Welcome to Crescendo. Reciever View Crescendo is a BTB map that focuses on reimagining the sort of gameplay that Avalanche (Halo 3) encouraged. Vehicle combat around an indoors contre with two bases beside each other. It isn't a remake of Avalanche but it is built to seem similar to it. Mid Room Splazer Platform The above room takes more inspiration from Avalanche. The area below didn't seem deadly enough so i added all the killballs! The platform holds the spartan laser. There is another central path that is blocked in CTF and Assault due to the reason that it leads to the rear of each base. It also holds a Concussion Rifle. Base to Base Path The two bases are the mirrored. They have a high up ledges on the outside and close quarters interiors. Red Base Do you like teh rocket hogz?! Weapons/ Vehicles list Sniper Rifle x2- 160 second respawn, 1 extra mag Spartan Laser- 180 second respawn Rocket Launcher x2- 170 second respawn, 1 extra mag Shotgun x2- 140 second respawn, no extra mags Needle Rifle x2- 55 second respawn, 2 extra mags DMR x4- 45 second respawn, 2 extra mags Plasma Grenade x8- 15 second respawn RocketHog x2- 140 second respawn Standard Warthog x2- 110 second respawn Banshee- 170 second respawn ENJOY!!!
I was hoping to have this tested if I could get enough people together, but I wasn't able to. Looking at the map, however, it looked unbalanced and underdeveloped. The bases are not an equal distance away from the center, and with nothing there to stall people on foot, there seems to be no reason to ever use the outside path in a CTF game. While I like the idea of a re-imagined Sidewinder, I think you could do better.
The teleporters in the bases lead to the banshee and as for crossing each side of the map, the paths in the middle negate the lack of infantry fairness. That an the rockets an splazer. I appreciate that you tried to get a lobby though.
I mean to say that the path through the middle makes moving between bases too easy, even on foot. This wouldn't be terrible, but one side still has an advantage on the other, so even that aspect doesn't work fairly, that's all.
no offence but i can't see how one base has a greater advantage over the other. I have made this map as even as i can.
Time yourself from one base spawn to the center of the map, or to certain power weapons. It takes longer for one side than it does the other. Maybe you've changed things since I checked this out in Forge, but it's worth pointing out.
Ok. thanks i will do that. Can you try to get it tested whenever you can though if it isn't much bother? I really think that there are a lot of things that i am missing.