Hello people of Forge Hub, I am here to show you my Map of Pentagon which will need Ideas for middle and stuff just for Suggestions and other stuff anyways here is the first picture Older Screenshots Spoiler ↓ Older Preview ↓ ↓ Old preview ↓ ↓ New Preview ↓ New Screenshots ↓ Not that all interesting anyways it will need a Better name and also give me Ideas for that map and i'll add it in (Maybe) so post ! (Update 1 : I have completely changed "Pentagon" instead of levels i'll add Colours into the map for Callouts and level everything.) (Update 2: It is nearly ready to be posted and just for you Guys Post on what should the Custom Gametype be)
Don't you mean 21 peices anyways i am open to suggestions that is why it is a bit empty but i'll update it with a Complete Pentagon.
I see 17 at most. 2x Railing, Medium 4x Block, 2x2 5x Bridge, XLarge 2x Bridge, Small 2x Bridge, Large 2x Corner, 2x2
You know you play too much Halo when you can identify Forge pieces from an image, at a reasonable distance... Besides, from the image I can only see; 5 x Bridge, XL 4 x 2x2 Block, Flat 2 x Railing, Medium 2 x Corner, 2x2 2 x Bridge, Ramp, Small Thats fifteen, son. OT, this seems fairly early to post a preview for a map. I probably would have waited til I had something more substantial, but if I were short of idea I would have possibly drawn up a quick concept of what I wanted in the map and posted it here, asking people if they could try and elaborate on what I was going for. Sorry, Im not trying to troll, just seems a little premature, is all.
You were actually right in your estimation, apparently, but you got the pieces wrong. Anyway, lets not turn this into a Forge-pissing contest, we should stay OT.
Still needs more before we can give any definitive answers. Thats a very basic structure to give ideas from, but I would suggest adding some kind of building (of your own design) in the center to break up LoS, otherwise it will be too open and not much fun to run around on. Try multiple levels too, they always make gameplay more interesting.
don't worr i am adding Multiple levels into play and might just make my own Center but problem that this map is trying to be Z-Fighting free and the Center has to have Fighting so i am Stuck.
You've misinterpreted the term "Z-fighting". Z-fighting refers to when two surfaces overlap perfectly. When this happens, the game doesn't know which surface is in front and which is behind. The two surfaces "fight" over which gets displayed. The result is that random patches of both surfaces are shown, and they flicker and flash whenever the camera moves. (The letter "Z" represents depth, you see.) So you can have fighting in the center without having Z-fighting, because the two have nothing to do with each other. Z-fighting is just a graphical glitch. Feel free to build a centerpiece. Also, you named your map "Pentagon" but it is octagonal.
I also noticed that, but forgot to mention it in my last post. Maybe its metaphorical, as in the center of the map is for defense? Perhaps not.
I'd also like to point out that I'm not too big of a fan on how this project was started. Basically, you've got the furthest path on the outside done and are now working your way in. The problem here is that your going to end up limiting yourself on space since you don't actually have a set plan for the middle. But maybe that's just me.
LOL I am now inspired to create a "Z" shaped map and call it "Z fighting". I will ensure that every piece will have z fighting and it will be the laggest map in all of forge hub! Anyway, back on topic. As others have said, you have so little to go on here it's difficult to give advice at this point. I do like the start you have made but without something more in the middle this map could go anywhere. Post back more when you have more to critique.
Why is it an octagon? Was that name just already taken by a thousand shitty remakes? I now see 40 objects. o/ I think the z in z fighting refers to the fact that it was almost exclusively on the top of interlocked objects in Halo 3.
This would be good for multi-team. Make it assymetrical in the middle (might not work though) but with some paths partially underwater, and some paths that break off to your death in the water, with some open areas up above that provide trick jumping to move between the levels of them map. I cant really give you a name until its finished.
Z-buffer, not Z-axis. When rendering to a screen, X and Y are pixels and Z is the depth (where the "fighting" takes place). Also, This. OP, I suspect that you will run out of space in the middle, and the center will become quite cramped. It doesn't look like you've left yourself with a lot of room to work with.