Sorry, I couldn't give the time to make a .gif, but you can see that the water is flowing downward. Is that common when next to glass?
Yeah, I assume that if you wanted to have it "perfect" you'd have to replace the glass with water so that the flow turns into a source block and then replace the glass. It's because glass blocks behave similarly to air. I could be very wrong though. I thought you were making something like a lake, river or what have you. I have never seen a underwater glass house that didn't have the "flow" around the glass though so I'm definitely unsure. Try swimming on the other side to see if there's a current that pushes you down.
It does. right below the glass is a pool where I can swim under and up the other side to the surface. The current attempts to drag me down as I swim upward. I suppose the pool may have something to do with this matter.
I just noticed the thread title is now "Minecraft Thread" instead of "The Minecraft Discussion Thread" bastards, changing my title. >:[
So, did we ever set up an SMP server for Forgehub? This is the first time I've caught a glimpse of this thread and I don't necessarily feel like sifting through 305 pages to find out.
Chips sorry to disappoint you, but the default side texture for water is the flowing one. To make it still, you would have to replace the flowing water texture with the still one. I do not recommend it, as that would mean no flowing animation whatsoever for water. Hope that cleared things up, Taco
Doubt it would happen. Water and lava both have moving bits on the sides. Only places they can have still is on top when specific criteria are met for lava and for water if it has no where to flow to, and on the bottom. In fact the bottom of the source blocks will be still no matter what.
Registered at GoO, but after attempting to log in with there address, it says I was disconnected due to the server being outdated. Any solution to this?
I'd just be patient, GoO should be upgrading to 1.7 very soon. Miningbros in the meantime i'd say. Just don't get too used to regenerating health and no mobs
Anyone have a good idea for a name for my minecraft lets play? I want it to kinda be eye catching or witty.