
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Stevo, Jul 10, 2011.

  1. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ah... Take out the corridors between rocket pit and sniper plat and it's parapit basically.
  2. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    nope nope nope.. different weapons, different layout, different gameplay all together... :)
  3. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    OMG. He has Conc. Rifles in this one! Mmmaaaaaaajooooorrrr difference.

    Gameplay is only different cause of the ONE corridor difference.

    Layout is only different cause of the ONE corridor difference.

    You are losing this arguement.

    I am winning.

    #23 Erupt, Jul 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2011
  4. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No you fail. Parapit has no GL's, and it has Shotguns... The only major similarity is that it's inverse symmetrical from corner to corner. The views from all areas is completely different and the views from the actual bases are also completely different. The base design is similar though, I'll give you that.
  5. DjShiftD

    DjShiftD Forerunner

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    pretty good. looks alot like a map i havent posted yet. i did the same thing with the walkway pieces. good thing i didnt post it yet, this one is better than mine

    HMSGOVIER Forerunner

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    I played on this map like, years ago.


    Just kidding man great map and i really feel that the gameplay on it was well balanced. Congrats on that thing where the people vote (obviously doesnt matter that much though since i cant remember it) and i look forward to your future maps x
  7. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Nice map stevo... Like I said before, the forerunner architecture sets a new standard..

    May I feature this map in an article later?

    Edited by merge:

    That's because he uses way too many weak zones, which deals a heavy hand on the spawn engine's decision process, rather than allow the engine to decide by itself.

    If he just used one red and one blue team strong zone and cut the map in half, the spawning would be much better in a number of ways and he could have included one bomb and one flag as well.
    #27 MrGreenWithAGun, Jul 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2011
  8. Neil

    Neil Forerunner

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    I have to agree with zombie villain; great use of the large walkways. the map looks like it would play pretty smooth; everything seems to be nicely spaced out as not to be claustrophobic. I'll definitely give it a download and post back.
  9. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    just beautiful stevo, i love how simple your color pallet is, you made it very effective. The architecture is great and I cant wait to see what you come up with next.
  10. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks MrGreen :)
    and yes, you may.

    Also, the spawn system is very different in Diadem than Reflect. It uses dedicated respawn points and neutral respawn points (set symmetric and asymmetric) and 1 respawn area per area.

    Thank you. That's generally the style of map I create, plenty of breathing room :p

    Haha, thank you tom <3

    Please go tell Erupt grey is awesome :p
  11. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I ****ing love this map. Aethestics are nice, especially your use of walkway larges. Plays like a beast and is a nice balance between competitive to casual. Your weapon choice is phenomenal and I have nothing bad to say of this map.
  12. Neil

    Neil Forerunner

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    got to see the map in person the other day. Everything plays really smooth. The bases are nice and open so you can't really camp there. And I like how you put the shield doors to differentiate between bases. Also, very creative use of the tall towers. I had no idea what the piece was until I clicked on it, and I was like, ahhhhhh haha. Great job man.
  13. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    Summary of Gameplay

    Diadem is mid-size, perfectly symmetrical map built for competitive team play. There is not much to see in Diadem, its purpose is to simply provide an arena of death. The map is built for solid four-vs-four play but will play just as effectively with three against three. Two-vs-two leaves the space a little too open for enjoyment but the map can be used in such a case.

    Teams spawn on opposite sides of what is essentially a large rectangle, half on the blue side and half on the red side. Upon spawning, players will begin their power weapon hunt and Diadem offers a copious amount to choose from. The initial battle however will be over the single Rocket Launcher in the middle of the map. Each side gets its own Sniper Rifle, Grenade Launcher, and Concussion Rifle, not to mention generous amounts of DMR’s and Needle Rifles. Players can expect mid to long-range battle throughout the match. As the time it takes to get from base to base is only a few seconds, players should expect most of the action to occur within each team’s base and occasionally over the middle once the Rocket Launcher respawns.


    Core Enjoyment

    Diadem is the type of map where how fun it is derives from how skilled a player you are. There are no frills with this map. It is a very simple design crafted to constantly engage the player in battle. Huge lines of sight means players will always be in the line of fire of a DMR or Sniper Rifle. Players that value close quarters combat will have very few options with this map as will players that camp. If a player is not skilled with a precision weapon they will most likely not have a lot of fun on Diadem.

    The aesthetics do not get in the player’s way for the most part, bar a few notable exceptions which will be mentioned later, and the overall grey feeling of the map keeps players concentrated on the focus of the map, killing the other team.

    One design feature that might frustrate some players is the middle of the map where the Rocket Launcher spawns. In that area is a tunnel entrance that leads to the Grenade Launcher spawn for each respective base. Next to this tunnel entrance on the other side of the pillars that make up the middle portion of the map is a similar indentation that players in the heat of battle might mistake for the tunnel entrance. This area is a dead end and while possibly useful for cover, it can disorient a player from time to time.


    Gametype Enjoyment

    Team competitive play is what Diadem was built for. In this regard, team slayer shines above all the other gametypes tested for the map. The sense of movement and use of cover is exponentially higher in slayer due to all the cross-map sight lines.

    The aforementioned cross-map sight lines are also, unfortunately, what seriously diminish the enjoyment of Diadem for objective gametypes. Players can see where the other team’s flag is almost at all times and the paths to capture the flag or arm the bomb are just too predictable. All the power weapons also do not make for a very fun objective game experience.

    Games like Crazy King or Headhunter to prove to be more enjoyable when played in free-for-all mode then their team equivalent however some spawning issues arise. The main problem is that during objective games, movement around the map seems to revolve around the outside ring of the map, with players only darting through the center for the Rocket Launcher or to sneak up on the base by the Grenade Launcher spawn.

    Outside of team slayer, Diadem just proves to be a rather bland experience.




    Weapon/Vehicle Balance

    Diadem possesses one Rocket Launcher, two Sniper Rifles, two Grenade Launchers, and two Concussion Rifles. While the Rocket Launcher and Sniper Rifles would be considered the true power weapons for the map as they define how the match will play, the four other ones are still very powerful and in some maps are the sole power weapon. There are a total of ten other weapons on the map, mostly Designated Marksmen Rifles and Needle Rifles. This displays a slight discrepancy in the amount of power weapons to the normal weapons. A smart team that pays attention to weapon spawn times could easily dominate the game and there would not be much the other team could do about it.

    Although the amount of power weapons is a little higher then it should be, the weapon set actually is in balance. There is one Sniper Rifle per side so at least each base gets a chance to use one of the most effective weapons on the map. There is a Grenade Launcher and a Concussion Rifle per side as well. A Plasma Repeater and Plasma Rifle can function well in combination with a power weapon or with the mid to long-range capability of the DMR or Needle Rifle.

    The Sniper Rifle in the hands of a player that really knows how to use it can be the most dominant weapon in the map. Sight lines across the map and from base to base make the weapon a little too unfair at times and if it was not for the fact that the other team gets one it would be a serious problem.


    Design Balance

    The map is perfectly symmetrical so there is no location that one team can possess that the other team cannot also possess. The area of the map with the most traffic is easily the outside ring of the map. Players can see base-to-base from this ring and in objective gametypes this ring will see a lot more action as the objective will usually spawn in the opposite corners of the ring.

    Obviously high ground is favored over lower ground and this is no exception in Diadem. The Rocket Launcher spawn is the lowest part of the map and is part of the reason why players will rarely spend any time in this area. The highest points in the map are in the outside ring on each side of the base. From here a player with a sniper rifle can survey the other team’s side and pick off players in the middle between the pillars.

    One problem area is the Grenade Launcher spawn. It can easily turn into a grenade trap. There are lots of small parts of forge pieces that jut into this hallway and a player in the heat of battle can get disoriented and stuck. The length of the hallway and the proximity to where grenades spawn also makes this hallway a very dangerous location to get stuck in with low health.




    Physical Breaks

    Diadem is a completely enclosed map with no means of escape. All the small cubbyholes available due to the aesthetics of the map are all have soft kill zones so there are no unfair locations accessible through jetpack.



    There are plenty of spawn locations throughout the map and usually they work very effectively. Players will spawn in their base the majority of the time but if members of the other team are nearby they spawn either more toward the middle or more toward the other base where there is open space. Player also usually spawn near some bit of cover so they are offered some security from the long sight lines of the map.

    However, in free-for-all games and in some objective games players did end up spawning in the line of sight of other players from time-to-time.



    No noticeable lag was present during gameplay though the object density of some of the pieces used throughout the map are a little high which can cause the potential for framerate lag.



    Written by Caucasian Invasion​


    Diadem's unique theme consists of cleverly placed walkways and inclines, giving the map a forerunner look and feel. These uniquely built structures can be found in nearly every corridor of the map and gives Diadem its own sense of individuality and consistency. This map was built with a clean and sleek look in mind, but the insufficiency of aesthetical features left some players lost and disoriented.


    Key Aesthetics

    The map was built around the witty use of large walkways, but was destitute of main aesthetic highlights. Diadem was built for the average competitive player, while still maintaining somewhat of a sui generis look. Power weapon locations are not promoted by any aesthetical touches, as the weapons are just found lying on the ground. The only exception to this is the Concussion Rifle, which is in a special location, however the casual player might miss its location because it is raised up and in a little recess that matches those around it. The map is somewhat exclusive, but nothing on the map truly stands out.



    Diadem was forged nice and neatly and has a very little amount of flickering forge pieces. The floor is smooth and few things on the map stall player movement.



    Diadem is a very sterile and clean map. It was made for the sole purpose of competitive play and because of that it cannot be very original. As originality was not the concern of the map it is the kind of competitive play that will keep players wanting to come back to the map, nothing more.



    Rating Multipliers
    Enjoyment: 5 x 2.0 = 10 out of 20
    8 x 3.0 = 24 out of 30

    14 x 2.0 = 28 out of 30

    11 x 1.0 = 11 out of 20

    Final Score
    Understanding the Review Hub's Ratings
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    Try editing it into the Original Post
    #33 PacMonster1, Aug 28, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2011

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