Well i am trying to add something in the Middle (Using them Brace Large thing) and from the looks of it i'll bet they won't work but i am trying everything to get a "Good" middle but yes it Might be a bit Cramped but this would be great for alot of Battles like Slayer, BTB, Infection, Stockpile, etc. Anyways i'll update the map in Pictures once im done.
If you honestly call this map Pentagon, I'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight, knowing that there is no hope for geometry any more.
You still have hope for geometry? Oh my god you made it a tunnel I may just go smash my halo disc now knowing everyone will be playing this map forever.
You make me lols, Rorak. There never was any hope for geometry. From the new screenie you have up it looks like you've overlapped a lot of Brace, Larges. This will probably have a lot of z-fighting in it, but I suppose Ill wait until you've got it finished before I make assumptions. It looks like its getting more interesting, but I think it still looks a little open. Be sure to add cover around the outside pathways if you're going to leave the middle ground so open, because it would be a snipers paradise, otherwise.
You are Correct there is just cause there was Nothing to big and i dont want a wall of Dark Gray but hopefully it wont affect the game.
Assuming those dots indicate starting spawns for each team, I don't see why you've placed them for every team since there's no way this could support 8 players, let alone 8 players on different teams. lol I just wanted to emphasize that last part because it failed so much.
It can support 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2 anyways i have added some Cover and stuff and is nearly Ready for Posting just need to add in Gametypes and finish the spawns and make a Custom Gametype for it and add Weapons kk
22 Dollars! Wait... /reference Anyway, put lots of cover and some smaller other levels, and I can see this as a Foundation Re-imagination! 8-Flag, anyone? Other than those im not sure what I can offer at this stage.
Well you should see the updated version its just about post worthy anyways 8 flag that sound something like Speed flag so Speed Flag is going to be in there then
One thing I just thought of, be sure to make the platforms and things different colours, probably where the different teams spawns are located, so the players can differentiate where they are. There seems to be a way to see outwards at the rest of Forgeworld so this would help with location acuity, but little visual references like coloured walkways help people to orientate where they are. Also, just a tip, dont use lights on such an open map, it will lag it up something chronic. Also, before you post it to the Cutom Content forum, I'd probably swing it by the Testers Guild first. They're a bunch of awesome dudes who will take time out of their day to test your map thoroughly and will let you know if there is anything that it needs or doesnt need. I'd hate for your map to get buried by the piles of other maps, so the better it is, the more of a chance it has of staying in the first few pages. If you do, just make sure you follow the correct posting template or they will get cranky.
I just looked at the images in your recent screenshots and it actually looks like a map now. There's a ton of stuff wrong with it, but at least it's playable now. Edit: V lock? V