Just thought i'd show you all this cool staircase. it took a lot of pieces but there is no frame lag discuss
the outer wall is the back side of a railing large and used like 50 of them on the steps and wall. maybe i'll make a 1v1 map with it
you spend about 5000$... on a staircase... Don't get me wrong, its pretty, but 5000!? People make whole maps with that much!
Looks cool but that's alot of money and that money could make 2 stairs 2,500 on each side if you are going to make a 1v1 make
I did read that, but I thought that you misunderstood him because it really doesn't look like railings. This looked very time consuming to do.
I've done just stairs made from columns in a map before. It did. Having to move every piece the correct height down, then the right angle inwards, then having to move it so its aligned properly just like the previous pieces. Its a *****, and I only did it with twenty or so pieces, this guy did it with fifty!!1!1 0.O
it goes up and makes 90 degree turn. every step is angled at 5. that would be 18 pieces for the steps and 18 for the wall. so its only actually 36 pieces. 36x$50=$1800 plus $20 for the two circular incline. just wanted to clear that up. i based my first piece count off of looking at the screenshot. went into forge last night and got the accurate counts.
So basically to make the stairs like that you just set the degree to 5 and use 18 pieces for it to reach its 90 degree's? It looked a lot more difficult then it sounds. I might give something like this a shot. Thanks!
yea correct. they don't line up so you gotta nudge to get it to look right. i just started a 1v1 2v2 map last night thats gonna have one in each base.
Do you mind if I try something similar in a map I'm working on? I was planning on just usuing a ramp, but a circular staircase would look great in it.
This looks really cool. I'm a fan of using stairs in my maps- well, not anymore, but are these stairs smooth to walk on? They don't make your screen bounce do they? That's the worst kind of stairs, IMO.