I consider every single CoD game as casual, and Reach as well. Both are **** for competition because it was built with too much of an eye towards making it balanced and enjoyable for people who don't have the time to practice for hours a day. I am not using the term Hardcore. I do not care about Hardcore, I was saying "I want a legit, competitive game built for competition, instead of enjoyment." Which won't happen any time soon on the Kinect, because they have been all about family games and more importantly, fun. I don't want CoD, I want Quake or Counterstrike, or even something like Starcraft. Imagine playing starcraft on the Kinect!? Its just, chances are that it won't happen within a reasonable time-frame.
Your comment just seemed to come out of nowhere. The discussion of Kinect's casual nature so far had been about the Kinectimals kinda casual market, the casual vs. hardcore discussion, and what you said about families just seemed to bring your comment in line with that use of the term. I mean, based on what you're saying about competitive FPS games, of course it is going to be marketed towards the 'casual' market, since the true competitive FPS market doesn't really exist on consoles at all, as you rightly say. That's an issue with console as a wider platform, not Kinect. Don't get me wrong, I have little to no interest in Kinect either, right now at least, for roughly the same reasons as you stated. Just seems an odd gripe to take with it that it'll never match stuff like Quake or CS, when even controllers fail to do that as well in the vast majority of cases.
Besides there are "hardcore" gamers who aren't major league gaming pros. FPS's aren't the only competitive game.
Because I have a kinect because I don't own a Wii I want Kinect to move more towards competitive games (in particular fps) but I'm not getting my hopes up. But Kinect definitely has potential in any genre. lol Spoiler KINECT SEX GAME .wmv‏ - YouTube Don't worry i watched it it's only MA15+(same as reach.)
CHILD OF EDEN is a pretty awesome Kinect title. it is the only Kinect game that i've played that i felt was actually cool and not a stupid gimmick sports title. check it out if you have one. its the sequel to Rez and its super trippy graphics land and fun but challenging.
who cares if you look like a dumbass, overly self conscious? you're suppose to be having fun, not worrying about looks @Skisma I agree, a brand new hardcore FPS IP made just for Kinect seems like the only way to do a Kinect FPS the right way and not potentially ruin an existing franchise and upsetting their respective fans. GRAW is kind of risking it but there hasnt be a GRAW game for so long I dont think anybody would even care.
Let me start this off by saying that Kinect is a great peripheral. It's going to bring new experiences to the table that we haven't seen before. The problem is that developers have been facilitating the market way more than their own imaginations. That's why year in and year out, we see very little improvement to the way games are played. The biggest announcement at the Microsoft conference was kinect fun labs, without a doubt in my mind. It's the first real highlight I've seen of indie developers. That's where a lot of good ideas can come to fruition for the kinect. I don't think we will ever see an fps for the kinect as good as on the Xbox or PS3, hell even on the wii. Man fps's suck on that thing. They're slow and frustrating, probably more so on the Kinect. It's only input device is the person. So games should be simple to interact with, but has a vast possibility space. LEEDMEES for example. KINECT: Leedmees - E3 2011: XBLA Debut Trailer | OFFICIAL | HD‏ - YouTube First comments about the design. Right off the bat, the player should be immediately aware of what they are controlling and how to control it. I find that the art design they've gone with is non-intuitive and distracting to player goals, which makes it harder to grasp what's going on. The whole level takes place within a single frame, so no arbitrary sidestep to load more level. You play within the space presented, it fits perfectly. Now, you could make the game indirectly competitive. Where players compete to finish a level first or with more points. I don't see a viable way of making a game like that directly competitive. Nor should it. It'll be an awesome game, an underrated game. Now for everyone that is wanting an fps experience on the kinect. Quit being a dumbass. You're going to help ruin a great peripheral. Instead of demanding the same experience on a device that isn't meant to deliver those experiences, go play and play through them again. Demand something different on the Kinect rather than the same thing. Be the generation of gamer that values originality in games rather than the same concept factory stream lined every year. Or if don't like change, get a PC. I hear they've being doing competitive right way before xbox.
If it ain't broke don't fix it. A hand held controller is still the best tech for a console to play FPS games, only beaten by a computer's mouse and keyboard. You will never get the kind of fine control you need from a device like Kinect. And you have a headset already, so voice recognition should already be possible with out a $200 add on. Personally I think it's a bit creepy that Microsoft is selling a device that puts a camera and microphone right in people's living rooms that are hook directly into their network. I can see the brainstorming session now... "How can we best spy on our customers without upsetting them? OH I know, lets make up some games for the device so that it's kinda fun and people will actually PAY $200 for it AND install the device for us! Brilliant!" Conspiracies aside, most add on devices are lack luster or fail because the games are much riskier to develop for it. Why sink money into developing a good game that will only work for a few people out there who shelled out for the add on when you can sink the same money in to a game that will work for every person that just owns an Xbox alone? Still, incorporating the Kinect WITH the controller could be interesting and an enhancement to FPS, but I'm not very optimistic that it will be done well.
Last night I was thinking of Kinect and the design ideology that's behind it. Full Body. That's Kinect's strength. Utilizing full range of motion where other peripherals can't, so it's a bit of a design challenge, but after watching a documentary about creativity I started thinking a little more. A game doesn't necessarily have to be original out of the box, instead it'd be practical to emulate things that already work. I forget what show this is from, but I think it would be a great game for the Kinect. Also, some sort of physics sandbox could be some fun. People take building blocks and put them together. For instance a triangle, a board, and a ball. The player has to make a lever and jump on it to shoot the ball up.
That show was literally called "Hole in the Wall" Hole in the Wall (U.S. game show) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think kinect is just an over priced version of the wii. I did play it before and i think it is kind of retarted. My friend has a wii and it is way better than kinect.