This is a very interesting and aesthetic map. It seems to have good cover and good weapons. Yep. It's feature-worthy. I'm glad he got it. This is a very good map.
I actually just downloaded this today and played it with a buddy of mine. It's really good. I love the man-cannon that shoots you through the whole map. Great job Kuroda!
Ohhh yeeaaaaa this oneeeee. I got in a playtest for like 2 games. First game I was using only melee and grenades. Fun stuff. lol Pretty neat map, fun to run around, always vulnerable, a lot of moving and flanking. Has my DL.
congrates my good friend. I really enjoyed playing several game on here. I believe i was murdered by the "Kuroda Style" GL everytime, but i still loved it. I shall now add this to my HDD
One day I'm going to play a 1v1 against him without one of those atrocities on the map... Congrats Kuroda! This is very well deserved and I'm glad that my one contribution to this map has stayed. Sniper fights from that back lift platform up onto the bridge are always epic!
1st we need to do one between Kuroda and I. Kuroda will have a pistol, I will have Rockets, and we will play a map with one respawn point in a corner from my direct POV at a level above said respawn point. Cmon Kuroda, I challenge you to this epic match! Oh and congratz... and other stuff... <3
Haha. We dominated every time we played this map. I'm pretty sure we never lost a 2v2. Congrats again Brorak. I'll get out of here now.
I saw this coming from a mile away. I've only played this once, but that was enough to tell the brilliance that this map is. The layout reminds me of maps like Ivory tower/Reflection. Congrats!
Well I originally downloaded this when it was a Favorite and all I could think when I started playing on it was 'Yes.' Not 'I'm not feeling that piece there' or 'this is ok', just 'Yes.' And if anyone were to ask me whether they should download it, you already know what my answer would be.
Me levitating... This might be kind of a nit-picky complaint for an otherwise amazing map......but, there is a bit of a problem where the one-way shield door lift can hold you to the ceiling of one of the hallways (as demonstrated by the picture, sorry I couldn't render a video for it). I doesn't seem intended, and it could be very easily fixed. Dunno, figured I should point it out just in case.
i think it need something to make it stand out maybe like rocks or trees other than that it looks great
I played it with my friend and it was awesome. I like how you added trick jumps on the map, it really helps with the game play. I like the gravity lifts too, it really works.