I came across this today while Forging on Forge World, and I don't know how to fix it. I have a teleporter, both the receiver node and sender node are on channel charlie. However, when I run through the sender node, nothing happens. The teleporters have no obstructions blocking their way, everything matches, and for the life of me I can't figure out what is wrong. Any advice would be much appreciated, thank you. SSRC
Just off of the top of my head there's a couple of possibilities. The roof above the receiver may be too low, or you may have accidentally set one of them to not allow player teleportation. If all else fails, delete both and replace them.
This. I have a two-way teleporter on one of my maps that works fine for Spartans, but an Elite can only go one way because they're too tall to fit back through, as there is a teleporter frame around the first entry node.
Last I checked, you only need 0.7 world units of space to be able to stand on a Respawn Point or Teleporter Node... But the game won't spawn/warp you there unless there is 1 full world unit of space above it (extra 0.3wu).