Sea-Sick Sword base (Not really) Where do I begin? One nice evening, I was playing my game of choice: Halo Reach. On Reach, I played Sword base and got an idea: What if all the walls were slanted 15 degrees in one direction.Also, to remove that blasted yellow lift. Actually, the back story is a bit different and the resemblance to Sword base is purely coincidental. The name Sea-Sick Sword base came from a friend who couldn't stand the whole altered perspective of the map and claiming that " it made him sea sick", hence the name Sea-Sick Sword base. However, that name is not permanent. But I can't spoil the whole thing (not that there's much more), here is a preview of my map. A nice overview on one-half I might say. The other half seems to have a nice natural feel. One of many ways to get around the map.
Wow this is actually pretty sweet, I love the concept of this, very original. To be honest I thought this was going to be some half asssed attempt of remaking sword base in forgeworld but you proved me wrong
Huh, I can tell it makes me sea sick. Slanted walls make it look like it is about to timber good looking map though career. Oh, actually, I just noticed the use of the inclines right by the rock wall and it looks neat I like that part.
You really ought to go all out with this concept and tilt all of the flooring as well. Very cool looking though.
This seems pretty interesting. That first picture is the most trippy to me. From what I see, the design looks similar to Sword Base but with your spin on it.
I thought about it, but then it would just be a tilted map. I wanted to preserve the tilted feel. But I see where your coming from.
Railings are great things. They allow people to fight and walk at the same time which can be really important. They also make camo people jump to get off which makes them temporarily visible. The second reason is definitely more important than the first even though you probably never thought of it. I think the way you angled the walls actually out-swordbases swordbase
This map blows... Haha just kidding you ugly donkey. This map is awesome. Even though I've only had 2 games on it, I really want to play it again. The aesthetics are outstanding and the feel of sword base if definitely there.
First of all you are a liar! I remember you saying about a month ago that if you did not have a name for this map within three days you would keep the name sea sick swordbase. So, there is no need for a name change. Anyways, I played a few games on this and it was a blast. I know you said that you were planning on remaking this entire map, did you end up remaking it or is this the same one? Can't wait for you to finish this map, hurry your ass up!
Its really a great looking reimagination of sorts, I love the way you did the actual lobby itself its very neat and complements your style well. This should be quite a fun map to play on even if im not used to playing on inclined style maps like this. Should definately get a game on this sometime once your satisfied for the most part im liking it so far.