I'm going to go watch netflix. I vote you all watch netflix too, that way we can be together in spirit.
Netflix was awesome when I first got it. Then I watched all six blockbuster titles that it has, and now I'm stuck with either T.V. shows, or really shitty almost-indie-but-without-the-added-benefit-of-at-least-being-interesting-B movies.
I'm only on the first season with one episode left and I'm absolutely hooked. The last episode I watched was the one where Walt shaves his head and confronts Tuco, so I'm in ****ing love with this show. Also, I'm really pissed off because I could have sworn I had two of the discs come in the mail today, but I was wrong. Looks like it's just the Daily Show and Colbert Report now
The third episode with the guy in the basement is was where I got hooked. It was one of the most well acted pieces I've ever seen. S2's equivalent is just as good, if not better. And the show never lets up, nary a bad episode. S4's premiere was incredible.
There are a few diamonds in the rough, but you're right, most of them really just aren't very good. I wish it was cost effective for Netflix to just increase the subscription price and add every single movie to instant play. I'd be willing to pay significantly more if that was the case. [br][/br]Edited by merge: That was probably when I got hooked as well, mainly because they were able to make me feel exactly the same as Walt: genuinely disappointed when he constructed the plate. But the sixth episode is just, imo, one of the greatest episodes of any show I've ever witnessed. It was one of those perfect moments, when Walt takes the crystal and just throws it to the ground. Along with the same scene playing at the beginning of the episode and the allegorical explanation of the pseudo-meth crystal and its chemical reaction, I just can't stop thinking about it.
That movie is a true embarrassment. It crosses the line between being hilariously bad and just flat out unenjoyable. Sarge, that's what everyone has told me, so I'm really excited. The only complaint I've heard from someone is that they find walt so be not as likable in the more recent episodes.
"Adam Sandler is a guy, and he, uh, falls in love with a girl, but it turns out that she's a golden retriever."
Oh, are we pitching movies? So Dolph Lundgren is this scientist, stay with me here, who can smell crime before it happens. He goes between sniffing out crime and full penetration sex scenes with his girlfriend, and the twist is that his head is actually a giant nose!