Gym Class CTF

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Loscocco, Jul 20, 2011.

  1. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    For those people that had a childhood worth reminiscing about, you might remember playing a variant of Capture the Flag during physical education class; if not, you should have transferred schools to somewhere cool as a kid. :)

    If you have no clue what I am talking about, then this entire gametype will bring back no memories. Basically, the game is set up by splitting a soccer field, basketball court, or any other plot of land in half and placing multiple flags and one jail cell on each side.

    To win, get as many flags on your half of the court as possible; sounds simple, right? WRONG. The second that anyone steps foot over the dividing line in the middle of the map onto the enemy side is prone to tagging; this brings up the only "honor rule" of the game:

    A player cannot attack the enemy team if that player is on the enemy's side of the map; only attack enemy players that run into your side of the map by crossing over the giant line in the center of the map. (Yes... honor rules suck, but there is no way around this one :/ )

    When you get tagged (slashed twice by a sword), you will be sent to the jail cell (die and spawn in a cell) on the enemy's side of the map. To get out of jail, another teammate must rush over and free everyone by pressing the button (trip mine) located on the front and back of the cell.


    Just hit the trip mine, it won't hurt you and it will teleport everyone back to your side of the map. Also, it has a 5 second timer on it so getting killed immediately after pressing it will send you with a free walk back to home; so be a hero and press that button!

    So here is an overview of the map when it lacks a ceiling:


    Each team gets 3 flags to begin with: make sure to pick them up and drop them on your side or else they will remain neutral flags. You can place the flags anywhere on your side of the map.


    Each player gets a sword and can choose between Sprint and Evade. Note that each player can use their armor ability while carrying a flag!


    ...and don't try to attack people with the flag. You do no damage with it so drop it!


    Now, here is a video of the gameplay for 1 round:

    ‪Flag Fury Gameplay (Halo Reach Gym Class CTF)‬‏ - YouTube

    And some pictures:

    Enemies giving the evil death stare over the line

    Breaking the defense while the enemy is distracted

    Letting people free

    Get owned

    NoU get owned



    Home free!

    This is going to be hard...

    Final Tips:

    -You'd think that putting all of the flags in one corner would make it easy... It doesn't when multiple people show up. It is easier to spread the flags around and have all of the enemies scrambling around your map because it gives your teammates better opportunities to sneak up on them/surround them.

    -Don't spend the entire game sitting at the middle line; you get nothing accomplished. Take risks, try to distract the enemy, look for holes in their defense and take a chance.

    -Don't let too many teammates pile up in the jail cell; you are useless without your team and if everyone gets stuck in there, you lose and have to sit there for the rest of the round while the enemy makes fun of you from the outside (they generally do).

    -Evade gives faster bursts of speed, but is incredibly useless when objects like walls and other players get in the way. The team works well when there is a mix of sprint and evade users.

    -Try setting up traps with your flags (ex: putting them in locations that look easy to grab and set up an ambush around it)

    -Running and jumping around like a crazy fool makes you incredibly hard to hit.

    -Try to grab enemy flags before the stockpile collects them. Even if you die, you prevent them from getting an extra point.

    -You CAN sprint/evade while carrying a flag

    -You do no damage with the flag so don't try to defend with it.
    #1 Loscocco, Jul 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2011
  2. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    I must say after watching the video this looks like a blast. Everything looks smooth, especially the get out of jail function. I'd like to see this in Action Sack, great mini game. Nicely done.

  3. Lorenzo2691

    Lorenzo2691 Forerunner

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    I remember those days in P.E. back in grade school when the coaches told us we would not be playing basketball or running sprints; instead, we would play a new and far more fun game...Capture the Frisbee! (We were a poor school in the middle of nowhere so we used what we had on hand)
    Overall, I like how you took a delightful childhood favorite and made it fun again by adding violence. At face-value, I give it 8/10 stars.
  4. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    You only played with two teams? We've always played with 4 teams of 7; and each team had 4 different coloured flags, so to win you neaded 4 of one colour. My school must have been even cooler than yours..

    Anyway, I'm glad that I can play this again with friends, even though there are less people; if only there were no honour rules.
  5. Robert Jonez

    Robert Jonez Forerunner
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    I played capture the frisbee in gym too!

    Anyways, the map looks like lot's of fun. I like how you incorporated the jail part of the map, instead of you just dying. My concern is people just camping by the flag. But I bet that's a small issue. Well done!

    ELYKNORPAC Forerunner

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    Looks pretty sick! I like how you made the flags out of shield doors and and 1 ways good job!
  7. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I know. I had this idea since the release of Reach and I actually finished it around last November. From the very beginning, I was trying to think of a way to stop the honor rule, but the only way to fix it is to somehow have an update to Stockpile where people can have specific traits inside their capture hill or in the enemy hill. Lame... :/
    #7 Loscocco, Jul 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2011

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