I have created an article on known spawn bugs and posted a link to it at the way point hoping that 343i will take note of them and hopefully tell us if they intend to fix them. If anyone has a known bug that you would like to include in the list, let me know how to reproduce it and if I can I will add it.
That is a very well written article youve got thar. I'm sure that 343 will take a look at it. If they act upon it, I can't guess. I think they should concentrate more so on fixing broken gametypes (Juggernaught) and bringing back VIP than patching up spawn bugs for stockpile. Off topic: The map in the article image totally ripped off my floor layout for all my maps.
ripped off...? [br][/br]Edited by merge: I tend to agree. Stevo was the only person to ever pile up the weak zones and that is how he found that bug. But the fact is he broke the strong zone, and that wasn't a small issue. Oh, speaking of Stevo, I have to add another one to the list that he found for me... EDIT: Updated with a bug Stevo brought to my attention, that anti zones do combine outside of a strong zone, contradicting Bungie documentation.
Leave it to stevo to use so many respawn zones he broke the game. The LOS glitch is probably just because the value for a strong respawn zone isn't high enough to overcome the LOS influence, and honestly no one should ever spawn with a sniper over their head. I've heard that with enough dead teammates and enough live enemies it is still possible to overcome a strong respawn zone, but I'll leave it to stevo to push the limits of respawn zones.
I agree with you on the LOS thing. I doubt it's really even a glitch in the conventional sense (unlike the other described issues here) - it's just that Bungie assigned the highest possible negative influence to being in a weapon LOS and the positive influence of a strong zone is outweighed by it. That's only a problem if you don't put more than 1 or 2 respawn points in all combined strong zones for a particular team, otherwise it will never come into play.
Stevo broke the respawn zone functionality. What he concluded is a description of a broken zone, not how the zone actually works. So when you hear claims like enough negatives can overpower the Respawn Zone, show me the film clip and the map. If it is true, then I will help you understand why - and it will come down to a bug is exposed. If it is a new bug, then I will certainly add it to my list for 343i to examine. that is what I did with his map and I learned that he exposed a bug. Nothing more. The zone does not work the way he says. He simply broke it by exposing a bug. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I updated the article with two additional bugs/documentation errors dealing with Invasion and Invasion Slayer.