Nah, you have to go Blast Burn all the way, like the hipster you are, Eightball. /Hipstercat Anyway, I will support this map and nom it regardless of the name, the name does not make the map.
If it was called Onslaught, I would not support it. Regardless. A name is, in my opinion, one of the aesthetic contributions. It doesn't really matter, but it adds.
How is Blast Burn hipster? Isn't that from the newer games? Am I really that old that that move is considered hipster for Pokemon games?
Ever since Elysium I never saw many maps by you, partially due to me never being on anymore, partially to you not forging as much. Get me in a game if ya can, I'm really liking how its turning out. Keep up the good work, EightBall.
Well, it's not that I haven't been forging as much it's just that instead of taking 15 mins on a map layout, I'm taking 15 days on one. Basically, I'm not rushing to post a map with bad gameplay. Focusing more on gameplay has allowed my maps to be noted on a higher level than just aesthetic appeal. With Mirage, yes Mirage, I have blended great gameplay with some of my best aesthetics. This is a map I'm hoping will truly shine as MAYBE my best map yet. Note: I have decided to name the map Mirage, as is flows from the tounge and I really like it. There was too much controversy over the whole map name, so I decided my vote counts as 20 and went with Mirage. If anyone has a good enough reason why I shouldn't name the map Mirage, I'd love to hear it.