The Divide Created by: Rorak Kuroda Recommended Gametypes: Throwdown, RK 2v2 Supported Players: 4 Rorak Kuroda’s Divide, a 2v2 Throwdown tournament submission, is a map that I myself have seen in many iterations. From the original, ugly bridge and lifts that were sketchy at best, to the pretty bridge and working lifts, the map has gone through… changes. Yeah, changes. Most of which were good (he even took the time to fine tune every weapon to perfection) but there were a few questionable. For example, the Evade that a group of people, myself included, used to score perfections was unfortunately removed. I didn’t care that you could fly to any side of the map on a whim, but apparently Kuroda cared more about gameplay than fun. Even though it was not a finalist, this map was a very close runner-up for the Throwdown. Speaking of gameplay, the snipers on this map are very fun to use. There are the obvious lines to fire down, like across the staple bridge, but then there are the amazing ones; standing at the back of the epicannon and jumping lets you fire the perpendicular path to the fore-mentioned bridge, and stuns your opponents. But of course nothing compares to the DMR duals that were to be had, and the routes taken simply to live even a moment longer. Or the epicannon that launches you out of the hologram spawn, over the bridge, and into the Plasma Pistol spawn, aka the OP’s location (Because the PP is OP, get it?) Sorry about that, I got carried away. Where was I… Oh yeah; this map is great, fun, and well refined. Play it with a friend! Download The Divide You can view the original map thread by the author here. Want to see a map featured? Let us know here.
It was only a matter of time. This is a great map and it's good to see it get featured. Congratulations, Kuroda.
Rorak, I dont remember how we met exactly but I know it had something to do with this map. I don't know how many 1v1's / 2v2's we played on this but I know I whored the sniper more than anyone. Screw you eightball and Rho
Congrats! Hopefully, someday, you and Uno can finally beat me and Brett in a 2v2 match. I doubt it'll ever happen, but we'll see.
I think Reflex Ion is saying that RK voted Not My Style on his own map, and he also voted it so that he would not be the only one to have voted that. It may be an inside joke.
You're probably right. OT: I voted good, because I've seen similarly designed maps before. Though Rorak did better using this design, I would rather have had a more original map made by him. It was fun, but it gave me the "I've played this before" feeling. Because of this, I did not feel that it was the amazing map that everyone else thinks of it as. There were also a few more feature-worthy maps during this time, IMO. I wasn't too impressed with The Divide.
So, Kuroda, remember when this was co-forge with me? I sure would love some of the glory of this feature, you know... Anyway, this is definitely deserved. I have had a single bad game (gameplay wise, I have many, many bad games performance wise), this is definitely a keeper for any caliber of Halo player.
^-It's just you've never tried to do it. It's been like that even before I was a staff member... which was a damn long time ago. Also, Rorak, I remember playing a earlier verison of this map, I saw it as a possible great map, and I'm glad you took the time to tweak it to said perfection. I've yet to play the most recent, but I'm sure I'll see you on later and force you to play it with me. >
This is certainly a fun map to play on. Of course, both times I've played it, I've been completely destroyed by Rorak and Rho. That made it kinda hard to judge exactly how good the map is. Congrats Kuroda.