatulator6

    Der Flatulator6 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow, thank you for this review, it certainly helps me in solving some 'issues' I hadn't come across.

    I will take the given review under my belt, and put some more work into the map to hopefully increase the score.

    I am actually surprised that this map played well with KoTH, and to be perfectly honest, I only really added the labels to make it function for KoTH, and never tested it. I will certainly add more hills, and maybe even block the lifts for the the gametype.
    I am also surprised that Flag or Bomb weren't the dominant gametypes, as they were the gametypes in which the map was designed upon.

    Whilst I may disagree with some minor points relating balance, I do agree about weapons. The Power weapon to Long Range weapon ratio is definitely too high. I am planning on removing the Grenade Launchers, adding several DMRs (Near where the Grenade Launchers were, and at base).

    It has been suggested before, and I opposed it, but after further reconsideration, I will be adding a column to defer some grenade spam and attention, whilst decreasing lines of sights, thus aiding performance.
    As for spawns, I have had this complaint before, and being perfectly honest here, I don't actually know how to fix them. If anyone has had experience with spawns, send me a message (Bungie.net or XBL please).

    Now this is where I would have to disagree. Yes the map is 'simple', but complexity does not equate to aesthetic value. Also, I optimized the map heavily after reported frame rate issues (hence removed some aesthetics). That being said, It probably wouldn't hurt to add some minor details here and there.

    Not much I can comment on here. I thought it was quite a new design when I put it to paper, but everyone knows that what you plan is often not what is executed.

    Summing Up
    Thank you for the review. I will use the feedback to make some changes to the map.
    Do you offer 'Re-reviews'?

    --Der Flatulator6
  11. TehxWalrii

    TehxWalrii Forerunner

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    Enjoyment: It was so very fun on KotH and CtF played nicely too, I never got a game of bomb but I really enjoyed it.

    Balance: Thanks for thinking about adding more DMR in place of the grenade launchers.

    Durability: The column helps so much with line of sight, and spawning help is always a problem in new maps/older ones, its probably the most complicated thing to do.

    Aesthetics: This is where I was a little harsh, I never actually saw many aesthetics, so I decided on giving something that couldn't be completely complained about, a 5/10. I understand performance/aesthetic ratio, and performance was much more common, a good thing in many ways. Aesthetics really must have been hard to add due to so long lines of sight.

    Originality: Its not very important, a good map beats an original and bad map any day of the week to me.

    Summing Up: I would believe so if you updated the map and asked nicely.

    Thanks for the feedback, if you wish to let the leaders know, you can make a post in this thread.
    #31 TehxWalrii, Aug 4, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2011
  12. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
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    Great map. Played it a bunch of times and this guy is dedicated to getting it perfect. Flow and balance are sweet, as is objective placement.

    Looking forward to playing it next blueprint test night already.

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