"This once-great Christian monastery has been lost to the ages. However, some objects of certain interest remain." This is Monastery, a small, level map intended for short and small skirmishes. And level, in that context, is used to the utmost degree. The map is completely flat as far as elevation goes. While the lack of vertical variation may seem flat (in the other context of the word), play-testing has shown it to be anything but. There is always something going on, which is to be expected of a map of its size, but unlike other cartographs it does not fall into the pit of a simple lack of space. A combination of corners and cover allow for safe spawning without impairing the ability to locate and pursue foes. Action on the map has proven to be fast-paced and wild. While the most fun has unanimously been had in free-for-all, team games still provide a hearty experience. Weapon placement, though designed with free-for-alls in mind, is balanced enough for team games as not to provide one team with a significant edge. The fluid transitions between open-air fighting and close-quarters combat makes weapons of both ends of the spectrum desirable. But words cannot show a picture, and as such here are the images: This is the area outside of the main monastery complex. Blue team spawns at the entrance of the tunnel with easy access to a Focus Rifle and Needle Rifle. To the north (left of the camera) is the entrance to the chapel, a crucial area of the map. This shot shows the chapel, the sort of centerpiece of the map. Most of the time, the Blue team gets here first, but both teams will have equal time to reach the valuable Grenade Launcher hidden behind the podium. To the left is the western path which then leads to an eatery. To the right is the eastern path which then branches into the northern path and the living quarters. Here is the western path. In this shot the doorways leading out of the chapel and into the rest of the map are seen. To the right is the eatery which allows for a quick route to the outside of the monastery complex. Inside of the eatery is a shotgun that both teams will have to do some fighting over. At the end of this path is the Red team's spawn and a Sniper Rifle. A small part of the library is visible in the left corner, behind the chapel building. This eastern path contains less attractive filler then the parallel western path, but still plays an important role in gameplay. In addition to being a handy flanking route to the Red spawn and the library, it also branches into a living area that has health, grenades, and a DMR under one roof. This northern path goes behind the chapel and is conjoins the eastern and western paths. While it is generally Red territory, combat here gets intense when teams flanking through the eastern path meet and fight. Two rocks provide cover for those who make it all the way, and also hide a special DMR. The building on the right is the library, which houses most Red objectives and also a Plasma Repeater. Overall, the games played on Monastery are unlike most. There is no high ground, and thus combat is spaced out to the various checkpoints of the map. This creates a special gameplay experience for the tactically minded. Unfortunately, jet-pack users will be in for a disappointment. Kill boundaries prevent any camping atop the map's buildings. However, any other players are bound to have fun here. Just be prepared for a 'flat' experience!
Well the special part about this map is the lack of vertical areas. I wanted to see if tactical gameplay in a Halo style would be possible without much vertical differentiation.
This is a great map because it can be used for so many gametypes, get 5 friends and play some assasins or FFA and you´ll have a great time guaranteed