Ideal Logic Greetings forge community! I am Ideal Logic. And yes, it is also my XBoxLive gamertag as well. I take great pride behind that title, for it truely does represent who I am. You see, I've been praised for my creativity and forward thinking mind, but also have I been noticed for my rational thinking, and reasoning. So Ideal Logic just seemed to fit. And would it be now surprise to me that it showed as well in the Forge system introduced by Bungie. I have been refining, developing, and experimenting with my forging abilties over years since the realease of Halo 3 back in '07. now I've learned nearly all there is so far, so I'm ready to really get out there and get known. I've studied from some of the work of the greatest forgers out there. You might see similar styles here and there, but it's still my work. I've also started expanding to other areas like films & clips, screenshots, and gametypes. Some work I've created has already gotten popular, like my map and gametype Hog Pit and Hog Fight. Or my Lineup or Halo Reach screenshots. But I do have a small problem. You see, I have already gotten popular a few times, but I was only like that for a few days at the most. I have trouble staying out there and known. That's why I come to you. I need your help at keeping me out there. I also could use some help making some things like screenshots as well. And that's all I've got. So until next time, see ya!
Welcome to Forge Hub! Don't mind StonedEmu, he's new too, and doesn't know how we respect each other here. Enjoy your stay.
Well, welcome to Forgehub, first. Second, you have a couple of grammatical errors in your into. QUOTE: "That's why I com to you. I need you're help at keeping me out there. I also could use some help making some things like screenshots as well. And that's all I've got. So until next time, see ya!" Come and Your. You're = you are. Sorry, I'm usually pretty strict about grammar. If I happen to make mistakes, please correct me. Kthxbye.