Americas Pre-Order Chart The most pre-ordered games in the Americas ranked by unit sales. This is as of July 23, 2011. OUTDATED LIST (07/16/11): Spoiler All credits go to the nice people at for keeping track of this. -- I was pretty excited when I saw some of my favorites up there, including Battlefield, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed, and Rage. Not bad. And damn, I knew Gears was popular but over one million preorders?! Wow. Too bad I'm not getting it.
The sales for both consoles, according to VGChartz (which isn't exactly too reliable but is the only source we have), is actually fairly close, only a couple million apart with Xbox leading. However, for some reason, Xbox owners just seem to buy more games. I think it's because a lot of people originally bought the PS3 because it was a cheap Bluray player, so they just use it for that.
That seems likely very true. I recently got a free PS3 through a deal and havent bought any games for it yet. Im likely only going to use it to play Blu-rays, but I know Im going to buy the God of War 1+2 & 3 games eventually. Those games rock the ****.
God of War is too little of a game, and too much of a movie for my liking. I'd say, go for Uncharted and Killzone. Those are both pretty decent series'.
I'm seriously surprised to see Gears 3 topping Modern Warfare 3 in pre orders. Can't wait for Gears 3.
11 of the 20 were Xbox. And yeah. As said above, Gears 3 topping MW3 is a big surprise. But then again, Gears 3 was opened for preorder much earlier as well.
Plus, if anyone paid attention to preorders in years past, CoD games have an abnormally large spike in preorders just a few weeks before they release.
Top 3 are all that matters and Xbox won the Gold Silver and Bronze! Aww it's an american only list I was wondering why NFL was so high.(not in a bad way)
Yeh, they are a little too heavy on the FMVs, but I still like them. I loved 1 and 2, but havent played 3 yet. I may eventually get some other PS3 exclusives eventually, but only ones that pique my interest. At the moment, only GoW has done that. Ive played Killzone a while ago, and to be honest, its pretty run of the mill, so that would probably only be a hire for me. Uncharted, I've head good things about, but it still hasn't managed to get on my radar yet. Anyway, to be back on topic, I recently found out that Arkham City has some pretty decent collectors edition swag up for pre-order. Much better than the usual crap you see dev's adding to their games to make them "collectibles", so expect to see it on the rise in those charts.
That's the only reason I posted this. Just kidding, but for real, out of my five preorders, Skyrim is still the only one I'm constantly checking for new information about. First things first when I play that game, kill a dragon.
I think you have to take into account that since Xbox Live is a paid service people regularly pay it to get the most value from it. My friend has a PS3, but he hardly ever plays it. The online service is free, but when I compare multiplayer experiences on both consoles the difference is clear. The Beta helped boost pre-orders immensely. I wouldn't consider time before launch as big of a factor in pre-orders as much as people getting a taste of the game. Also advertisements. Gears 3 is being advertised a lot more than it's counterparts. Also, you should note that BF3 is scheduled to be released two weeks before MW3 yet has just over half of MW3's pre-orders. Then again, you should also take into account the number of PC users who probably prefer BF3 on PC rather than another console. Owning a piece of technology should not be a source of pride. If it is, it's a shallow person indeed that wears their head high and noses turned up. I can not stress to anyone how terrible in scope the Killzone games are. Especially the third. It can not even be an argument of opinion. I've started in vein several times to play through the third's co-op campaign. I nearly plucked my eyes out to relieve them from the monotony of the game's aesthetic. It's so gray as to make someone think that the designer was colorblind, for how else would someone so generously paint a bleak and ugly landscape. The story is generic, the guns lacking, and the controls wholly remarkable for how drunk they make you feel. Uncharted is a great series, but I wouldn't bother with multiplayer unless you play games on rare occasion. You're better off using those Killzone discs as coasters and doing yourself a favor and getting Uncharted. The game does require your attention though since playing it between games means you have to get re-accustomed to the controls. Oh, **** IGN.
Lol, thats quite a bit of information to absorb. I agree with you about the colour aesthetic of Killzone, which is why it was a bit average for me to play through. I finished the first a long time ago, but thankfully, it wasn't mine, so I didn't waste my money on it. I think I've played the second fleetingly in a games retailer shop, and have only glimpsed the third, and it doesn't really interest me. Uncharted, on the other hand, has quite a following so it must be a halfway decent game at least, but I haven't read anything about it. I will eventually start researching it, but not sure if Ill get around to playing it. The only reason I want the GoW series (which I ordered yesterday, btw) is because I just like the way they play. Sure, there are a lot of QTEs and the cutscenes can be a bit too many, but it doesnt stop it from being an enjoyable game for me. Ive finished the first two, and want to see how it gets resolved. And IGN. Yeh, I know its a bit shithouse, but Ive been going there for about 10 years, and couldn't be bothered trying to find somewhere else. They've been a bit slow to load on my PC lately, but not sure if its the site or my PC. Still, theres mostly reliable information on there, even though the editors and journalists are a bunch of douches. Apart from the Aussie blokes, that is.
Never understood why people dislike IGN so much. A lot of people complain about their journalists but I think it's better for them to have some personality. Most gaming media websites have pretty bland journalists and writers imo. Killzone is a decent enough game. I can see why Rusty wouldn't like it because their campaigns really are just terribly boring. Multiplayer is the saving grace due to some unique game modes and interesting (though unoriginal) classes. I've only played GoW3, and I loved it. I don't remember being bothered by too many cut scenes and the QTEs never lasted too long, IIRC. Uncharted 2 (never played the first) is a masterpiece of gaming, in my eyes. It wasn't the most popular GOTY in 2009 for no reason. They blend a fun story, interesting characters, and possibly the best graphic design of any game this generation. The combat and climbing mechanic work well together and this game is the king of set piece moments. The multiplayer is alright, co-op can be fun, but the campaign is one of the best I've ever played. So that's my two cents.
Want to know why I hate IGN? The first 30 seconds of this video explains it. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - E3 2011: IGN Live Commentary‏ - YouTube First off, Naomi Kyle is so.. I don't know what it is, but I don't like it. She just seems so fake. I don't know how to describe it. So I was like, "Okay, she's only opening the video, so I'll just wait till she's off screen. " THEN, "D: Oh God, I hate Greg Miller." And let me tell you, I despise this man. I didn't have to see much before I realized that I actually hated him. And I don't hate many people. Maybe it's the way, I don't know, how he is SITTING INFORMALLY IN THE PRESENCE OF TODD ****ING HOWARD. That's the main thing. And I don't like his way of saying and doing things. You know when you look at someone and decide, "Wow, I don't like you." That's him. As for why I don't like IGN as a whole, Greg Miller is the Executive Editor of IGN. Nuff said. And then you see these articles.. you can tell that these guys are actually excited and can't wait for the game. They are kind of funny too, and you can see that these guys aren't bland at all. But IGN, just yuck. Awesome Article Example One Awesome Article Example Two That's my two cents.
Naomi Kyle is just the same as Jessica Chobot; they're just eye candy that are told to "like videogames" so nerds think they have a shot with them. I bet neither of them have actually played anything for more than 30 minutes, apart from Angry Birds or Cut the Rope or some other ****. Greg Miller is just a douche because he is. He cant help it, much like Gaga, he was born that way. Most of the other journo's on IGN I can handle, but I absolutely despise Michael Thomsen. He is the worst journalist I have ever had the displeasure of reading. His articles are a load of faff, disguised behind large, complicated words that make him sound smart to the average person, but if you peel back the layers, you'll actually see that his work is a convoluted mess of contradictions and arrogance, hidden behind a thinly veiled disdain for everything that isnt himself. Seriously, all his articles are way too long, could have been said in less than half of what he craps on about, and it seems like he doesnt even like games, so why bother? $$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!! The other guys do decent jobs at articles most of the time, but, Im not being biased here, it seems like the Aussies are the only ones that try to come up with articles that are unique, entertaining, informative and well-written, and about 90% of the rest of the people who read IGN agree with me. Sorry, [/rant].
Spoiler I'll agree with you on the Naomi Kyle thing, not because I think she's fake but mainly because she was incredibly awkward during all the E3 interviews I watched her in. As for Greg, I kind of have to laugh. He's my favorite editor at IGN. He's very funny on podcasts and, more importantly, he gets incredibly excited about games. Almost everywhere else I look in the gaming media I see pessimism and disappointment in a lot of games from people; I tend to hear much more negative things about games than positive things. Greg doesn't love every game, but he gets so fired up about the ones he does love it's hard for me not to feel the same way. To the Todd Howard point, he isn't some kind of god. He's simply one man behind an entire team that makes these games. Also, Greg, being the executive editor at IGN, meets and becomes friends with many people in game development. It's possible that he is friends with many of the people he is interviewing, so he is more informal. I can't speak on Kyle's behalf, but Chobot is a legitimate gamer. They've had round table discussions about games and giving second opinions on games that have already been reviewed. I can't remember which games she gave her opinion on, but they only do these second opinion things on high profile hardcore games. And, finally, I'd just like to say that I don't really read IGN for the thought provoking or controversial articles. I read IGN because they have what I believe to be a slick layout that presents all the information I want effectively. The second best I would say is Kotaku, but they report on too much random and general information that I tend to enjoy IGN more. Buuuuuuut I think we might have derailed this thread. Can't believe this got started just from a little offhand comment, lol. Feel free to respond, but I think we should try to shift it back to talking about preorders. This is actually very surprising to me. That article right there says that Battlefield 3's preorders are not matching Modern Warfare 3's preorders, but they are matching the preorders that Black Ops got. The analyst is predicting that since the preorders are the same as what Black Ops' were, BF will sell upwards of 11 million copies by years end.
I updated the list, not that it matters too much, because nothing really changed. What I found strange is that AC:R for PS3 was knocked off the list by a game I have never heard of before, Catherine. I mean, I don't own a PS3, but that doesn't mean I haven't heard of Uncharted and other popular PS3 exclusive titles. Probably because its only a week off from release and preorders tend to spike when the release date comes closer, but I didn't imagine a title like that hitting the top 20. That is actually extremely surprising. I haven't really followed preorder statistics before, but I'm particularly excited for this gaming season, and this list makes my day every week. Anyways, Battlefield is doing a bit better than I originally expected, but its going to be sick. Still haven't decided what class I'm going to play as a favorite. Recon's mad fun, but frankly, I'm not spectacular at it. Thinking I might go with Assault because they have the medic abilities now, which basically combines my two favorite classes from BF:BC2. Actually I just decided.