So the fact that, tho not recommended, 16 people can spawn on my map is not going to disqualify me then?
They're simply saying they will not test anything with more than 16 people from what I understand of the reasons behind it.
[SIZE=+2] - - - NOTE TO ALL COMPETITORS - - - [/SIZE] Maps will be played with 8 players MAX, simply because it will be too much hassle to judge the maps with larger partys, as from experience in the TG, any larger than 4v4 is too much hassle to keep a large party together and play full games, with the majority of players being too childish to want to sit around for long enough to actually get a sensible game complete. This has not been done to exclude the larger maps, it has been done for convenience and too make the lives of the judges much easier, as we will hopefully have lots of maps to get through. We will not exclude any map that supports more than 8 players, it's just that the majority of the maps submitted will probably be smaller than the average 6v6/8v8 map due to the restrictions placed on the budget. Thank You, and Good Luck
I doubt it. The map Im making has eight initial spawns per team, but this is more to promote variety where you first spawn. Although, if one were so inclined, you could play an 8v8 game on my map, but its not recommended as it isnt designed for sixteen people and would be extremely cramped with that amount of players. I also have only eight neutral initial spawns, for obvious reasons, so FFA games are limited to eight players. I was going to make the map multi-team compatible too, but thought again due to the point raised in the above paragraph.
Yeah we did remember. Epic 4 game streak or whatev in doubles. Back on topic: I will make sure my map does get finished.
Thanks for this! It answered my question. BTW I appreciate you guy's hard work in putting on this contest for the community. It gave me a kick in the paints to go ahead and post a map on here finally lol.
Well **** this. I'll finish my map anyways and it'll probably end up under 5000 for performance reasons, but I won't be submitting. BTW last time I had a Big Team map in the testers guild it was tested within 24 hours, and I know at the rate people can make Big Team maps under 5000 there won't be many to test.
Hey man, if it's done and it meets the criteria, why not enter it? No use letting a good map go to waste my friend
Sorry Pyro, it's just a matter of practicality. Judging sessions will likely be held by a consistent party of 8, with the group splitting up to test smaller maps simultaneously. I think "Jurassic Park" is a 6v6/8v8 Invasion, so what we could do is pick a different day to judge the larger maps; It's just difficult to keep a party that large together and playing seriously. Hopefully we can keep everyone happy this way.
Will have my submission up soon, just need to mess with some spawns and after that all should be ready to go! also I have seen my map works quite well with 8 players. It was unexpected, but nice.
Is it possible to post my friends map? He has been recently been banned and really wants to submit a map.
Seeing as we featured a banned guy's map, I think they'll let you post it for him. The deadline is over a month away so he should be unbanned by then.
If the ban was not permanent, I think as long as he is sorry for wahtever got him banned, and if he is un-banned before the deadline for submissions, he should post it himself, the order maps are submitted will of course not affect the judging process.
Clearly no one loves me... :'( Nah, Psychoduck has volunteered to test my map, but he's busy, apparently, so Im playing F:NV- Old World Blues at the moment until I hear something back. I also have another idea for a map that I want to make but it will have to wait til 1) I've finished this DLC, 2) I finish all the God of War games (when I eventually get them), and 3) probably after this contest has finished. Unless it becomes particularly pertinent.
I wonder if I could convince an admin to give the first place winner a custom title along the lines of "Slasher of Budgets" or "$5000 Forge Winner"
That'd be a nice little accouterments for your profile to award a first placer. "Slasher of Budgets" sounds a little better than "$5000 Forge Winner" though, more dynamic and interesting.